Marxjour List
August, 1996 - Digest

Subject: Lucha de clase en Italia
Date: Fri; 2 Aug 96 15:1:4 GMT
Hemos recibido vuestro informe sobre sito de Prensa Obrera: es muy interesante. Nos gusta informavos que tenemos tambien un sito del Centro di Documentazione e Lotta "Rosso 16" ( en el que informamos sobre situacion italiana de trabajadores y el debate entre comunistas sobre trabajo condicion de clase sindicato ecc. Saludos comunistas C.D.L. "Rosso 16" Roma --- WinMMMR v1.70unr * periodo di prova scaduto da 231 giorni

From: "" ( )
Date: Fri; 2 Aug 1996 01:36:45
Community Press in Today's World: Alternative Grass Roots Proposals Oct 21-25 1996 Havana Cuba Come to Cuba and build solidarity with Left thinkers and activists from all over the world! The Cuban Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) and the Jose Marti International Institute of Journalism (IIPJM) jointly invite activists and alternative/community media workers to come to Havana to discuss strategy at the International Community / Alternative Press Encounter in October 1996. In addition to the standard academic papers there will be projects such as an exchange of an alternative U.S. currency with Cuban pesos strike videos fiestas in Cuban nighborhoods and more! Conference topics/activities: - Communication democracy and popular movements - Family and the community press - Debates in a pluralist democratic atmosphere - Community press as a free expression of social political and cultural movements - Workshops in dynamic active reporting - Fighting neoliberal interventions - The current situation and its perspectives for community radio television and newspapers * Papers have a 5 page limit with one page summary by Sep. 21 Organizers of the event have designed an activity plan including: - Collateral conferences on the current economic and socio-political situation in Cuba - Neighborhood encounters - Sightseeing - Visits to radio television and newspapers The Encounter will allow participants to truly experience the reality of a country that lives works has fun and struggles under the most brutal blockade in the 20th century. ************ ACTIVITY PROGRAM ************* Monday October 21 9:00 am Accreditaton of delegates in the Villa Panamericana 11:00 am Official opening ceremony 12:30 pm Lunch 2:30 pm Conference: "The Current Social-Political Situation in Cuba;" Dario Machado Director of The Center for Studies on America (CEA) 4:00 pm Plenary session: Communication Democracy and Grass Roots Movements 7:00 pm Dinner Evening: Free time with optional activities at the conference center Tuesday October 22 9:00 am Discussion sections on: 1. Current community press issues 2. Family and women's rights in the community/alternative press 3. Community/alternative press as a free expression of social political and cultural movements 4. Active dynamic reporting as a way to recover news legitimacy 5. Adaptations to neoliberal interventions and the community/alternative press 10:30 am Recess 11:00 am Continuation of debates in groups 1:00 pm Lunch 3:00 pm Continuation of debates in groups 7:00 pm Dinner Evening: Free time with optional activities at the conference center Wednesday October 23 9:00 am Workshops (3) on the current situation and perspectives of community radio television and newpapers 10:30 am Recess 11:00 am Continuation of debates 1:00 pm Lunch 3:00 pm Continuation of debates 5:00 pm Conference on "Cuba's Economic Situation;" with guest speaker 7:00 pm Dinner Evening: Free time with optional activities at the conference center Thursday October 24 9:00 am Visits to Cuban radio television newspapers and NGO publications etc. 11:00 am Tour of Old Havana 1:00 pm Lunch 3:00 pm Exchange on the formation of Cuban journalists at the event's headquarters 7:00 pm Dinner Evening: Free time with optional activities at the conference center Friday October 25 9:00 am Plenary session: -Reports from discussion sections -Reports from workshops 11:00 am Recess 1:30 am Closing ceremony 2:00 pm Lunch Afternoon Free time Evening Closing fiesta in Havana neighborhoods! ********************************* PACKAGE: 7 DAYS IN CUBA IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH ITS PEOPLE $224.00 USD Oct 20-26 (6 nights and 7 days) Includes: full room and board (breakfast lunch and dinner) transportation from and to the airport transfer for the entire official program and farewell party * Does not include air fare or airport tax ($12 USD) Conference registration fee: $50.00 USD for delegates and guests Send your project proposal or paper title today! Name_______________________ Institution________________ Position___________________ Tel________________________ Fax________________________ e-mail_____________________ Address____________________ To participate as: speaker_____ attendant ______ (for speakers) Title of paper: _____________________________ * Don't forget to ask about our other conferences such as the December Film Critics Encounter concurrent with the Havana Film Festival or the one on Hemingway: Hard Core Journalism... Organizing Committee: Jose Marti International Institute of Journalism calle G #503 e/ 23 y 21 Habana Cuba tel (537) 32 29 65 fax (537) 33 30 79 e-mail: Comites de Defensa de la Revolucion (CDR) calle Linea #157 e/ K y L Habana Cuba tel (537) 32 19 56 32 05 32 fax (537) 33 53 26 Questions? Mike Fuller International Relations e-mail: =============================================================== PLEASE E-FORWARD DO A SNAIL MAILING MAKE POSTERS ANNOUNCE ON COMMUNITY RADIO STATIONS TAKE OUT ADS IN THE ALTERNATIVE PRESS LAUNCH A TELEPHONE CAMPAIGN WRITE ON THE BATHROOM WALL ETC... ===============================================================

