HUMOR Digest - 13 Feb 1999 to 14 Feb 1999

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 04:18:51 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Humorist Signs - 2 of 4

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Ruled by the Moon; Symbol - The Crab
Notables: Julius Caesar, King Henry VIII, George Orwell, The Duke of Windsor

People under the influence of Cancer are very very nervous, grumpy and quite moody. They have an inbred desire to control others any way they can. Cancer people like to spread humor and grumble about others; like a crab, they charge and/or retreat without warning.

Don't expect these grouches to contribute positive. They love to to check other posts for errors and flame everyone involved.

Leo (July 23 - Sept 22)
Ruled by the Sun; Symbol - The Lion
Notables: Napoleon Bonaparte, Fidel Castro, Alexandre Dumas, Carl Jung,
                Benito Mussolini, Mata Hari

The head of he constellation Leo is outlined by stars shaped like a sickle. Thus, most latent communists. Leos are full of self-confidence like the lion. They consider themselves to be Kings and/or Queens and expect to be treated as such.

Leos will submit jokes cleverly designed to invoke unrest among the readers in an attempt to form a coup & overthrow ListOwners.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
Ruled by Mercury; Symbol - The Virgin
Notables: Prince Albert, Queen Elizabeth, Mickey Mouse

The most distinguishing feature of a Virgo is that they much more sensitive than any other sign. They deny the importance of love and sex in their daily lives and in all humor as well. Some females born under Virgo suffer from a severe "PollyAnna" complex.

A Virgo will only contribute the most demure of jokes and complain constantly about any humor they see as off-color, rude or crude.

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