[ Dambala Wedo Greetz ]

[ the way of the crimson snake ]

{ making hematolysis your final response }

This is a secret of the shamans.
The old shaman had decided
not to see another morning,
so he informed his apprentice,
and walked to the hill of his death.

After composing himself,
and meditating,
the sorceror searched within himself
for the suicide nasal arteries.
Once he felt the presence of his target,
he composed the sound that would break them,
and uttered it.
He then dug a pit in the earth between his legs,
to catch the serum he drooled out.

When a dripping nose became a nuisance,
he placed small sacred pebbles in his nostrils.
Then he didn't do much,
but he spoke to the people
as they came by to talk to him.
After he spoke, he would tip his head
to let the serum ooze into the pit.

The shaman would die well before sunset,
gently, painlessly, with dignity
and consciousness to the end.

I thought it might be good to let people know
how the wise ones can choose the day
on which they wish to die.
For those with a preference
about the time they wish to die,
or where, or with whom,
this medicine may be priceless.

[ the way of health ]

First let me recommend life,
with its innumerable advantages.
If your circumstances are extraordinary,
you may be tired of this advice
and ready to proceed.

The Crimson Snake is an escape
which may be played
with little or no preparation,
few or no props,
and little or no patter.

You may in strictness find your own secret sound,
or in liberality use an irritant, chemical or physical,
to rupture your nasal arteries.
Likewise, you may artificially ensure success,
with an anti-clotting agent,
but in spirit you join with the shaman on the hill.
Or with your more distant vision,
if you have taken a drug to lead you on another path.

{ Birth of Earth }

Aborting, second thoughts:
Did anyone tell you this was just a game,
or that the first time was just for practice?
Did anyone imply you can stop any time?
Even in a hospital, there is no certainty
the effects can be reversed.
Make sure before you start,
because this commitment is final.

[ Somebody else drew this ]

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