HUMOR Digest - 24 Jan 1999 to 25 Jan 1999

Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 04:08:01 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: The Feminine Mystique

Some women are more avid football fans than most men. A friend of mine in Minnesota recently gave birth to her first born. I asked when the happy event took place.

She wrote back, "Right in the middle of the third quarter during the play-offs with Atlanta !"

The budding young Yuppette had been dating a successful stockbroker for several months. Just before Christmas she asked her Mother, "Whatever can you give a man for Christmas who has everything ?"

Her Mother smiled knowingly and replied, "Encouragement dear, encouragement."

The SouthWest Airline pilot was on maternity leave. Since she was two weeks past her due date, her supervisor called to see if everything was OK.

"Everything's fine Jack." the woman replied. "But if this lil' bird ain't down soon, the doc's gonna have to bring it in on instruments."

At the doctor's office, the Nurse was taking my blood pressure. She caused me some concern by rechecking it twice, then said, "Hmmmm. That's odd -- it's normal."

I replied I had taken my high blood pressure medicine less than an hour ago.

She said, "Thank goodness. I thought I was losing it. Normally when I take the men's BP readings they're always on the high side."

The Ontario coed was anxious to see her parents over the holidays. Access to their remote cabin near Caribou Lake was limited, so she was trying to talk a local bush pilot into flying her home.

"But there's no place to land." he protested. She told him of a clearing she had used last year. The pilot agreed.

Upon approaching the clearing, it looked too short, with a rise at the end. Going in on a wing and a prayer the lil' plane skidded along, hit the rise, then flipped over.

Once safely out of the plane, the girl smiled and said, "Yep. They had to land the same way last year too."

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