IMPORTANT! Read These Instructions First
This test has been carefully designed to measure the  general intelligence level of both adults and children 9  years or older. If you follow the instructions below, the test  will give you an accurate rating of your I.Q.
You have 45 minutes to answer the 60 questions.  Do not exceed this time limit.     
Answer all questions. If you do not know the answer  - guess. Guessing has been considered in the scoring.  Do not leave any questions unanswered.       
     If a question seems to have more than one answer  or no correct answer at all, pick what you consider to be  the best of the choices given. These questions are purposely designed to test your ability to think and reason.       
     If a child is taking the test the parent should make  certain the child understands the instructions and sample questions before he begins. If the child is a very poor  reader, the parent may read the test questions to him, but  he must not help him in any way with the answers. If the  child is given any help, the test score will not reflect an  accurate I.Q. 
Carefully study the following sample questions before  beginning the test.    I.     In some questions you will be asked to make a comparison. 
  Example:     Which one of the five makes the best comparison? 
  Boat is to water as airplane is to: 

  The answer is sky. A boat travels through water. This  can be compared to an airplane which travels through  the sky. 

      You will also be asked to compare designs. 
  Example:     Which one of the five makes the best comparison? 
The answer is C. A circle which is divided into two parts  can be compared to a square which is also divided into  two parts. 

          II.     In some questions, you will be given a group of five  things. Four of them will have something in common; they  will be similar in some way. You will be asked to choose  the one which is not similar to the other four. 
  Example:     Which one of the five is least like the other  four? 
       DOG - CAR - CAT - BIRD - FISH 

       The answer is car. The others are all living animals.  A car is not alive. 

  These questions may also have designs. 
       Example:     Which one of the five is is least like the other  four? 
The answer is D. The others are all made with straight  lines. A circle is a curved line. 

  III.     In some questions you will be given numbers, or letters, which are in a certain order. They follow some pat-  tern of arrangement. However, one of them will not fit. You  will be asked to choose the one which does not fit into  the pattern. 
       Example: Which one of the numbers does not belong       in the following series? 
       1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 13 

       The answer is 10. Starting with 1, the odd numbers       are arranged in order, 10 is an even number which       does not fit in the series. 

  IV.There will also be some problems which you will be  asked to solve. These will not require any difficult math.  Instead, they will be testing how logical you are - that  is, how well do you think. 

  You are now ready to begin the test. Read each question carefully and write your answers   on a piece of paper and compare your results with the correct ones AFTER you have completed the test. You have 45 minutes. 

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