HUMOR Digest - 2 Nov 1998 to 3 Nov 1998

Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 04:22:02 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Money

There are lots of things in life more important than money.

Problem is... they all end-up costing ya money too.

It's better to give than to lend -- besides, most times it ends-up costing ya about the same anyway.

I never had a problem with the old adage "You can't take it with ya."

I don't have enuff to get me there anyway.

The next time a salesman tells ya that something costs roughly $1100...

ask him how much is it when he smoothes it out.

Personally, I'd gladly participate in any experiment which tests the effect of sudden wealth.

OK, so money can't buy happiness. But the way I see it, it'll take ya more places to look.

In the 50's banks used to put their pens on chains...

these days it's the bank Presidents who are chained in pens.

Speaking of banks (I was) they have two things I love -- money and holidays

In western Howard County folks still live in envy when theother guy's grass is greener.

In Columbia, they worry about whether the other guy's wallet is greener.

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