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Oh Two and You

"Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe..."


Part 1. Use the videos and articles on the website The Rise of Oxygen by the American Museum of Natural History to learn about the second-most abundant gas in the air: Oxygen.

1.1 Go to  An Ode to O, play the video The Rise of Oxygen to answer the following questions.

1.11 What was able to happen only after oxygen had built up in the atmosphere enough to form an ozone layer? Why?


1.12 Where do find the evidence of what was in the air in the distant past?


1.13 What does red color of the iron content of the rocks indicate the amount of oxygen that was in the air as the rocks formed?


1.14 How does Sulfur content indicate if there was ozone?


1.15 When did the oxygen content of the air change, according to the chemical signals in rocks? By how much?


1.16 Why does the Sulfur signature provide better knowledge of Earth's past?


1.2  Play the video "An AMH Scientist On Early Fossil Life"

1.21 What are stromatolites?


1.22 When did the stromatolite deposit form?


1.23 How does bacteria produce the large deposits being studied?


1.24 When did the bacteria that formed stromatolites stop being dominant in oxygen production?


1.3 Go to "Tour the Huronian Supergroup"

1.31 Why do the redbeds indicate oxygen in the air when they formed?


1.32 Why do the drab beds indicate lack of oxygen?


1.4 Go to the Earth Without Oxygen article and list the effects of oxygen entering the air for the first time




Part 2: Balance the chemical equation that supports life on Earth:

______ CO2 + ______ H2O ----photosynthesis----> C6H12O6  + ______ O2  (Need help? Cick here)

Fill in the blanks: Plants take in ___ molecules of carbon dioxide and ____ molecules of water and use energy from sunlight to make one molecule of glucose and ____ molecules of oxygen gas.


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