HUMOR Digest - 15 Apr 1999 to 16 Apr 1999

Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 03:35:50 -0400
From: Jim Moore Jr
Subject: JimJr's Observations

April 15th is the income tax deadline in the US. It makes us all feel like REAL Americans -- bled-white and blue.

Remember, when you get a kick in the butt -- it means you're out in front of the other guy.

Always wait until you're sure that something can't "come-back" before you're nostalgic about it.

A surgeon can always bury his mistakes. An architect can only plant vines/trees. A Highway Engineer has to put-up a sign.

Experience may be the "best teacher", but name one other form of education were the test is given BEFORE the lesson.

Most women have two reasons for doing whatever it is they're doing -- the one she tells you, and the REAL reason.

The good thing about whiskey is that a stiff drink often makes ya feel like a new man. The bad thing about whiskey is then the "new man" needs a drink too.

Gentlemen, trust me, your wife/girlfriend/S.O. will think you very intelligent if you just SAY you understand. Please don't be stupid and try to prove it.

Bureaucrats tend to master the art of "chit-chat" much easier than the rest of us because they've learned how to open their mouths and speak when they have nothing whatever to say.

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