From: "" ( )
Date: Fri; 2 Aug 1996 01:36:46
Community/Alternative Press Encounter Oct 21-25 Havana Cuba UPDATE 8/1/96 Some of you folks have been asking me what kind of groups are coming what is their line etc... Well I just finished a partial e-list of people either confirmed or interested which I include here for organizing amongst yourselves). We also just sent out a *massive* snail mailing which included hordes of alternative press groups swarms of feisty activists and a sizable flock of academics. We've got the likes of Art Rosenblum from the Aquarian Research Center who's bringing down a soiree of interested participants in his four-seat Cessna (there won't be any probs with the Cuban air force --we've already got the flight cleared). Dr. Louisa Montgomery has not only been preparing a paper on the nuances of government press control but has been terrific help with the conference's organizing (and you can feel free to help her...) Jeremy Smith from the Center for Campus Organizing Journalism Project says he may bring down some students with him and has been talking it up on the e-lists. We're still trying to convince Paul Glover of the Ithaca NY HOUR project (alternative currency) that it is ecologically ethical to take a plane to Cuba. If he ever gets here were going to do a symbolic Hour-Peso exchange. We've got "best wishes" from Robin Blackburn at New Left Review in London and I'm meeting with an NLR rep in Havana in August. We've got the conference center all squared away still in the Pan American Villa and equipped with everything a bunch of alternative journalists activists and academics need to brainstorm for a week. Some people are planning to stay another week or two to pursue the professional connections that will surely be made at the conference --we can help with this! We've got two reps in Latin America from the Cuban Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) who say they have more than 100 people committed already! The current e-list: [format The English language monthly of the Fourth International the largest international regroupment of revolutionary militants from the trotskyist and new left traditions. Alison Fraunhar Department of the History of Art and Architecture University of California Santa Barbara Demystification of the Cuban mulata e-mail Alliance for Community Media Barry Kelly Matthews: Jeffrey Hops: Art Rosenblum Summary from Aquarian Research: With so little time to organize vast populations into sharing communities we're using unlicensed low power FM radio stations to organize communities within our cities. Gregg Barak Professor & Head Dept of Sociology Anthropology & Criminology Eastern Michigan University Juan Carlos QUINTERO VELASQUEZ Organization: Enda America Latina Institucion: TIERRA MADRE ENCARGADO TRABAJO JUVENIL Ciudad: Bogota Pais: Colombia COMUNICACION Y CULTURA JUVENIL EN SECTORES MARGINADOS Angela Lucia SERRANO CARRASCO Institucion: TIERRA MADRE ENCARGADA DE PROYECTOS Ciudad: Bogota Pais: Colombia TRANSFORMACIONES CULTURALES DE LA MIGRACION CAMPESINA: UNA MIRADA DESDE LA COMUNICACION Butch Miller Publisher - NewsLtr@Lets-Fly-Cruise.Com LFC Publishing Inc. Cheryl Peck Oral history project for the Detroit newspaper strike Chris Geovanis (This person is helping us make e-contact with the following groups): ITT Mother Jones The Nation Native Nations New Directions for Women The Progressive Z Magazine Public Citizen Sojourners Utne Reader Village Voice PeaceNet. *** Any assistance is greatly appreciated! *** Alternet We are a nonprofit that supports alternative journalism. One of our main projects is a news service for alternative weeklies called AlterNet. If you have Web access check out our homepage at Christine TrianoInstitute for Alternative Journalism/AlterNet infomed!!chrisv (Chris Vaughan) Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Media at Rutgers University Interesada en asistando la conferencia en Octubre. Donna Hoffman Women's Collective of KO.OP Radio Dread-Eye I would love to participate in such an event. I live in Washington DC and produce a low budget public access television show. Justin DavisMetzner It sounds like a great program. Some fellow journalists from Philadelphia and I would