Marxjour List
April, 1996 - Digest

Date: Tue; 09 Apr 1996 18:32:33 ARG
From: "Raul Carnota" ( )
Subject: Tesis 11 Internacional
Tesis 11 Internacional Nro. 27 - Marzo/Abril 1996 -------------------------- Sumario: * La renuncia de Liber Seregni Discurso de Despedida Ese nudo en la garganta Opiniones * Brasil: La tierra no se gana sino que se la conquista Osvaldo Leon * Guatemala La transicion espera. Jorge Diaz Farsa electoral. Pascual Serrano * America Latina: Repunte de la violencia urbana Eduardo Tamayo * Colombia: Una experiencia de paz. Alejandro Garcia * Espanna: Dias de crispacion. Inmaculada de la Fuente * Elecciones en EEUU: Made in USA * Chechenia: Ultimos dias de Pervomaiskoia. Jorge Larrosa * Pasionaria y los mil enanitos. Manuel Vazquez Montalban * Mitterand: La esfinge escribe su ultima pagina para la historia. EG * La otra cara del proyecto europeo. La Europa del siglo XX. * Palestina: Despues de la victoria. LF * El nuevo orden ecologico mundial. Leonardo Boff * Ser mujer en Argelia. Kheira Dekali * Desocupacion y exclusion social * Ciencias humanas y democracia. Gonzalez Casanova * Menem: Argentina cumple los criterios de Maastricht. Angeles Espinosa Tesis 11 Internacional Av. de Mayo 1370 Piso 14 Of. 355/6 (1085) Buenos Aires Argentina ----------------------------- Raul Carnota

Date: Wed; 10 Apr 1996 12:22:34 -0700
Subject: Fwd: Left Opposition Magazine # 2 is Out! - Content
***** Announcement ***** (Texto en Espanol se enviara en breve) Left Opposition # 2 is out - 48 pages - English version Oposicion de Izquierda # 2 - 48 pages - Spanish version We decided to publish two magazine instead the combined edition of English-Spanish. Left Opposition is circulated worldwide (snail mail) through free subscription. If you would like to subscribe send name address (including country and zip code) to: Content: Editorial: France and England: A Wake-up Call for Revolutionary Marxists Resolutions of the Left Opposition Conference: Immigrant Rights: A challenge to the Left - Conference Held in San Francisco November 18 1995 Stop the Attacks Against Cuba! Agreement with Argentine Comrades Scargill's Call: For a New Left Wing Socialist Labour Party in Britain by Simon Morales The French Strikes in Perspective by Stuart Morris Chronology of the French Strikes and Related Events by Stuart Morris What's Left?: Latino Community in San Francisco Organized First Immigrant Pride Day The Crisis of the Phillipine's Communist Party Turkish Party of "Love and Revolution" The Guest Speaker that Couldn't Mention the Name "Trotsky" Split in the International Tendency of the British SWP The Case of Lori Berenson Cry for the Persecuted Argentina The End of the Japan Socialist Party Lutte Ouvriere's National Conference International Dialogue: EZLN: Who are They and Where Do They Come From? by Patricia Fuentes United States year 2045: Imperialist Country ... of Color? Special Report by John Garrison Draft Theses on the Revolutionary United Front (for an open public discussion) by Simon Morales Declaration: We condemn the Repression of Leftists Students and Activists in Argentina.

