
from a report by Frederick Mann

In general, when you try to launch a "grandiose utopia" like Terra Libra, you are confronted with a massive rejection.

Fredrick Mann has been involved in earlier free country projects. He is a master practitioner of Freedom Technology. He is determined to follow through with the project to the point that Terra Libra documentation becomes generally accepted.

  • It is very significant that the strongest support for Terra Libra comes from people that share two qualities:

    Communicating freedom applies to both, the already freedom-oriented and the "average brainwashed American slave." The message of freedom needs to be communicated powerfully, emphatically, and without restraint.

    One of the topics I believe needs to be communicated is coercion. Many of the freedom-oriented are very aware of coercion, including its subtle forms. But they are less aware of the means to escape coercion, including the financing of coercion through paying taxes. In many cases, ignorance and fear prevent them from even trying to escape coercion. (Freedom Technology can also be described as the practical means to escape coercion.) The "average brainwashed American slave," of course, is blind to all forms of coercion, except the most overt. They operate in the mode: "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."


    Definition of coercion: The initiation of force, fraud, or threat of force against others or their property; the use of force to overwhelm the will of another.

    Coercion is the mode of operation of an ignorant, primitive, backward, barbaric savage -- and most government. Coercion is brute force -- though sometimes cleverly disguised. Coercion is an upside-down value. Usually it produces results opposite to those intended or claimed.

    Coercion is evil and destructive. It is brutal. Coercion is slavery. The perpetrators of coercion imply that they own their victims -- the minds of their victims, the bodies of their victims, the lives of their victims, the property of their victims.

    The perpetrators of coercion imply that their victims are unthinking animals, machines, or robots that must be brutally forced to perform, to not perform, or to perform in certain ways. Thus coercion breeds unthinking puppets -- who in turn perform brutal coercion.

    Because they have been reduced to unthinking puppets, most people are asleep and blind to most coercion. They need to be told very emphatically about coercion -- woken up, their eyes opened.

    Compulsory government schooling is coercion at its most insidious. Its hidden purpose is to mold and mangle the young minds of innocent victims so they become freak subhuman puppets incapable of conscious thought. Prepare the victims so the perpetrators of coercion can live off them like parasites or cannibals. In the words of the Declaration of Independence, "He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance."

    In economic terms, most coercion represents value destruction. I distinguish three economic sectors: public, private and free-market. The public sector operates on the principle of coercion. In the private sector people mix coercion and free enterprise. People in the free-market sector practice real or true free enterprise.

    Most of what is done in the public sector is value destruction. To the extent that people in the private sector participate and finance it through paying taxes, to this extent they destroy value. The free-market sector represents the pure creation of value. It could be that in the absence of institutionalized coercion, every man, woman, and child in the world would be a millionaire many times over.

    Coercion is a synonym for crime. Government coercion schools are primarily crime factories. They teach their victims crime as a way of life. The more money spent on government "education," the higher the crime rates. Coercive government is institutionalized crime -- a crime syndicate much more sophisticated, hypocritical, and destructive that the Mafia.

    Most political systems are engines of coercion. Democracy is disguised coercion. Instead of personally perpetrating our coercion, we vote for -- and finance through taxes -- politicians, bureaucrats, police, and soldiers to perpetrate our vile atrocities (like the Gulf War, Waco, etc.). "Democracy is the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people," said Oscar Wilde.

    Albert Camus, Nobel prize-winning author, said that we have organized the world so that if one person lifts his finger it causes somebody somewhere to die. When I buy gas for my car I pay some taxes. The government uses the money to commit atrocities like Waco -- or to finance the army so it can napalm innocent women and children in Vietnam.

    The brute force of coercion needs to be replaced by the gentle finesse of conscious thought. Although it is not the most in-context analogy, the power of finesse can be demonstrated by the trim-tab. A huge oil tanker has a big rudder. The big rudder has a small rudder called the trim-tab. The small little trim-tab moves the big rudder that changes the direction of the ship.

    Emphatically telling people about coercion -- waking them and opening their eyes -- may change the direction of society and bring about civilization. Shock people into cognitive dissonance. Most will probably run away, but some will start thinking.

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