very much like to attend the October conference. I have just completed training with my local Public Access Cable station and would like to do a personal documentary on this conference and grass roots organizations of the Cuban people. Ed Wizek infomed!!fstv (Free Speech TV) FREE SPEECH TV is a new programming service in the United States which brings the best of activist community- based and alternative media to more than four million homes across the United States every week.Some of our staff is interested in attending the Communication Conference in Oct. --Michele Leonard infomed!!rondin ME interesaria ir a la conferencia. GUSTAVO FRAGA ERRECART PHONE/FAX:46-31- 711-2900 CELLULAR:46-070-536-9189 GOTEBORG SWEDEN. infomed!!rrod (Rebeca Rodriguez and James Tennant) Universidad de Tejas en Austin EEUU. Tenemos un grupo pequeno pero super-interesado en participar en la conferencia. infomed!!casa (Jeremy Smith) OK I'm going to start making plans. I'll also prepare my summary ASAP. Center for Campus Organizing Journalism Project (CAJP)
Peoples Weekly World I'd like to come in October -Kathleen Kelly New York Transfer News Collective * A Service of Blythe Systems Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us 339 Lafayette St. New York NY 10012 Links Duck Nichols Joint Managing Editor Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal a magazine for the post Cold War left American region can be reached by email: Lisa Pease Take care and good luck with that leaky roof! Bless the activists! Dr L. Montgomery I want to attend the Havana conference... I'm a Latinamericanist specializing in government and politics. infomed!!ITHACAHOUR Name: Paul Glover Institution: Ithaca HOURS Title of paper: Ithaca HOURS: Creando la democracia economica con dinero local y el periodismo del barrio.
(Peoples Video Network) We've faxed out applications already but just in case we'll e-apply as well. PVN applicants are as follows:* Sue Harris Editor/Videographer Video: "The Children Are Dying: the Effect of US Sanctions on the People of Iraq" * Key Martin Editor/Videographer Paper: Proposal for an International Peoples Video Network to Break the Information Blockade * Ellen Andors Editor/Videographer Paper: A Call to Arms: Why We Need an Activist Media * Johnnie Stevens Coordinator applying as well. Peter Wirth I recently read an E-mail report on your upcoming conferences regarding the media. I started a public relations business a few years ago and focus on organizations that send people to the developing world. Richard M. Miles Your notice of the upcoming conference reached me through the Society of Professional Journalists' forum on the Internet and I would like more information about each of the meeting components. >Vice President E- Span Inc.: >Executive Editor Career Companion: > > New Left Review Many thanks for your e-mail messages. We will try to publicize your conferences. Very best wishes Robin Blackburn Stephen Dunifer International Radio Action Training Education (IRATE) a project of Free Radio Berkeley is pleased to take part in the IIJPM conference. As part of this conference we will set up a micro power free radio station to demonstrate how the low cost technology broadcast technology we have been developing can be used to empower every community village pueblo with their low power FM radio station. The Student Insurgent I will do all I can to assist anyone from here if they want to go.THE STUDENT INSURGENT is the award-winning biweekly leftish newspaper published by students at the University of Oregon in Eugene. Tom Burghardt I posted yourmaterial primarily because the Cuban Revolution has been subjected to an unprecedented criminal attack by Yankee imperialism from the moment of it's birth. --Antifa list TONELIUS OLIVER Hello Mike my name is Tonelius Oliver I am a music journalist from California intersted in the October conference. infomed!!Wim.deBruyn (Wim A. de Bruyn) The paper will be about motivating human beings to keep the integrity of human nature as the life producing capital of the human race by their way of living nay by their way of life. Brussels Belgium Stay in touch organize amongst yourselves and contact me about anything! Michael Fuller IIPJM La Habana

