HUMOR Digest - 23 Jan 1998 to 24 Jan 1998

Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 02:57:55 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Apt responses

As I was saying the other day, barbers and cabbies are able to converse on any subject. Fellow was waiting for a haircut and was anxious to finish reading an interesting article.

When his turn came, he took the magazine with him to the chair.

The barber said, "And how would you like your hair cut ?"

The customer replied, "In silence !"

Mrs JimJr and I were watching a figure skating show on TV and Dorothy Hamil was introduced. I commented on how young she still looked.

Mrs. JimJr said, "And why not ? She's been on ice almost all of her life."

Feeling in a festive mood while hosting a dinner, my neighbor Ray raised his glass to toast. "What would you like to drink to Jimmy ?" he asked.

I simply said, "To about three in the morning."

A Yuppette in Columbia held a dinner party. She warned one of the young unmarried women there to not waste her time on a certain gentleman, as he was a confirmed bachelor.

"Really ?" asked the woman on the prowl. "And exactly how long has he been celibating ?"

Friend of mine named Dan hates to lose at golf. He was in a foursome when his ball landed in a sand trap. Hidden from view, the rest of us could hear him as he hacked away at the ball.

When he finally drove it out, and rejoined us, I asked him how many strokes that was.

"Three." he replied.

"Oh come on !" said another member of the group. "I heard six."

"Three..." replied Dan "were echoes."

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