Marxjour List
October, 1996 - Digest

From: "Partido Obrero" ( )
Date: Wed; 9 Oct 1996 12:58:38 +0000
Subject: Foro sobre la IV Internacional
Hola En el Web del PO se ha montado un foro de debate sobre la reconstruccion de la IV Internacional Saludos Raymond Webmaster of Partido Obrero

From: "Partido Obrero" ( )
Date: Wed; 9 Oct 1996 12:58:38 +0000
Subject: En defensa del Marxismo
Hola Ya esta disponible en el Web del PO el numero 14 de la revista "En defensa del Marxismo" El Web del PO esta en El siguiente es el SUMARIO Titulos - Argentina: Fin de regimen / Historia del trotskismo cubano Articulos : Argentina : Fin de regimen (33 Kb) Redaccion Cayo (14 Kb) Jorge Altamira Congreso del Partido Obrero (18 Kb) Redaccion El programa del "apagon"(7 Kb) Jose Ortiz El "Pacto de Olivos" del Chacho Alvarez (12 Kb) Jorge Altamira Quien tiro a Cavallo ? : La caracterizacion del PO (6 Kb) Rafael Santos Apoyo politico de la izquierda al frente patronal opositor (6 Kb) Rafael Santos El balance electoral que hizo la izquierda (7 Kb) Chirstian Rath La tercera vuelta (20 Kb) Jorge Altamira Polivalencia y categorias en los convenios de trabajo (9 Kb) Christian Rath Imponiendo las paritarias aplastaremos la "reforma laboral" (10 Kb) Julio Magri La desocupacion y el progreso tecnico (10 Kb) Christian Rath Una experiencia de lucha por las categorias (10 Kb) Nestor Pitrola 25 aniversario del congreso de Sitrac-sitram (12 Kb) Christian Rath El "Navarrazo" y el gobierno de Obregon Cano ( de Roberto A. Ferrero) (31 Kb) Juan Ferro El capitalismo en el Alto Valle del Rio Negro (46 Kb) Norberto Calducci Una historia del trotskysmo cubano (1ra. parte) (136 Kb) Gary Tennant Prensa Obrera y la restauracion del capitalismo en Rusia (26 Kb) Luis Oviedo Un pronostico sobre China y su resultado 12 annos despues (30 Kb) Luis Oviedo Prensa Obrera y el muro de Berlin (30 Kb) Jorge Martin La reconstruccion de la IV Internacional - Un debate (8 Kb) La redaccion La crisis de la IV Internacional y las tareas de los trotskistas consecuentes (69 Kb) Oposicion Trotskista Internacional Proyecto de resolucion sobre las relaciones entre la Amr "Proposta" y el movimiento trotkista internacional (6 Kb) AMR Sobre el Secretariado Unificado y las corrientes trotskistas internacionales (31 Kb) Osvaldo Coggiola Puntualizaciones sobre la Burocracia y la guerra en Bosnia (30 Kb) Colectivo En defensa del marxismo (Espanna) Saludos Raymond Webmaster of Partido Obrero

Date: Wed; 09 Oct 1996 18:22:22 +0200
From: Pascual Serrano ( )
Subject: Acceso a Rebelion
Estimados amigos por un error nuestro os facilitamos una direccion erronea de Rebelion. El acceso a Rebelion se hace mediante Un saludo Pascual Serrano Responsable de Internacional Rebelion