From: Agustin Maraver ( )
Date: Wed; 7 Aug 1996 21:54:37 +-1000
VIENTO SUR POR UNA IZQUIERDA ALTERNATIVA Consejo Editorial:Jesus Albarracin Enrique Benegas G. Buster Jose Ramon Castanos Montserrat Cervera Javier Gonzalez Pulido Petxo Idoyaga Jose Iriarte "Bikila" Lourdes Larripa Miren Llona Juana Lopez Gloria Marin Cristina Monje Justa Montero Pedro Montes Alberto Nadal Joaquin Nieto Inaki Olano Carlos S. Olmo Bau Alberte Pagan Jaime Pastor Oriol Quart Daniel Raventos Miguel Romero Flora Saez Inaki Uribarri Begona Zabala. Redaccion administracion y suscripciones: Apartado de Correos 50.522 28080-Madrid Espana; Calle Embajadores 24-1o izda. 28012-Madrid Espana. tel.: (341) 530 75 38 fax : (341) 527 96 52 e mail: Precio: 800 pesetas ejemplar 3.500 suscripcion anual 6 numeros en el Estado espanol 35 us$ suscripcion anual envio como impreso extranjero 55 us$ suscripcion anual envio como carta extranjero Numero 26 / mayo 1996 1 agenda Notas sobre la actualidad politica en el Estado espanol *Juventud y Violencia en Euskadi Jose Iriarte "Bikila" *Sigue la crisis en CC OO: una opinion desde la Izquierda Sindical Juan Ramon Garai y Jesus Uzkudun *Las autopistas del agua: hacia un mar de conflictos Inaki Olano *Embalse de Itoiz: un proyecto forjado por la imposicion Coordinadora de Itoiz *Desde Espana sobre el "problema vasco" Jose Ma Ripalda 2 el desorden internacional Israel *"Cada vez que Israel firma un acuerdo de paz hay que ponerse a cubierto". Entrevista de Nora Venitia a Michel Warshwaski Italia *Dificultades para los sindicatos. Franco Turigliatto Mexico *El Ejercito Zapatista convoca a la formacion de una nueva fuerza politica. Edgard Sanchez *Primer Encuentro Americano contra el Neoliberalismo. Ulises Martinez Argentina *A 20 anos del golpe. Daniel Pereyra Alemania *"Yo no veo progreso". Entrevista de Sandro Orlando a Claus Offe Acuerdos de Schengen *Inmigracion y refugio en la Union Europea y en el Estado espanol. Antonio Gomez Movellan 3 plural El Encharcamiento *Don Jose Maria Aznar teorico de la feminidad normativa. Celia Amoros *Andalucia: los limites de Izquierda Unida. Javier Gonzalez Pulido *Desde el ecologismo. Ladislao Martinez *Las calabazas del 3 de marzo. Enric Tello *En Euskadi. Pedro Ibarra *Hacia un pacto estable de las derechas. Jaime Pastor Neoliberalismo *Balance y perspectiva desde la izquierda. Perry Anderson 4 cartas Correspondencia con lectores y lectoras

