Marxjour List
November, 1996 - Digest

Date: Sun; 3 Nov 96 18:39:33
From: Revolutionary History ( )
Subject: Revolutionary History magazine - Web page
Revolutionary History magazine is pleased to announce the opening of its web page at [test drivers please note this amendment to the address]. We will be providing access to information about our magazine with a complete index to back issues and latest information on availability and prices. We will also be making available material prepared for Revolutionary History that we have not been able to publish in our magazine either because of lack of space or because we have not scheduled a theme issue that could carry it. In addition we are providing access to other important documents that we have in our archives. We will be adding to these collections regularly. We will also be maintaining up to date information about other projects and activities of interest to revolutionaries and historians. We welcome you to visit our site and to keep us informed of your activities. ------------------------------------- Name: RH E-mail:
Date: 03/11/96
Time: 17:41:10 This message was sent by Chameleon -------------------------------------

Date: Thu; 7 Nov 1996 19:37:38 GMT
Subject: Keep on reading!
The latest digest edition of the New Worker is online again. 1)Editorial- Land of the free? 2)Lead-Tory union bashing sinks to new low. 3)Feature- Daddy we hardly know you. 4)International- US elections: Right consolidates against the people. 5)British- Workfare pilot schemes . The New Worker Online is now available on request by email. Comradely Richard. New Worker Online New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Sat; 9 Nov 1996 23:52:13 -0800 (PST)
From: "R. Goforth" ( )
Subject: Social Justice E-Zine #23
Let me give you a word on the philosophy of reform. The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. Find out just what people will submit to and you have found the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. --Frederick Douglass SOCIAL JUSTICE #23 November 11 1996 Ray Goforth Kim Goforth **************************************************************** IN THIS ISSUE: 1) OPENING NOTES ON THE ZINE. 2) ZHU'S STORY. 3) UK FLIES SWISS PLUTONIUM FUEL USING AIR COMPANY INVOLVED IN IRAN-CONTRA ARMS SMUGGLING SCANDAL. 4) AFGHANISTAN: TALEBAN TAKE HUNDREDS OF CIVILIANS PRISONER. 5) TRUJILLO: TRUTH WITHOUT JUSTICE IN COLUMBIA. 6) CANADIAN PEACEKEEPER ON TRIAL. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** Welcome to the latest issue of SOCIAL JUSTICE E-ZINE. The name Social Justice encompasses the struggles of people everywhere who work for gender equality democratic government economic opportunity intellectual freedom environmental protection and human rights. Social Justice is an electronic magazine (e-zine) designed for free distribution through the internet. Feel free to make copies and share with friends (or enemies). Think of this as a regular magazine without the recycling. If there's nothing you want to read in this issue just hit delete. Those wishing to be added to the subscription list (or conversely those who want off the list) should write to us at: Some of our other projects: Social Justice: Progressive Web Site: Feminist Web Site: Human Rights in China: ***************************************************************** *****************************************************************

From: Chris Croome ( )
Subject: November issue of Labour Left Briefing
Date: Wed; 13 Nov 1996 00:06:35 GMT
The November issue of Labour Left Briefing is now on-line ================================================== < Labour Left Briefing is an independent voice and < forum for socialist ideas in the Labour Party and < trade unions. Labour Left Briefing is on line < at: < < < The LLB links page has links to labour movement < and socialist sites around the globe and is at: < < < < Annual subscriptions (10 issues): 14 ordinary < 20 supporting sub 30 outside UK < Cheques payable to *Labour Left Briefing* < If you would like to take copies to sell please < contact LLB at the address(s) below:- < LLB PO Box 2378 London E5 9QU < E-mail: < ================================================== <

Subject: Revolutionary History web page
Date: 11/19/96
You are very welcome to link to us at _________________________________

