HUMOR Digest - 12 Apr 1999 to 13 Apr 1999

Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 05:03:37 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: The Priest & the Nun

There's a rich resource available in our HumorList Archives. In addition to the current 1999 Digests, copies are available of 1996-1998 mailings. The URL's are listed daily in my posts.

              Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 18:17:51 EDT
             From: Chris French [GBF94001@UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU]
          Subject: Religious Humor

At a small parish in rural New England there lived a priest, and several nuns. One day, one of the older nuns was noticing that the rugs in the church were beginning to fray. She went to the priest and told him "Father, I believe your rugs need to be replaced soon."

The priest thanked her for bringing it to his attention, and told her that he thought that she had been there long enough to refer to church property as "our" not "your."

Several days later, the same nun noticed that the hedge needed to be trimmed. She again went to the priest and told him "Father, I've noticed that your... I mean our hedge needs to be trimmed."

The priest thanked her for again bringing something to his attention and this time asked her if she had seen his watch that had gone missing.

She assured him she would look for it. Another few days passed, and the parish received word that the bishop would be coming for a visit. The whole parish was in a uproar of cleaning, etc.

On the day the bishop arrived, the same nun came down the front stairs yelling "Father, Father, I found your watch!!"

The bishop said, "How wonderful my child."

After saying hello to the bishop, the nun turned to the priest and said "Why yes, Father, I found it under OUR bed."

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