Subject: New Worker
Date: Aug; 8 1996
Dear Friends Just to let you know about the New Worker. The weekly paper of the New Communist Party of Britain. We have a weekly digest edition of our paper at the URL below. It includes the editorial and a number of other articles. Also on our site is a Left Links page to which other organisations can submit their URL for inclusion. A Diary page is also there for any progressive group to advertise any cultural or political events anywhere in the world. There are a number of other pages which will be updated and added to on a regular basis. Thank you for reading this and feel welcome to visit our site and correspond with your opinions. New Communist Party of Britain Homepage http// A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Sun; 11 Aug 1996 13:13:00 +0000
Subject: Prensa Obrera 505
Hola Los principales articulos del numero 505 de "Prensa Obrera" ya esta disponible en Saludos Raymond Webmaster del Partido Obrero (Argentina)

Date: Mon; 12 Aug 96 07:45 GMT-3:00
From: Robert Maxwell Young ( )
Subject: _Science as Culture_ no. 25 has appeared
_SCIENCE AS CULTURE_ Volume 5 Part 4 (No. 25) has appeared in the US and will soon elsewhere. CONTENTS 'The water closet: public and private meanings' by Marja Gastelaars 'Sex in the age of virtual reality' by Slavoj Zizek 'Naming the heavens: a brief history of earthly projections Part I: nativizing Hellenic science' by Scott L. Montgomery 'Farm pollution as environmental crime' by Philip Lowe _et al_. 'Contested expertise: plant biotechnology and social movements' by Derrick Purdue Reviews: _Media Freedom: The Contradictions of Communications in the Age of Modernity_ by Richard Barbrook reviewed by John Barker _Contested Technology: Ethics Risk and Public Debate_ edited by Rene von Schomberg reviewed by Alison J. Hill _Juvenile Violence in a Winner-Loser Culture_ by Oliver James reviewed by Vincenzo Ruggiero _SaC_ 26 will include: 'Reducing AIDS risk: a case of mistaken identity?' by Simon Carter 'The Californian Ideology' by Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron 'A spoonful of blood: Haitians racism and AIDS' by Laurent Dubois 'Naming the heavens: a brief history of earthly projections Part II: nativizing Arab science' by Scott L. Montgomery _SaC_ 27 will include: 'The corporate suppression of inventions conspiracy theories and an ambivalent American dream' by Stephen DeMeo 'Death comes alive: technology and the re-conception of death' by Karen Cerulo and Janet Ruane 'Inoculating gadgets against ridicule' by Mike Michael 'Sperm stories: romantic entrepreneurial and environmental narratives about treating male infertility' by Kirsten Dwight In future issues: 'Designing flexibility: science and work in the age of flexible accumulation' by Emily Martin 'Healthy bodies healthy citizens: the anti-secondhand smoke campaign' by Roddy Reid 'Israel's first test-tube baby' byDaphna Birenbaum Carmeli 160pp. _Science as Culture_ is published quarterly by Process Press Ltd. in Britain: and Guilford Publications Inc. in North America: For information about subscriptions and a list of back issues (half pri9ce to subscribers) go to: The journal has an associated email forum: To join send message To: listserv@sjuvm.stjohns Body of message: SUB SCIENCE-AS-CULTURE yourfirstname yourlastname A web site associated with the journal and forum holds articles from back issues of the journal as well as submissions under consideration (not obligatory) whose authors may benefit from constructive comments for purposes of revisions before the hard copy is printed as well as longer piece not suitable for the email format which forum members may wish to discuss: __________________________________________ Robert Maxwell Young: 26 Freegrove Rd. London N7 9RQ Eng. tel.+44 171 607 8306 fax.+44 171 609 4837 Professor of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Studies Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies University of Sheffield. Home page and writings: Process Press publications: 'One must imagine Sisyphus happy.' - Camus