Date: Wed; 10 Apr 1996 12:45:42 -0700
Subject: Aparecio Revista Oposicio de Izquierda #2 - Contenido
***** Anuncio ***** Aparecio el #2 de la Revista Oposicion de Izquierda en Espannol. La revista tambien se publica en ingles. Para Suscribirse: Oposicion de Izquierda se distribuye mundialmente a traves de suscripciones gratuitas. Se publica trimestralmente. Para suscribirse enviar nombre direccion postal pais y codigo postal a: Indicando claramente si se quiere version en ingles o espanol. La revista se envia por correo regular y es de 48 paginas. Contenido del Numero 2 Editorial: Francia e Inglaterra: Un LLamado de Atencion para los Marxistas Revolucionarios Resoluciones de la Conferencia de Oposicion de Izquierda: Derechos de los Inmigrantes: Un Desafio para la Izquierda (Conferencia del 18 de Noviembre de 1995) Detengamos los Ataques Contra Cuba! Acuerdo con Companneros Argentinos El Llamado de Scargill: Por un Nuevo Partido Laborista Socialista de Izquierda en Gran Bretana por Simon Morales Las Huelgas Francesas en Perspectiva por Stuart Morris Cronologia de las Huelgas en Francia por Stuart Morris Actualidades de Izquierda: La Comunidad Latina de San Francisco Organizo el Primer Dia del Orgullo del Inmigrante La Crisis del Partido Comunista de Filipinas Partido Turco del "Amor y la Revolucion" Ruptura en la Corriente Internacional del PST Britanico El Invitado Especial que no Pudo Mencionar el Nombre de Trotsky El Caso de Lori Berenson Argentina: Libertad a Panario! Alto a la Persecucion de la Izquierda! La Conferencia Nacional de Lucha Obrera (Francia) El Fin del Partido Socialista del Japon Dialogo Internacional: EZLN: Quienes Son y de Donde Vienen? por Patricia Fuentes Informe Especial: Estados Unidos Anno 2045: Un pais imperialista ... de color? por John Garrison Borrador de Tesis Sobre el Frente Unico Revolucionario (Discusion y Debate Publico) por Simon Morales Declaracion: Condenamos la Represion de Estudiantes y Activistas de Izquierda en La Plata (Argentina) ***** Suscribase ... es gratis *** Envie nombre direccion postal (incluyendo pais y codigo postal) a: Por el momento las versiones en ingles y espanol de Oposicion de Izquierda - Left Opposition se distribuyen en 20 paises de Europa Africa Medio Oriente Latino America y Norte America.

Date: Tue; 09 Apr 1996 16:46:47 ARG
Subject: Against the current
AGAINST THE CURRENT Against the Current is published in order to promote dialogue among the activists organizers and serious scholars of the left. We promote the vision of socialism from below of a revolutionary working-class multinational and multracial feminist and anti-bureaucratic socialist movement. Against the Current is sponsored by Solidarity a socialist organization founded in 1986 together with a group of advisory editors who beleive that Against the Current can contribute to building an effective US socialist left. Subscribe: One year US$ 18 One year supporting subscription US$ 25 Two years US$ 30 Return your order with your name address and contact phone number to: Against the Current 7012 Michigan Avenue Detroit Mi 48210

Date: Fri; 12 Apr 1996 18:41:13 ARG
From: "Richard Topf" ( )
Subject: Studies in Marxism
POLITICAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION MARXISM SPECIALIST GROUP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STUDIES IN MARXISM An annual volume from the Marxism Specialist Group of the PSA. Studies in Marxism is an annual refereed volume of high quality articles. It includes discussions of the writings of Marx Engels and subsequent Marxist authors and discussion the possible contribution of a perspective informed by Marxism to the understanding of political issues. It includes work from authors of any political persuasion its only commitment being to academic excellence. Volume 2 is out in December 1995. Apart from two ripostes to articles in Vol. 1 this issue contains articles by Ronen Palan and Peter Burnham on Marxism and International Relations Chris Arthur on the dialectic in Capital Colin Barker on The Muck of Ages Jonathan Hughes on Marxism and Ecology Alastair McLeish and Mark Cowling on the young Marx Mike Levin on Marx Engels and Nationalism and a definitive article by David Walker on Marx and Scientific Positivism. To purchase Volume 2 of Studies in Marxism send a cheque for: Pounds 5 (individuals) Pounds 10 (institutions) Pounds 4 (students) to: Mark Cowling School of Human Studies University of Teesside Middlesbrough Cleveland TS1 3BA. Please make cheques payable to: PSAMSG. Vol 3 will appear around December 1996. Contributions are welcome. For a style sheet please write to Mark Cowling at the address above. Please mention if you would be interested in joining the PSA Marxism Specialist Group. ------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Topf at