Date: Thu; 10 Oct 96 15:01:45 PDT
From: Revolutionary History ( )
Subject: News from Revolutionary History
Dear comrades: Revolutionary History is a united front journal. We published our last journal (number 22 Volume 6 no 2/3) on the history of the revolutionary marxist movement in Britain and Ireland from the 1930s to the 1960s. We are preparing a next issue on Sri Lanka and later on Cuba & Latin America and on Russia. We need volunteers to help us in the translation of documents from Spanish and Russian into English. We are also planning to create a Web Page and to produce a discussion list in the internet which will deal with the history of the workers and revolutionary movement. Another idea that we have is to print a regular bulletin with the best discussions inside the left lists concerning questions of the history of the workers and revolutionary movement. If some comrades or groups want to contribute to those tasks with some ideas or material help she/he is more than welcome. We are also asking the different papers journals and groups which published some researches about our last issues to send these articles to our e-mail address. Yours J. Villa Reviews editor J. Plant Member of the editorial board ------------------------------------- Revolutionary History The latest issue of Revolutionary History (Volume 6 no 2/3 320 pages) presents a wide range of material on revolutionary Marxism in Britain Ireland and Russia that has not been published before. * The origins of the Trotskyist movement in Ireland. * CLR James and the Trotskyist movement in Britain. * Trotskyism and Stalinism in Britain during the time of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. * The Stalinists and Trotskyists during the national docks strike of 1945. * The Revolutionary Communist Party and the shop stewards movement. * The demise of the Revolutionary Communist Party in 1949. * The development of Gerry Healy's Club and the Socialist Labour League up until the mid-1960s. * Previously unpublished letters by Rosa Luxemburg on Bolshevism and the Russian Revolution. Price (including postage): UK 36.75 Europe 37.25 elsewhere 38.25. Editor: Al Richardson Deputy editors: David Bruce & Ted Crawford Reviews editor: Jose Villa Business Manager: Barry Buitekant Production & Design Manager: Paul Flewers Published by Socialist Platform Ltd BCM 7646 London WC1N 3XX United Kingdom E Mail address: Back issues available Volume 1 All sold out Volume 2 No 1: Revolutionaries and major class struggles 33.00 No 2: Trotskyism in Argentina and Scandinavia; glasnost and Trotsky 33.00 Nos 3 and 4: Sold out Volume 3 No 1: Stalinism and Communism in Eastern Europe 33.00 No 2: Trotskyism in Vietnam 33.00 No 3: Trotskyism in Greece 33.45 No 4: Trotskyism and the Second World War 33.45 Volume 4 Nos 1/2: Special double issue on the Spanish Civil War 400 pages 30.95 No 3: The Bolivian Revolution of 1952 and the Trotskyist movement 33.45 No 4: South African Trotskyism 34.00 Volume 5 No 1: The German labour movement and the rise of Hitler 1929-33 33.45 No 2: Germany 1918-23: From the November Revolution to the failed October 33.75 No 3: Victor Serge special 36.95 No 4: Left Communism and Trotskyism in Italy 34.75 Volume 6 No 1: Trotskyism in Poland repression of the left in 'People's Poland' Solidarnosc the church and the state 34.75 Prices shown for UK including postage. Europe: add 50p elsewhere add 31.50. Special Offer! All available back issues plus subscription to Volume 6. UK: 365 Europe: 370 elsewhere 380. Non-UK orders in Pounds Sterling by International Money Order. Cheques or IMOs payable to Socialist Platform Ltd. Send orders to: Socialist Platform Ltd BCM 7646 London WC1N 3XX United Kingdom. ------------------------------------- Name: RH E-mail:
Date: 10/10/96
Time: 14:18:58 -------------------------------------

Date: Sat; 19 Oct 96 14:14:41 PDT
From: Revolutionary History ( )
Subject: The Italian Left (issue available)
Revolutionary History Vol.5 No.4 =A33.95/ $US 7.50 THE ITALIAN LEFT Through Fascism War and Revolution: Trotskyism and Left Communism in Italy Contents Editorial p.1 Paulo Casciola Alfonso Leonetti: a Turncoat Trotskyist p.3 Alfonso Leonetti Why I Am Rejoining the Italian Communist Party p.20 Paulo Casciola Nicolo do Bartolomeo (1901-1946) p.23 Paulo Casciola Pietro Tresso and the early years of Italian Trotskyism. p.30 Paulo Casciola Blasco's people. p.92 Paulo Casciola Some Historical Vignettes. p.101 Pierre Broue The Italian Communist Party the War and the Revolution p.111 Arturo Peregalli The Left Wing Opposition in Italy during the Period of Resistance. p.123 Paulo Casciola Trotskyism and the Revolution in Italy (1943-44) p.159 Provisional European Secretariat of the Fourth International Manifesto to the Italian Workers Peasants and Soldiers. p.173 Paulo Casciola The Troubled Relations Between the Communist Workers Party and the Fourth International. p.179 Obituaries of Margaret Dewar (Logie Barrow) William Campbell Tait (Mark Shipway) and Adam Westoby (Karen Blick) p.190 Reviews of the ICC's The Italian Communist Current (Al Richardson); Robin Blick's The Seeds of Evil: Lenin and the Origins of Bolshevik Elitism (Dave Bruce); Drucker's Max Shachtman and His Left (Jim Higgins); Pipes' Russian under the Bolshevik Regime (Simon Pirani); Bradley's Slavery and Society at Rome (Al Richardson); Frederick Engels International Socialism Special Issue (Al Richardson); Silber's Socialism: What went Wrong (Walter Kendall); and Ngo Van's Revolutionaries They Could Not Break (Al Richardson). p.196 Letters from Baruch Hirson on Victor Serge and China from Curtis Price on Left Communism in France from Mike Jones on Jan Valtin from Ian Birchall on Al Richardson's review of Cliff's book on Trotsky and an Exchange on Bolivia between Masas no.1345 the paper of the Bolivian POR and Jose Villa on the Bolivian issue of Revolutionary History Vol.4 No.3 The p.232 ------------------------------------- Name: RH E-mail:
Date: 10/19/96
Time: 14:14:41 This message was sent by Chameleon -------------------------------------

