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Atmosphere Assignment Sheet
Mr. Mitchell - Per 3,4,6

Dates are approximate.

CYCLE: 10 DATE: Nov 5, 2001
TOPIC: Lab: Global Warming and Energy Conservation FORMAT: tour;lec
1. Express and justify your opinion on spending money to lower CO2 emissions.
2. Write a plan to lower greenhouse gas emisions.
Describe three energy conservation methods that you can use to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

CYCLE: 10 DATE: Nov 9, 2001
TOPIC: Ozone/chloroflocarbons FORMAT: drawing
1. Describe or diagram the oxygen cycle. 2. Describe or diagram how ozone forms and absorbs ultraviolet radiation. 3. Identify why chloroflorocarbons are such a global problem.
Finish ozone drawings.

CYCLE: 11 DATE: Nov 13, 2001
TOPIC: Ozone 2 FORMAT: drawing
1. Describe or diagram the oxygen cycle. 2. Describe or diagram how ozone forms and absorbs ultraviolet radiation. 3. Identify why chloroflorocarbons are such a global problem.
Finish ozone drawings.

CYCLE: 11 DATE: Nov 14, 2001
TOPIC: Greenhouse effect FORMAT: lec; video
1. Identify energy conservation as an important way to control global warming. 2. Describe methods to control global warming. 3. Discuss benefits of energy conservation incidental to control of greenhouse gases.
Turn notes on the global warming questions into paragraphs.

CYCLE: 11 DATE: Nov 14, 2001
TOPIC: Lab: What's In The Air? FORMAT: comp;
1. Find and evaluate pollution emission information.
Finish What's In The Air? exercise

CYCLE: 11 DATE: Nov 19, 2001
TOPIC: Nitrogen Cycle FORMAT: lec
1. Draw, label and interpret a diagram of the nitrogen cycle. 2. Describe the importance of N-fixing soil bacteria. 3. Identify problems, suggest corrections with human influence on n-cycle.
Read p182-187, do blue, #1-3 p190, p204 #4,9,15,16,23, p230 #30

CYCLE: 12 DATE: Nov 20, 2001
TOPIC: Particulates and aerosols FORMAT: lec;demo
1. Describe types, compositions of particulates and aerosols in the atmosphere. 2. List natural
and artificial sources of particulates. 3. Describe effects of particulates. 4. Identify ways of
controlling artificial sources of particulates. 4. Categorize components of the atmosphere.
1. List personal sources of particulates. 2. Describe how you could lower the amount of particulates from each. 3. Diagram a particulate/aerosol "cycle". 4. Complete Components Chart.

CYCLE: 12 DATE: Nov 26, 2001
TOPIC: Analyze TEST 2 (mp1) Space/Earth FORMAT: test
Identify weaknesses in skills, content knowledge.
Complete chart showing dates from notes for topic of each m/c question you got wrong on the test.


CYCLE: 12 DATE: Nov 28, 2001
TOPIC: P/A 2 FORMAT: lec;demo
1. Describe types, compositions of particulates and aerosols in the atmosphere. 2. List natural
and artificial sources of particulates. 3. Describe effects of particulates. 4. Identify ways of
controlling artificial sources of particulates.
Annotate news articles to indicate information about each of the 7 kinds of information on the Atmosphere components chart.

CYCLE: 12 DATE: Nov 29, 2001
TOPIC: Acid Rain FORMAT: lec
1. List five atmosphere sources of acidic substances. 2. Explain how acid precipitation forms. 3.Explain how to control acid rain.
Complete Acid Rain questions and chart

CYCLE: 13 DATE: Nov 30, 2001
TOPIC: Smog, Surface Ozone FORMAT: lec
1. Identify local sources of volatile organic hydrocarbons. 2. Acknowledge alternatives to VOHCs or ways to reduce their emisions. 3. Describe what smog is how it forms.
1. Finish Smog - "Bad Ozone" article. 2. List 20 ways you add VOHCs to the air, describe 5 ways to lower them in the Summer. 2. Prioritize OBJECTIVES for Test

CYCLE: 13 DATE: Dec 3, 2001
TOPIC: Review for Test 3: Atmosphere FORMAT: individ; gro
Study for Test !

Dec 5, 2001  Test 3: Atmosphere 1

CYCLE: 13 DATE: Dec 6, 2001
TOPIC: Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere FORMAT: lec;demo
1. Describe or diagram how energy from the sun heats the Earth. 2. Describe the radiation, conduction and convection of heat in terms of molecular movement.
1. Finish Heat Transfer h/o 2. Sit on something cold and describe the energy transfer that occurs by conduction, convection, radiation. 3. Read p192-194, answer the blue questions in the margins, and #4-8 p194.

CYCLE: 14 DATE: Dec 7, 2001
TOPIC: Dewpoint and Relative Humidity FORMAT: lec/group
1. Define relative humdity. 2. Descrbe what RH actually measures. 3. Interpret a humdity graph. 4. Define dewpoint. 5. Explain the relationship between dewpoint and condensation. 6. Explain the relationship between dewpoint and the altitude of cloud formation. 7. Calculate rh, dp, altutude of cloud formation.
1. Continue to collect weather data. 2. Graph beaker demo data, write summary. 3. Write ice chunk experiment, including hypothesis, procedure. 4. Finish relative humidity and dewpoint problems.

