HUMOR Digest - 20 Jan 1999 to 21 Jan 1999

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 03:28:14 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Ontario, Canada

I'm not saying that the people are "slow" in Ontario, but it is very interesting that unlike US schools with grades from 1-12, Ontario's students attend for thirteen years.

Lots of famous stars were born in Canada. Although as yet unconfirmed, I understand that TV star Pamela Lee Anderson was once a life-long resident of Betchawanna Bay in Ontario before relocating to the US.

Legend has it that this region of Canada was named by the Iroquois Indians who inhabited the area before the French came. It is thought to mean "beautiful lake" and refers to Lake NoPissing, which sorta explains the Lake's beauty, thankfully, Golden Lake, an RV Camp, lies far to the East.

An Ontario event, the Royal Canadian Henley Regatta, the largest sculling event in North America is held daily.

For those not familiar with the event, teams of Canadian housewives row boatloads of dirty dishes from the hotels on the American side of the Falls and wash them in Canadian sculleries where the labor costs are much cheaper.

Ontario's motto "Ut Incepit Fidelis Sic Permanet" loosely translated means "And the Insipid Sick Fiddling Shall Go On and On Forever".

This of course is Ontario's way of reminding the US that the Acadians (aka "cajuns") from Nova Scotia & New Brunswick were refused settlement in Ontario & escorted to Louisiana.

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