Date: Thu; 21 Nov 1996 18:47:27 GMT
Subject: Kick the Tories out!
The latest digest edition of the New Worker is online again. 1)Editorial- Diving for cover!--Aid not guns! 2)Lead -Kick the Tories out! Government attacks the right to strike. 3)Feature- Scots to mark St Andrew's Day with inti-racist march. 4)International- Filipinos protest APEC globalisation and oil price rise. 5)British- Universities one-day strike solid. The New Worker Online is now available on request by email. New special feature - International Festival of Youth and Students in Havana 1997. New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Thu; 21 Nov 1996 19:00:47 -0800 (PST)
From: "R. Goforth" ( )
Subject: Web Version of Social Justice #23 Now Online
The WEB version of Social Justice #23 is now online: Social Justice #23 1) Zhu's Story 2) UK Flies Swiss Plutonium Fuel Using Air Company Involved in Iran-Contra Arms Smuggling Scandal 3) Afghanastan: Taleban Take Hundreds of Civilians Prisoner 4) Trujillo: Truth Without Justice in Colombia 5) Canadian PEacekeeper on Trial

Date: Sat; 23 Nov 1996 05:39:15 ARG
From: "Administrador de " ( )
Subject: Sumario PERISFERIA
PERISFERIAS SUMARIO Viejas y nuevas formas de lucha de los pobres Edgardo Lo GIiudice Subjetividad y utopia. Las partes reales de un todo posible. Miguel Mazzeo El discurso zapatista un nuevo discurso o un discurso emergente? Alejandro Raiter e Irene Munnoz Nueva racionalidad en el Estado Postkeinesiano Martin Unzue Dossier Marxismo y Estado El pensamiento de Lenin sobre el Estado Mel Rothemberg Una nueva mirada sobre la forrma burguesa de Estado Heide Gerstemberger Historia y Marxismo abierto John Holloway Notas y Comunicaciones Los comunistas argentinos. Bases para la re-construccion de su historia. Daniel Campione Comentarios de libros Los ciudadanos siervos Juan Ramon Capella La industria que supimos conseguir Jorge Schwarzer --- postmaster

Date: Sun; 24 Nov 1996 22:27:42 ARG
From: "Administrador de " ( )
Subject: Sumario dialektica
Dialektica Revista de Filosofia y Teoria Social Anno V Nro 8 Buenos Aires. Octubre de 1996 Editorial Dossier: Neoliberalismo: la ofensiva del capital y el poder del trabajo -------- Introduccion 1a Declaracion de la Realidad. Contra el Neoliberalismo y por la Humanidad. La Jornada 6 de abril de 1996 por Marcos Capitalismo internnacional en crisis Que sigue? por Answar Shaikh y Ernest Mandel. Estado y Sociedad: panoramas y tendencias por Werner Bonefeld La guerra moderna que asesina y olvida (notas acerca de la globalizacion) por Alberto Bonnet El primer dia del primer anno: reflexiones sobre los zapatistas por John Holloway Fordismo y Postfordismo como tecnologias de guerra por Javier Patrulla. Articulos --------- Posibilidades y limites del discurso politico. El caso EZLN por Alejandro Raiter Huellas en la autonomia. Algunas notas sobre criticas de Hegel a Kant por Pablo Gilabert. Clifford Gertz observado. Antropologia interpretativa e historia de la cultura por Jose Omar Acha. La invencion de la Recepcion por Alejandro Grimson Hegel y Marx ante la Historia por Juan Luis Hernandez Algunos apuntes sobre la organizacion autonoma y la izquierda partidaria por Patricio Mc. Cabe Barbarie moderna. Notas sobre el 50 aniversario de Auschwitz e Hiroshimma por Michael Lowy El conocimiento y el sujeto de cambio por Fernando Gargano. La subjetividad como territorio de la confrontacion por Veronica Maceira. __________