Date: Tue; 13 Aug 1996 14:02:12 ARG
From: "Doxa Cuadernos de Ciencias " ( )
Subject: salio DOXA Nro.15
Anunciamos que salio DOXA A~no VII Nro.15 Invierno 1996 Temario: Dossier sobre CORRUPCION: LA NUEVA EPIDEMIA CONTEMPORANEA? *"Corrupcion y etica politica. Apuntes sobre un malestar contemporaneo" por MABEL THWAITES REY *"Los intrincados lazos entre etica y politica" Conversacion con GIUSEPPE PRESTIPINO y ENRIQUE MARI. por EDGARDO LOGIUDICE y LEANDRO FERREYRA * "Marx and Morality. El debate anglosajon sobre Marx la etica y la justicia" por STEFANO PETRUCCIANI Otros articulos: --"La lucha ecologica a fines de siglo". Entrevista a ALAIN LIPIETZ por OSVALDO BATTISTINI y ADELA PLASCENCIA --"La ecologia politica y el futuro del marxismo" por ALAIN LIPIETZ --"Breve reporte acerca del Congreso Marx Internacional" por ANA C.DINERSTEIN --Convocatoria: Coloquio de Buenos Aires. El pasado hoy: mas que memoria (1976-1986) Rese~nas de Libros: *Los ciudadanos siervos de Juan Ramon Capella. Por Edgardo Logiudice *Made in France de B.Coriat y D.Taddei. Por Osvaldo Battistini *Paralogias. Una lectura del mito del encuentro entre Espa~na y America de Daniel Altamiranda y Hernan Thomas. Por Osvaldo Battistini. *El estado seductor de Regis Debray. Por Helena Rovner *Politicas sociales. Crisis y ajuste estructural de E.Grassi S.Hintze y M.R.Neufeld. Por Ana Dinerstein *La nueva cuestion social. Repensar el estado providencia de Pierre Rosanva- llon. Por Ruth Felder Este y los numeros anteriores se pueden pedir a: Godoy Cruz 1687 2do.12 (1414) Capital Federal. Argentina Tel-Fax: (054-1) 583-5057 o 432-4709 E-mail: --- Doxa Cuadernos de Ciencias

Date: Thu; 15 Aug 1996 18:40:35 +0000
Subject: Nueva direccion
Hola La revista teorica "En defensa del Marxismo" y el semanario "Prensa Obrera" se han mudado de server. Las nuevas direcciones son En defensa del marxismo Prensa Obrera Saludos Raymond Webmaster del Partido Obrero (Argentina)

Date: Sat; 17 Aug 96 05:57 GMT-3:00
From: Robert Maxwell Young ( )
Subject: New crypto-marxist book on Psychology & Society
I believe that memvbers of this forum will be interested to learn about the publication of the following book. It originally had Marxism in the title but the publisher got cold feet and stalled and stalled until it was relinquished for the blander oe you see here. Sign of the times... Bob Young PSYCHOLGY AND SOCIETY: RADICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE edited by Ian Parker and Russell Spears CONTENTS Marxist Theses and Psychological Themes Russell Spears and lan Parker PART ONE: HISTORICAL MATERIAL The Challenge of Historical Materialist Epistemology Edward S. Reed Evolution Biology and Psychology from a Marxist Point of View Robert M. Young Marxism The Frankfurt School and Working-class Psychology Martin Roiser and Carla Willig Psychology and Marxist Politics in the United States Benjamin Harris PART TWO: CRITICAL TRADITIONS Radical Behaviourism Selectionism and Social Action Jerome D. Ulman Convergences with Psychoanalysis R.D. Hinshelwood Critical Psychology as Subject-Science Wolfgang Maiers and Charles W. Tolma V.N. Volosinov and Social Psychology Liam Greenslade Newman's Practice of Method Completes Vygotsky Lois Holzman PART THREE: EVERYDAY LIFE Pick a Utopia Any Utopia Mike Michael The Psychology of Everyday Life Grahame Hayes Emotion and Politics Paul Hoggett Incarcerated Women Kum-Kum Bhavnani and Angela Y. Davis The Revolutionary Psychology of Lev Davidovich Bronstein lan Parker PART FOUR: PRACTICES OF EMPOWERMENT Rethinking Empowerment Mark Burton and Carolyn Kagan Therapy Consciousness Raising and Revolution Ben Bradley and Jane Selby Participant Action Research Bernardo Jimenez-DomSnguez The Reactionary Practice of Radical Psychology Seephen Reicher Pp. xi+248 L15.99 (British punds sterling) London & Chicago: Pluto Press 345 Archway Road London N6 5AA 1436 West Randolph Chicago. IL 60607 __________________________________________ Robert Maxwell Young: 26 Freegrove Rd. London N7 9RQ Eng. tel.+44 171 607 8306 fax.+44 171 609 4837 Professor of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Studies Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies University of Sheffield. Home page and writings: Process Press publications: 'One must imagine Sisyphus happy.' - Camus

