Congratulations Alice Frazer!

Alice Frazer, Lewis Mills High School Chemistry Teacher Extraordinaire, was notified by the New England Regional Office of The College Board on Feb 18 that she was selected as a 2000 New England Advanced Placement Teacher Recognition Award winner. Of the over 150 nominations received from schools in New England, the award selection committee gave consideration to a finalist group of 20 applicants. She is one of seven Advanced Placement teachers to receive the award this year .

Click for larger photo Ms. Frazer will be a guest of The College Board at a luncheon in her honor at the Institute for Experienced AP Teachers on Thursday, March 23, 2000 . The Institute will be held at the Westford Regency Inn and Conference Center in Westford, Massachusetts. In addition, the College Board will include a description of her teaching in their annual publication Profiles of Excellence in Teaching.

The selection committee sought AP Recognition Award candidates who demonstrated service of exceptional quality in the name of the Advanced Placement Program. Fred J. Wetzel, Director of Academic Services, said to Ms. Frazer in his letter "Your selection is a testimony to that quality in your teaching and other activities." We at Lewis Mills agree.

Click here for the Monday March 13, 2000 Rebublican-American article about Ms. Frazer and Linda Hamm.
Click here for the Monday March 13, 2000 Rebublican-American article about Ms. Frazer and Linda Hamm

Submitted by David Sykes and Tony Mitchell, LSM EESci | back |