HUMOR Digest - 6 Apr 1999 to 7 Apr 1999

Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 04:20:43 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: Around the World

You have to be truly brave to cross the street in Tokyo. It's the only town in the world where the cars' front bumpers know karate.

Italian men are extremely jealous. Even a married man who's not had anything to do with his wife for twenty years will hit a man who does.

Some men just don't understand the British. A visitor to London took a cab from the Airport. The female cabdriver asked, "How far would you want to go ?"

His case comes up next Thursday.

Many of the Eastern religions believe in reincarnation. One poor fellow, unable to stand his miserable life any longer, committed suicide.

Talk about bad luck -- he came back as himself.

The Pentagon once did a study on why so many American Servicemen marry women in the countries where they're stationed. Contrary to popular belief, loneliness had nothing to do with it.

Once the men rotated back to the US, all their in-laws were thousands of miles away.

A tourist, visiting a small town in Israel, came upon a statue dedicated to "The Unknown Soldier". At the base of the statue, a sign was displayed: "Here lies Seymour Ruthenburg".

The tourist inquired of one of the locals how was it possible an unknown had a name.

The resident replied, "As a soldier, that Seymour was pretty much unknown, but as an accountant -- Oy! He was something."

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