HUMOR Digest - 25 Feb 1998 to 26 Feb 1998

Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 01:22:43 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Bad Luck

One of my neighbors claims to be the unluckiest guy on the planet. His wife gave him a really expensive watch for his birthday. It was shatterproof, breakproof, shockproof and waterproof. He lost it.

At first I thought this neighbor of mine was just paranoid about his bad luck until last summer.

His swimming pool burned down.

This gets worse too. Last week, his inflatable doll ran off with his airbag.

He says that when he goes to Ocean City here in Maryland and puts a seashell to his ear, all he gets is a busy signal.

Finally, if you don't believe him to be the unluckiest guy around, his wife divorced him on grounds of sterility.

Then this chick said he got her pregnant. She filed a paternity suit.

He lost both cases.

Some people say with their luck, when their ship finally did come in, it'd be in the midst of a dock strike.

I broke a mirror last year, and according to superstition that should mean 7 years bad luck.

I have a lawyer though who's so good, he got me off with only three years.

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