HUMOR Digest - 30 Jan 1999 to 31 Jan 1999

Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 04:56:45 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Moore on Ontario Canada

The weather in Ontario. Whew ! I mean let's be honest --
how many people from the US retire and move north ?

Let me assure y'all that there's no truth to the rumor that all Ontario women are ugly.

I found that most of them are perfect 10's: their faces are a 2... their bodies are a 2...

Taxes collected by the provincial government provide about two-thirds of Ontario's income.

The remainder comes from betting on hockey games.

Ontario has a Department of University Affairs.

Personally, I think that's carrying government too far. I mean making the college kids get a permit before having an affair seems seems a bit much to me.

Speaking of colleges (I was) a University of Toronto professor announced prior to an exam, "This first question is designed to make you think."

A student yelled out" "No fair ! Trick question."

Tell ya what, if any of y'all are invited to go hunting in Ontario, I'd beg off if I were you.

Both the moose and caribou are plentiful, but the last three local guides I had each got a hernia from carrying the decoys.

Once when Mrs JimJr and I were in Toronto, our host threw a large party. I noticed that during the evening, a lot of men came over to speak to Mrs JimJr.

After the party was over, she told me that every man she spoke to had propositioned her.

Our host apologized and said, "Don't be offended; you see, in Toronto that's only a common courtesy."

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