HUMOR Digest - 12 Feb 1998 to 13 Feb 1998

Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 03:14:27 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: A lil' too Honest

During the corporation's staff meeting of all Headquarters and field personnel, the CEO snapped to his secretary, "Miss Manfield how can I be expected to take notes ? Where is my gold pen ?"

"The last I saw it sir," the sect answered sweetly, "it was still on your night table."

"You seem to have a cracked vertebrae." the Emergency Room doctor told the high school aged boy. "What happened ?"

"Well, you see," the teenager replied, "I was kissing my girl good-night and damned if her brother didn't come out the back door and step right in the middle of my back."

A spokesfruit for the National Gay Rights Organization was asked to comment on the state of Maine's recent repeal of their Gay Rights Law. He said, "Well... there for a while, it looked like it could go either way."

The single man had just finished a great dinner. The perky lil' waitress came over with the check and said the usual, "Will there be anything else sir ?"

"I'd love to know when you get off." he replied. "And how."

The Texan, seated in the hotel cocktail lounge, beckoned the waitress back and said, "May I have a piece of ass ?"

"Lord !" She said astonished. "That's gotta be the most direct proposition I've ever had in my life. But why not ? Let's go on up to your room."

When they returned, she said, "And now sir, will there be anything else ?"

"Yeah, lil' Lady." the cowboy replied. "I still need ah piece of ass for mah drink."

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