From: Agustin Maraver ( )
Subject: Viento Sur 28/octubre 1996/Estado espanol
Date: Fri; 29 Nov 1996 14:12:01 +-1100
VIENTO SUR POR UNA IZQUIERDA ALTERNATIVA Consejo Editorial:Jesus Albarracin Enrique Benegas G. Buster Jose Ramon Castanos Montserrat Cervera Javier Gonzalez Pulido Petxo Idoyaga Jose Iriarte "Bikila" Lourdes Larripa Miren Llona Juana Lopez Gloria Marin Cristina Monje Justa Montero Pedro Montes Alberto Nadal Joaquin Nieto Inaki Olano Carlos S. Olmo Bau Alberte Pagan Jaime Pastor Oriol Quart Daniel Raventos Miguel Romero Flora Saez Inaki Uribarri Begona Zabala. Redaccion administracion y suscripciones: Apartado de Correos 50.522 28080-Madrid Espana; Calle Embajadores 24-1o izda. 28012-Madrid Espana. tel.: (341) 530 75 38 fax : (341) 527 96 52 e mail: Precio: 800 pesetas ejemplar 3.500 suscripcion anual 6 numeros en el Estado espanol 35 us$ suscripcion anual envio como impreso extranjero 55 us$ suscripcion anual envio como carta extranjero Numero 28 / octubre 1996 1 agenda *Los frutos amargos de la transicion y el neoliberalismo.Jaime Pastor *Violencias mentiras y cintas de video. Itaso Agirre-Ekaitza Gazteak *La nueva politica hidrica del Gobierno Popular.Angel Munoa *Verano del 96: claros y sombras de los Encuentros de Viento Sur. Manolo Gari *X Asamblea de IULV-CA:paradoja clarificadora.Javier Gonzalez Pulido *TVE cede ante la presion de la Embajada de Mexico y anula el nombramiento de Martin Medem como corresponsal en Mexico.Francisco J. Lopez 2 el desorden internacional Union Europea *Las incertidumbres de la ampliacion al Este.Catherine Samary *?Un estado supranacional en marcha?Francois Vercammen Mexico *Encuentro por el internacionalismo de la esperanza.Eric Toussaint Indonesia *"La era del caos ha comenzado".Entrevista de G. Buster a Nico Warouw dirigente del PRD *?Que es el PRD? Max Lane *Suharto S.A.:una empresa familiar Francia *De la solidaridad a la lucha contra las leyes Pasqua.Rouge Irak *Nueva intervencion americana en el Golfo.J.L.Michel America Latina *La izquierda a la hora del VI Foro de Sao Paulo.Janette Habel 3 plural Mujeres en el punto de mira *Violencia contra las mujeres lacra universal.Carmen de la Cruz y Flora Saez *El frente domestico como campo de batalla.Simona Sharoni *Mujeres y Zapatismo.Julieta Hernandez *Las mujeres en el nuevo escenario internacional.Justa Montero Memorial Ernest Mandel *El pulso de la historia.Francisco Louca 4 subrayados *"El desorden neoliberal" de Pedro Montes.Jaime Pastor *"Mujeres espacio y sociedad:hacia una geografia del genero" de Ana Sabate Juana Rodriguez y Maria Angeles Diaz. Pilar Vega *"Historia y perspectivas de las categorias basicas del pensamiento economico" de J.M. Naredo. Jorge Riechmann

Date: Fri; 29 Nov 1996 21:04:55 GMT
Subject: New Worker
The latest digest edition of the New Worker is online again. 1)Editorial- Last lap dangers. 2)Lead -Poorest hit by Budget cuts. Penny bribe won't wash! 3)Feature-Tax self-assessment costs spiralling. 4)International- Lorry drivers strike paralyses France. 5)British- Hillingdon cost-cutting provokes rising anger. The New Worker Online is now available on request by email. New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Mon; 25 Nov 1996 13:27:42 -0500
From: bookmarks ( )
Subject: Bookmarks Bookshop WWW Page
Bookmarks Britian's biggest bookshop now has it's `Books for Socialists' catalogue on the World-Wide Web. The address is

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