HUMOR Digest - 6 Nov 1998 to 7 Nov 1998

Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 03:02:48 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Columbia Maryland

Two Yuppettes were lunching when a non-member of the "in crowd" passed by.

One commented to the other: "I don't like her and judging from the things I've said about her, I'm sure I never will either."

Two aging Yuppies were "girl watching" at the Mall. As one beauty walked by with her college sweatshirt on, one gent nudged the other and said, "Ahhh, look at that, Vassar '83. That was an excellent year for women."

The lil' Yuppette decided to perform some community service and was visiting the elderly in the Howard County Hospital. She came upon one older lady who obviously needed cheering-up.

Smiling, the Yuppette said, "Well... you don't look as if you'll be with us much longer."

Recently there was a fire at one of the luxury hotels in Columbia Maryland. Property damage was slight, but a few couples were taken to Howard County General Hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation.

The hotel management refused to release the names of the couples stating, "We always try to be as discreet as possible about such matters."

Maryland is experimenting with "Traffic Circles" which are supposed to expedite flow and eliminate traffic signals. A Howard County Policemen is usually stationed to direct the traffic the first few days. After noticing a woman trapped in the inner-most lane, the officer stopped all the traffic and allowed her to cross to the outer-most lane, so she could exit.

He bowed gallantly when she thanked him and replied, "I should really liked to have seen more of you... but with all these people about..."

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