Frater Frogalogus, aka "Froggy".

Of the Lightning Bugs Social Aid & Pleasure Club

[photo of Your Amphibeous Cyber-Pal, the Frogster!]

High Priest of the True Church of The Great Green Frog.
Prophet of the Church of Kermit of the Later Day Frogs and Former Day Tadpoles.
Translucently Clear Operating Thilly Thetan, Level 98.6, El Ron Amphibian's Church of Over-Priced Gobbeldeegook ($camtology).
Pinoccian Visionary, Fraternu Religiousa Ordu Gollywogus (F.R.O.G.).
Master of the sacred mysteries of "Tounge of Frog". Mysticky LlaLlaLlama Rama DingDong of the Special Wiggling Trick.
Editor in Cheap, Journal of the Institue of Scientific Santa Clausism.
Far Right Reverened, Southern Batpissed Church.   ArchDeluxeBishop of the Holy C.B.D., Holy Roming Cat-Lick Church.
Founder, Cults R Us. Will synthesize dogma for free webspace.
Paid-Up Semi-Demi-Hemi-Yeti and Author of Assorted Usually Uncreditied One-Liners, Church of The SubGenius.
Manipulator of the Sacred HTML, Lightning Bug Social Aid & Pleasure Club.

Keeper of other Webpages, such as:

Carlos "Froggy" May's Homepage

Froggy's New Orleans Jazz & Mardi Gras

Froggy's Novelty Song Lyric Collection

Froggy's Weblog

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