

A/synechia Revolutionary Marxist Organization (Greece)
Afghanistan Liberation Organization(Afghanistan)
Communist Party of Aotearoa(New Zealand)
Communist Party of the Philippines
Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti/Marxister-Leninister(Communist Pary of Denmark/Marxists-Leninists)
Dagbladet Arbejderen
Forum Unga Marxister(Forum Young Marxists, Sweden)
Freedom Road Socialist Organization(USA)
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands(Communist Party of Germany)
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands/Marxisten-Leninisten(Communist Party of Germany/Marxists-Leninists)
League of Revolutionaries for a New America(USA)
Marxist Declaration(New Zealand)
Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands(Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany)
MLPD-Unigruppe Stuttgart
Rote Fahne(Unofficial)
National Organizing Committee(USA)
Partido Communista(Marxista-Leninista)(Communist Party(Marxist-Leninist), Dominican Republic)
En Marcha!
Another En Marcha! Site
Liga de la Juventud Comunista(League of Communist Youth)
Partido Comunista Revolucionario(Revolutionary Communist Party, Argentina)
Juventud Comunista Revolucionaria(Revolutionary Communist Youth)
Partido Comunista dos Trabalhadores Portugueses-MRPP(Communist Party of the Portuguese Workers-Movement for the Reorganization of the Party of the Proletariat, unofficial, Portugal)
  • Progressive Labor Party
    Rød Valgallians(Red ElectionAlliance, Norway)
    Arbeidernes KommunistParti(Workers Communist Party)
    Arbeidernes KommunistParti-Drammen
    Arbeidernes KommunistParti-Sør Trøndelag
    Bergen RV
    Høyanger Raud Valgallianse
    Noregs kommunistiske studentforbund(Communist Student League of Norway)
    Notodden Rød Valgallians
    Odda Rød Valgallians
    Røde Fane
    Sogn og Fjordane Raud Valgallianse
    Rød Ungdom(Red Youth)
    Raud Ungdom-Drammen
    Rød Ungdom-Bergen
    Rød Ungdom-Grenland
    Sámi Rukses Válgalihttu(Sami Red ElectionAlliance)
    Sarbedaran(Union of Communists of Iran)
    Workers Party of New Zealand

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