Date: Sun; 20 Oct 1996 22:52:58 +0100
From: Joao Paulo Monteiro ( )
Subject: Politica Operaria (Workers Politics)
Politica Operaria Politica Operaria (Workers Politics) is a bimonthly magazine published since 1985 in Lisbon by the O.C.P.O. (Workers Politics Communist Organization). This group has its origins in the marxist-leninist movement and now procedes with no international attachments its line of engaged and non-eclectical renewal of marxist revolutionary thought and action. Director: Francisco Martins Rodrigues Editor s Address: Apartado 1682 1016 Lisboa Codex Portugal Number 56 September/October 1996 features portuguese news and commentary notes on the struggle of turk and bask political prisoners and about a new marxist senegalese organization. Among the theoretical and opinion articles: - Roberto Diaz - Desemprego: o beco sem saida (Unemployment: the dead end); - Workers Advocate colective - Espanna: a revolucao esmagada (Spain: the crushed revolution); - Manuel Raposo - Nao he nada de novo na partilha da Jugoslavia? (Is there nothing new on the Yougoslav partition?); - Claude Bitot - O Comunismo ainda nao comecou (Communism hasn't started yet) introductory chapter of a book from this french author; - Claude Bitot and Angelo Novo publish an exchange of letters of debate about Bitot s book Le communisme n'a pas encore commence ; - Ana Barradas - Duas americanas invulgares (Two uncommon american women); - Francisco Martins Rodrigues - O ano 1961 (The year 1961). Recenssions a commentary of cultural works complete this issue. Orders and correspondence should be send to the editor s address above or by e-mail to: With our fraternal salutes.

Date: Sun; 20 Oct 1996 22:49:46 +0100
From: Joao Paulo Monteiro ( )
Subject: Politica Operaria
Politica Operaria 'Politica Operaria' e uma revista bimestral publicada em Lisboa desde 1985 pela Organizacao Comunista Politica Operaria. Este grupo e originario do movimento marxista-leninista prosseguindo agora sem quaisquer filiacoes internacionais uma linha de renovacao critica comprometida e sem eclectismos do pensamento marxista revolucionario. Director e proprietario: Francisco Martins Rodrigues Redaccao: Apartado 1682 1016 Lisboa Codex Portugal Entre os artigos do seu nro. 56 de Setembro/Outubro de 1996 merecem destaque na parte noticiosa diversas notas sobre actualidade portuguesa notas sobre as lutas de presos politicos turcos e bascos e sobre uma nova organizacao marxista senegalesa. Entre os artigos teoricos e de opiniao: - Roberto Diaz - 'Desemprego: o beco sem saida'; - Colectivo 'Worker's Advocate' - 'Espanha: a revolucao esmagada'; - Manuel Raposo - 'Nao ha nada de novo na partilha da Jugoslavia?'; - Claude Bitot - 'O comunismo ainda nao comecou' capitulo introdutorio de um livro deste autor; - Claude Bitot e Angelo Novo publicam uma troca de cartas de debate em torno do livro do primeiro 'Le communisme n'a pas encore commence'; - Ana Barradas - 'Duas americanas invulgares'; - Francisco Martins Rodrigues - 'O ano 1961' Diversos comentarios e recensoes criticas encerram este numero. Contactos devem ser dirigidos a morada da redaccao acima indicada ou por correio electronico para: Com as nossas saudacoes fraternais.

Date: Wed; 23 Oct 1996 05:23:46 +0100
Subject: The New Worker
The latest edition of the New Worker is now online. Including:- 1)Lead- Shift the burden - Make the rich pay! 2)Ediorial- Britain out of Ireland 3)Feature- Exclusion of black pupils at crisis level 4)International- Austria's social-democrats trounced in Euro poll 5)British- Sick pay victory for casual workers The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is now online at:- Comradely Richard New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