Date: Sun; 7 Apr 1996 17:20:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: "R. Goforth" ( )
Subject: Social Justice E-Zine #17
IN THIS ISSUE: 1) SOCIAL JUSTICE NOW HAS A WEB VERSION 2) SPEECH BY IOWA STATE REPRESENTATIVE ED FALLON TOPIC WAS AN ANTI-GAY MARRIAGE BILL IN THE IOWA HOUSE 3) STATEMENT BY THE CROATIAN HELSINKI COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS 4) RWANDA: OPEN LETTER FROM AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL TO THE RWANDESE PRESIDENT ON THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE GENOCIDE. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** Welcome to the latest issue of SOCIAL JUSTICE E-ZINE. The name Social Justice encompasses the struggles of people everywhere who work for gender equality democratic government economic opportunity intellectual freedom environmental protection and human rights. Social Justice is an electronic magazine (e-zine) designed for free distribution through the internet. Feel free to make copies and share with friends (or enemies). Those wishing to be added to the subscription list (or conversely those who want off the list) should write to us at: Some of our other projects: Progressive Web Site: Feminist Web Site: Ray's Personal Site: ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Social Justice E-Zine now has an accompanying web version...with direct e-mail and web links to the individuals and organizations featured in the issue. ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** [We received the full version. If you want it ask me: Moderator]

Date: Mon; 22 Apr 96 10:15 GMT-3:00
Subject: Labour Focus on Eastern Europe
Labour Focus on Eastern Europe No. 51 Summer 1995 ------------------------------- Privatisation of industry an agriculture in Russia and Eastern Europe Bob Arnot: Survey - The Russian Economy in 1995. David Mandel: The Russian Working Class Privatisation and Labour-Management Relations in the Fourth Year of Shock Therapy Joerg Roesler: Privatisation of East German Industry; Its Economical and Social Implications. Nigel Swain: Decollectivising Agrigulture in the Visegrad Countries of Central Europe. Andy Kilmister: Privatisation in Eastern Europe - The Debate. Peter Gowan: Liberals versus Non Liberals - A Critical Look at Some Recent Writings on Civil Society. Labour Focus on Eastern Europe is published three times yearly. It is an independent left journal with the broader issues of European politics with a special interest in the political and social transformation in Eastern Europe. Subscription for one year: UK and Europe L 12 individuals L 30 institutions The rest of the world $US 30 individuals $US 60 institutions Labour Focus on Eastern Europe 30 Bridge Street Oxford OX2 OBA England Tel: 44 1865 723 207 E-mail:

Date: Mon; 29 Apr 96 11:23 GMT-3:00
**************************************************************** **************************************************************** IN THIS ISSUE: 1) OPENING NOTES ON THE ZINE 2) VISIT THE WEB VERSION OF SOCIAL JUSTICE 3) BRAZIL: INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION CRUCIAL IN LATEST MASS KILLING OF LANDLESS PEASANTS 4) GREENPEACE APPEALS FOR THE CLOSURE OF CHERNOBYL 5 LAWYER'S COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS CONCERNED ABOUT CUBAN DISSIDENTS 6) U.S. LABOR ORGANIZATION DENOUNCES ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT BEATINGS **************************************************************** **************************************************************** Social Justice is an electronic magazine (e-zine) designed for free distribution through the internet. Feel free to make copies and share with friends (or enemies). Think of this as a regular magazine without the recycling. If there's nothing you want to read in this issue just hit delete. Those wishing to be added to the subscription list (or conversely those who want off the list) should write to us at: Some of our other projects: Progressive Web Site: Feminist Web Site: Ray's Personal Site: ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** VISIT THE WEB VERSION OF SOCIAL JUSTICE!!!!!!! The web version features direct e-mail and web links to related information as well as the individuals and organizations published in each issue. Social Justice Web Zine #18 Social Justice Web Zine #17 ***************************************************************** *****************************************************************

