What they Knew & when they Knew it.
Last update: 11:00 PM, 23 December 1995

What did the Prosecution Know?

When did they Know it

June 12th 1994:

Officer Robert Riske responds to investigate prowler.

June 13th, 1994:

0800 - 1600
Brian 'Kato' Kaelin gives his statement to police at West LA Station. The record then establishes his alibi {talking to Rachel Farrara}, the approximate time of the noise {10:40} -- also referred to as the earthquake -- and his activities to investigate the event {around 10:50} .

1600 - The Prosecution now knows, to accuse Simpson -- and thus justify the handcuffing and "arrest" -- it must establish that he had no alibi for the period leading up to 10:40, and probably extending into 10:45.

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Note: All Transcript and Image Material used in this presentation is available on the WEB. Most images have been edited to provide comparative visualization of relevant evidence points.

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© 1995 William Lawrence Schreck Jr. © 1995 Source Interactive Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

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