From: Agustin Maraver ( )
Subject: Viento Sur numero 27
septiembre 1996
Date: Thu; 24 Oct 1996 20:37:34 +-1000
VIENTO SUR POR UNA IZQUIERDA ALTERNATIVA Consejo Editorial:Jesus Albarracin Enrique Benegas G. Buster Jose Ramon Castanos Montserrat Cervera Javier Gonzalez Pulido Petxo Idoyaga Jose Iriarte "Bikila" Lourdes Larripa Miren Llona Juana Lopez Gloria Marin Cristina Monje Justa Montero Pedro Montes Alberto Nadal Joaquin Nieto Inaki Olano Carlos S. Olmo Bau Alberte Pagan Jaime Pastor Oriol Quart Daniel Raventos Miguel Romero Flora Saez Inaki Uribarri Begona Zabala. Redaccion administracion y suscripciones: Apartado de Correos 50.522 28080-Madrid Espana; Calle Embajadores 24-1o izda. 28012-Madrid Espana. tel.: (341) 530 75 38 fax : (341) 527 96 52 e-mail: Precio: 800 pesetas ejemplar 3.500 suscripcion anual 6 numeros en el Estado espanol 35 us$ suscripcion anual envio como impreso extranjero 55 us$ suscripcion anual envio como carta extranjero Numero 27 / septiembre 1996 1 agenda *Desde Cataluna:Jornadas sobre 20 anos de feminismo Montserrat Cervera *?A que debe responder una futura ley de izquierdas de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarrollo? Jose Luis Nieto Carlos Gomez Gil Andres Sanz Fernando Harto de Vera y Rafael Cascante *Por una absolucion de la insumision Carlos S. Olmo Bau *Un Codigo Penal postumo Fernando Alvarez Uria y otros... *Melilla:una agresion racista del Ministerio del Interior Jose Alonso Sanchez Presidente APDH Melilla 2 el desorden internacional Sahara Occidental *Perspectivas del Conflicto. Isaias Barrenada Italia *?Victoria de la izquierda? Livio Maitan Brasil *"Es necesario continuar construyendo el PT".Joao Machado China *Estrangular al dragon:la presa de las tres gargantas del Yangtze. Audrey R. Topping Israel *?Por que ha vencido Netanyahu?:Dos puntos de vista. Michel Warshawski/C. Rossi y J. Clelia 3 plural Zombi-estalinismos *?Quien teme al poscomunismo? Gabriel Partos *Las elecciones rusas y la izquierda democratica. A. Buzgalin y A. Kolganov *Como Yeltsin resucito de entre los muertos.Renfrey Clark *El PCFR se prepara para la derrota. Moscow News *Sindicatos y Nomenklatura en el giro poscomunista. G. Buster *De la "Declaracion de Principios" de la Plataforma de Izquierdas del Partido Socialista Hungaro *Solidarinosc 15 anos mas tarde.Jan Malewski 1936 *El problema de los organos de poder en la Revolucion espanola. Andreu Nin *La dualidad de poderes en la espana republicana a comienzos de la Guerra Civil. Pierre Broue

Date: Fri; 25 Oct 1996 11:00:00 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: International Socialism 72
Issue 72 of INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM quarterly journal of the Socialist Workers Party (Britain) Published September 1996 Copyright International Socialism Autumn 1996 Contents Editorial Alex Callinicos Betrayal and discontent: Labour under Blair 3 Susan Cockerill Japan in crisis 27 & Colin Sparks Richard Levins When science fails us 59 Ian Birchall The Babeuf bicentenary: conspiracy or revolutionary party? 77 Brian Manning A voice for the poor 95 Paul O'Flinn From the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom: Morris's News From Nowhere 101 Clare Fermont Bookwatch: Palestine and the Middle East 'peace process' 113 Distribution/subscriptions: International Socialism PO Box 82 London E3 American distribution: B de Boer 113 East Center St Nutley New Jersey 07110 Subscriptions and back copies: PO Box 16085 Chicago Illinois 60616 Editorial and production: +171 538 1626/+171 538 0538 Sales and subscriptions: +171 538 5821 American sales: (312) 665 7337 ISBN 189 8876 185 Printed by BPCC Wheatons Ltd Exeter England Typeset by East End Offset London E3 Cover design by Megan Trudell and Hannah Dee For details of back copies see the end pages of this book Subscription rates for one year (four issues) are: Britain and overseas (surface): individual =A314 ($30) institutional =A325 Air speeded supplement: North America nil Europe/South America =A32 elsewhere =A34

Date: Fri; 25 Oct 1996 19:55:54 +0100
Subject: New Worker
The latest digest edition of the New Worker has launched into Cyberspace! 1)Editorial- An immoral society. 2)Lead- Queen's Speech - Tory threat to Education for All. 3)Feature- Eradicating poverty throughout the world. 4)International- Week of Action for Cuba - NHS learn from Cuban health system. 5)British- Pay gap between managers and workers widens. Comradely Richard. New Worker Online New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Thu; 31 Oct 1996 20:06:32 GMT
Subject: Lastest news!
The latest digest edition of the New Worker is online again. 1)Editorial- Musical Chair-All talk and no-do! 2)Lead- Tories pass the buck on classroom problems. 3)Feature- No joy for the unemployed in mini-boom. 4)International- Biggest mass action in Canada's history. 5)British- Teleworking dream turns to nightmare. The New Worker Online is now available on request by email. Comradely Richard. New Worker Online New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

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