Date: Tue; 30 Apr 1996 17:54:57 +0000
From: Robert Maxwell Young ( )
Subject: _Science as Culture_ No. 24 has appeared
SCIENCE AS CULTURE Volume 5 Part 3 (No. 24) has appeared in the US and will soon elsewhere. CONTENTS 'Compensatory Ethics for the Human Genome Project' byDirk Stemerding and Jaap Jelsma 'Dacron Polyester: The Fall from Grace of a Miracle Fabric' by Stephen DeMeo 'Vannevar Bush: An Engineer Builds a Book' by Larry Owens 'AIDS Science: Killing More than Time' by John Nguyet Erni 'Antarctic Interfaces: Science Human Subjectivity and the Case of Richard E. Byrd' by Michael Bryson REVIEWS 'The Pinocchio Theory' (New Biology of Machines) by Richard Barbrook 'Witch-Hunt as Enlightenment' (Academic Left and Science) by Carol Parcelli Future Issues will include: 'Sex in the age of virtual reality' Slavoj Zizek 'Naming the Heavens' Scott Montgomery 'Policing expertise' Derrick Purdue 'Constructing Engineers' Gary Lee Downey 'A Spoonful of Blood: Haitians Racism and AIDS' Laurent Dubois 'Death Comes Alive: Technology and the Re-Conception of Death' Karen Cerulo 'Suppression of Invention' Stephen DeMeo 'Ecologists as Environmental Consultants' Richard Emery 'Male Infertility' Kirsten Dwight 'The Water Closet' Marja Gastelaars 'The Californian Ideology' Richard Barbrook & Andy Cameron 'The Good the Bad and the Transgenic' Heather Dietrich 'Psychiatry as Social Control' Richard Gosden 'The Chances of Losing Your Baby' Birenbaum-Carmeli & Carmeli 'Sherry Turkle' Living in the MUD 'Reading Biosphere 2' Megan Stern 'The Social Construction of Farm Pollution' Philip Lowe and Neil Ward 'Laughing Gas: Democracy without Feeling' Santiago Colas 152pp. _Science as Culture_ is published quarterly by Process Press Ltd. in Britain: and Guilford Publications Inc. in North America: For information about subscriptions and a list of back issues go to: A web site associated with the journal and forum holds articles from back issues of the journal as well as submissions under consideration (not obligatory) whose authors may benefit from constructive comments for purposes of revisions before the hard copy is printed as well as longer piece not suitable for the email format which forum members may wish to discuss: __________________________________________ | Robert Maxwell Young: | 26 Freegrove Rd. London N7 9RQ England | tel. +44 171 607 8306 fax. +44 171 609 4837 | Professor of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Studies | Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies University of Sheffield | Home page and writings: | Process Press publications: | 'One must imagine Sisyphus happy.' - Camus

Date: Mon; 29 Apr 1996 22:36:49 GMT
From: Ryan Daum ( )
Subject: ANNOUNCE: International Viewpoint/WWW for May 96 International Viewpoint Revolutionary socialist news and analysis on the WWW. Current Issue: May 1996. ---- International Viewpoint on the WWW (IV/WWW) is a collection of articles from (among other places) the monthly publication of the Fourth International ;"International Viewpoint." Most articles on the page have been collected and archived from English articles coming over the Fourth International's newswire. New articles for the month of May are as follows: * Spain: A useful congress for CC.OO - Joaquin Nieto CC.OO. congress a critical perspective - by Jesus Albarracin Pedro Montes and Agustin Moreno * France: Communist shell breaks - Christian Picquet Trade union mutation - Dominique Mezzi Radicals transforming the unions - Christopher Aguiton * Solidarnosc 15 years on - Jan Malewski explains "what went wrong" with the workers' movement which captured the imagination of a generation. * Ireland: Major's Irish Offensive - David Coen This is not peace! - John McAnulty * Palestine: Three Jerusalems?" - Walid Salem * Lebanese blood oils Israeli election - Salah Jaber * Turkey: Alliance with Israel for regional domination - Erdal Tan * Continental Preparation for EZLN event - A summary of a recent preparatory meeting and info about notice about this summer's EZLN-sponsored continental conference ---

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