Date: Fri; 16 Aug 1996 19:27:29 +0100
From: Richard Bos ( )
Subject: New Worker
Dear Friends The New Worker is back from it's Summer break. This week it includes: MoD Nuke Accident Cover-ups Exposed Editorial on the Fabian Society report on reforming the Monarchy Cypriot Biker killed in anti-Turkish Protest American South Olympics and the rich-poor struggle (by John Slaughter of Peoples Tribune) Footballers to Strike? The comments of all readers are very welcome. -- Best wishes Richard. New Worker Online

Date: Wed; 21 Aug 1996 21:34:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: "R. Goforth" ( )
Subject: Social Justice E-Zine #22
URBACIDE: Urbacide is the systematic eradication of the cultural essence of a city. Military tactics include the deliberate obliteration of houses of worship schools museums libraries burial grounds media outlets and cultural monuments. The term Urbacide was coined to describe the Serbian siege of Sarajevo during the Yugoslavian civil war. In the case of Sarajevo urbacide was employed in an attempt to break the will of a multicultural city which refused to succumb to the forces of tribalism. SOCIAL JUSTICE #22 AUGUST 21 1996 1996 Kim Goforth Ray Goforth **************************************************************** IN THIS ISSUE: 1) OPENING NOTES ON THE ZINE 2) UNION SUMMER BREATHES NEW LIFE INTO AMERICAN LABOR MOVEMENT 3) BILL BRICKER: NUCLEAR WHISTLEBLOWER 4) MICROSOFT APOLOGIZES OVER RACIST THESAURUS 5) FIRST KNOWN JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT COMPLAINT BASED ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION INVOLVES DOMESTIC ABUSE CASE. 6) FREE SPEECH 101: ACLU GIVES PRINCETON UNIVERSITY AN "F" FOR BARRING POLITICAL SPEECH ON ITS COMPUTER NETWORK. **************************************************************** Welcome to the latest issue of SOCIAL JUSTICE E-ZINE. The name Social Justice encompasses the struggles of people everywhere who work for gender equality democratic government economic opportunity intellectual freedom environmental protection and human rights. Social Justice is an electronic magazine (e-zine) designed for free distribution through the internet. Feel free to make copies and share with friends (or enemies). Think of this as a regular magazine without the recycling. If there's nothing you want to read in this issue just hit delete. Those wishing to be added to the subscription list (or conversely those who want off the list) should write to us at: Some of our other projects: Social Justice: Progressive Web Site: Feminist Web Site: Human Rights in China: *****************************************************************

Date: Fri; 23 Aug 1996 18:43:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: "R. Goforth" ( )
Subject: Social Justice on the Web
The WEB version of Social Justice E-Zine #22 is now online

Date: Thu; 29 Aug 1996 22:49:48 +0100
From: Richard Bos ( )
Subject: New Worker
The Latest edition of the New Worker is out! including:- Lead - Aint it fun to be young - not! Editorial - Sharpening the axe Feature - Mean men and a mean budget. by Erna Bennett in NSW Australia International - Greek Communists condemn Turkish violence British - Civil servants' action against JSA continues Special feature - Ann Rogers (editor of the New Worker in print) interviews Andy Brooks (the new general secretary of the NCPB). -- Best wishes Richard. New Worker Online

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