CYCLE: 14 DATE: Dec 10, 2001
TOPIC: Air Pressure FORMAT: lec;demo
1. Define air pressure. 2. Use an analogy to explain what air pressure is. 3. Explain the relationship between air pressure and temperature. 4. Explain the relationship between air pressure and volume.
1. Finish Intro to Air Pressure h/o,
2. Read p189-190 answer #3-7,9,10,13-15, 24 on p204.

CYCLE: 14 DATE: Dec 11, 2001
TOPIC: Lab: Dewpoint and Relative Humidity FORMAT: lab
1. Define relative humdity. 2. Descrbe what RH actually measures. 3. Interpret a humdity grraph. 4. Define dewpoint. 5. Explain the relationship between dewpoint and condensation. 6. Explain the relationship between dewpoint and the altitude of cloud formation. 7. Calculate rh, dp, altutude of cloud formation.
1. Finish dewpoint lab write up, including relative humidity and dewpoint problems. 2. Rd p 206-208, do blue, #4 p213, p230# 2,4,8,14.


CYCLE: 14 DATE: Dec 12, 2001
TOPIC: Pressure, Temperature and Altitude FORMAT: demo;group
1. Explain why air pressure and temperature generally decrease with altitude. 2. Interpret a graph of altitude and temperature to explain the structure (layers) of Earths atmosphere.
HOMEWORK  Read p187-189, do blue question in margin, and on p204 do #1,8,14,26,27.

CYCLE: 15 DATE: Dec 14, 2001
TOPIC: Vertical Air Movement FORMAT: group; indiv
1. Explain how the temperatures through the troposphere and stratosphere cause the lower atmosphere to have vertical movement of air and why air masses do not rise into the stratosphere.
Finish Atmosphere Structure handout from class today.

CYCLE: 15 DATE: Dec 17, 2001
TOPIC: High, Low Pressure areas FORMAT: lec
1. Describe how rising air produces both low pressure and clouds/storms. 2. Describe how sinking air produces clear dry weather and high pressure areas at Earth's surface. 3. Diagram the relationship between highs, lows and winds.
All: Cut out or draw today or tomorrow's weather map, then draw a cross section through a high and a low as demonstrated in class.

CYCLE: 15 DATE: Dec 18, 2001
TOPIC: Lab: Fronts and Weather Prediction FORMAT: lab
1. Describe how knowledge of frontal movement allows us to predict weather.
Finish weather data graphing exercise.

CYCLE: 15 DATE: Dec 19, 2001
TOPIC: Coriolis, High, Low, and Prevailing Winds FORMAT: individ; gro
1. Describe how Coriolis effect causes winds to appear to veer to the right in the N. Hemisphere. 2. Descibe and map the prevailing wind patterns. 3. Explain how global air circulation and Coriolis effect combine to cause the world's prevailing winds. 4. Explain the
causes for high, low pressure area wind directions.
1. Find textbook references for all of Windy NG, AND 2. Read and answer blue margin questions p199-201, answer #9-11 on p201.

CYCLE: 16 DATE: Dec 21, 2001
TOPIC: Air Masses and Intro to Fronts FORMAT: lec
1. Describe the four major types of air masses. 2. Label a diagram of a warm ,cold, or occluded front. Include temp changes, air movement, pecip.
Finish Air Mass h/o and read p214-216, do blue margin questions, p230 #3,4,10,13,16,18,23.

CYCLE: 16 DATE: Jan 2, 2002
TOPIC: Global Circulation, Coriolis Effect FORMAT: lec;demo
1. Describe the causes of the direction of worldwide prevailing winds and troposphere circulation patterns. 2. Describe the directions of winds around low, high pressure areas.
1. Find textbook references for page 1 on the Windy Noteguide. 2. Read p196-197, do blue, p204 #21,25,26.

CYCLE: 16 DATE: Jan 4, 2002
TOPIC: Severe weather: tornados FORMAT: lec;video
1. list types of severe weather. 2. Describe how severe weather develops. 3. Describe the difference between a weather watch and warning. 4. List how to prepare for severe weather.
1. Complete video worksheet questions. 2. Rd p217-220, answer the blue margin questions, #5-7 on p223.

CYCLE: 17 DATE: Jan 8, 2002
TOPIC: Hurricanes FORMAT: video
1. Identify why hurricanes and other major coastal storms cause so much damage. 2. Define, diagram and explain the causes of a storm surge. 3. Acknowlege the eventual storm damage to all coastal structures.
1. Finish video h/o AND 2. Turn video notes on formation information, damage details, preparation, future, into paragraphs.

CYCLE: 17 DATE: Jan 9, 2002
TOPIC: Surface Currents FORMAT: lec;demo
Diagram the relationship between directions of prevailing winds and the directions of ocean currents.
Read p236-237, Answer blue margin questions and p244 #6,
p248 #8.

CYCLE: 17 DATE: Jan 9, 2002
TOPIC: ENSO and world weather FORMAT:
OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the El Nino situation 2. Describe how the El Nino-Southern Oscillation affects worldwide weather.
Write a letter to a friend explaining what the El Nino/Southern Oscillation is, including causes and effects.

CYCLE: 17 DATE: Jan 11, 2002
TOPIC: Review for Midterm Exam FORMAT: review
1. Describe your plan of study: list methods you use, write a schedule of what will you study and when. 2. Study highest priority topics.

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