HUMOR Digest - 19 Feb 1999 to 20 Feb 1999

Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 05:25:49 -0500
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: This Crazy World

Italy's highest appeals court overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing jeans. The court ruled, "It is common knowledge that jeans cannot even be partly removed without the effective help of the person wearing them."

Medical Financial aid for seniors ("Medicare") in the US is cracking down on fraud. After auditing just 14% of the bills, improper billing amounted to $ 12.6 billion last year. Most health care providers said the errors were innocent mistakes.

Thousands of Dartmouth students, stunned by the school's plan to make fraternities and sororities "substantially coed" held demonstrations in protest. President James Wright said the plan's aim was to encourage "relations between men and women".

A plan to put emotionally disturbed teenage offenders in an exclusive residential section has upset residents. Spokesmen for Maryland's Juvenile Services said the teens are so emotionally damaged they cannot function in institutional settings, adding the boys pose little to no threat to the neighborhood.

Discovery Communications Inc, parent company of "The Discovery Channel" is about to save $340,000 on their Maryland tax bill every year by a change in the state tax rules. When it was pointed out the company, the chairman and his wife donated over $20,000 to the Governor's re-election campaign, Assistant State Comptroller Marvin Bond said the Governor had nothing to do with this "correction" in Maryland's tax code.

The President of the New Nordic Society, Dr. Tyrdal, from Oslo Norway, says humor "helps people feel better when they're sick. Laughter improves circulation, relaxes muscles, & is a natural anti-depressant."

"Overdoses are impossible." added Society member Dr. Loenberg. "There's nothing like sex, good food, music & humor to stay fit."

[At long last !!! A 90's lifestyle we can all enjoy.]

Source: The Baltimore Sun (text was edited but not altered)

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