Marxjour List
February, 1997 - Digest

Date: Sun; 2 Feb 1997 10:07:49 +0100 (MET)
Subject: COCKROACH! #34 ( NOW Bi-Weekly)
COCKROACH! #34 A EZINE FOR POOR AND WORKING CLASS PEOPLE. WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS. It is time that the poor and working class people have a voice on the Internet. Contributions can be sent to Subscribtions are free at Now on line! Check out the Home of COCKROACH! How often this zine will appear depends on you! -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Zaire rwanda and Burundi. 2. More on the Trade Unions! 3. Sweden:Report from massive workers protest! -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Check Out My HomePage where you can Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball! Or Get The Latest Issue of COCKROACH a zine for poor and workingclass people HTTP://WWW.ALGONET.SE/~MALECKI If The links are not working you can write to me > from my home page and get the latest issue of COCKROACH! --------------------------------------------------------

Date: Thu; 06 Feb 1997 12:38:59 +0100
From: Pascual Serrano ( )
Subject: S.O.S. REBELION
Estimados amigos lectores queremos solicitar vuestro apoyo ante las acusaciones y la campanna de amedrentamiento y amenazas del gobierno colombiano contra nosotros. El pasado domingo el periodico progubernamental colombiano El Tiempo bajo el titular "La guerrilla virtual" afirmaba que nuestra direccion en Internet era la del Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional una de las tres guerrillas que operan en Colombia con el objeto de desautorizarnos. El diario llega a calificar a la publicacion espannola de "frente guerrillero en la red mundial de computadores de Internet". Como consecuencia de ello tanto el maximo responsable militar del Ejercito colombiano Manuel Bonett como diversas personas que afirman representar a organizaciones paramilitares de este pais han enviado mensajes amedrentadores a la revista alternativa en Internet Rebelion editada como todos vosotros sabeis por un colectivo de periodistas espannoles. Es de destacar el mensaje enviado personalmente por el maximo jefe militar del Ejercito colombiano el general Manuel Bonett desde su propio correo electronico ( cuyo mensaje textual es: "No entiendo como ustedes de ideas revolucionarios que estan mandadas a recoger tienen acceso a Internet". Bonett ya habia acusado anteriormente a organizaciones de solidaridad con Colombia y de derechos humanos como Amnistia Internacional de estar al servicio de la guerrilla. Igualmente los amenazas de los paramilitares son del tipo de LA TRIPLE AAA: ESTAREMOS PENDIENTES DE SU DESARROLLO SU FIN SE ACERCA La informacion publicada por El Tiempo tambien acusa al servidor de Rebelion Eurosur afirmando que las guerrillas "se amparan en redes mundiales de organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs) y otras alternativas y supuestas defensoras de los derechos humanos como Laneta Eurosur y APC". Los periodistas integrantes de la revista Rebelion consideramos un grave atentado a la libertad de prensa y de informacion la acusacion de pertenecer a la guerrilla realizada por el diario progubernamental colombiano con la unica intencion de promover un movimiento de acoso por parte de militares y paramilitares colombianos. Rebelion como todos vosotros sabeis es una publicacion alternativa que no esta adscrita a ninguna organizacion ni armada ni politica que se ocupa de las secciones de Espanna Internacional Derechos Humanos Ecologia Cultura y Movimientos Sociales como cualquier otra publicacion. Se da incluso la circunstancia de que el Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional tiene su propia pagina que nada tiene que ver con Rebelion. Para los periodistas que formamos parte de esta revista se trata de una estrategia perfectamente disennada por el gobierno colombiano haciendo una afirmacion falsa en su periodico oficial para despues enviar mensajes de amedrentamiento por parte de su mas alto cargo militar y amenazas desde sus grupos paramilitares asociados. Os hacemos un llamamiento para que seais vosotros nuestros lectores los que respondais al diario El Tiempo al general Bonett y a las amenazas firmadas por grupos paramilitares desde La informacion publicada por el diario El Tiempo se puede leer en: ----- Rebelion

Date: Fri; 07 Feb 1997 05:21:10 +0000
Subject: The mask slips
New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 7th February 1997 1) Editorial - The mask slips. & Says who? 2) Lead story - Health service shortages put patients at risk. 3) Feature article - Infant schools rely more on untrained helpers. 4) International story - Czech teachers' strike. 5) British news item - Break the peace impasse. Check out our new "Wadd ya think?" readers' views feature! Don't forget. If you want to receive the New Worker Online by email just let us know. Comradely Richard. New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Fri; 7 Feb 1997 11:38:20 -0500
From: bookmarks ( )
Subject: Bookmarks new and recommended books
BOOKMARKS - THE SOCIALIST BOOKSHOP Bookmarks Britain's biggest socialist bookshop has just produced its latest list of new and recommended books including a number of special offers. If you'd like a copy e-mail us at: If you'd prefer a hard copy send us your postal address.

Date: Fri; 14 Feb 1997 05:33:47 +0000
Subject: Let the good times roll?
New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 14th February 1997 1) Editorial - Let the good times roll? 2) Lead story - Schools need better funding not more league tables. 3) Feature article - Tax self-assessment - another assault on pensioners. 4) International story - Strike extends to five days and solidarity builds. 5) British news item - Nuclear danger halts prison camp plans. If anyone wishes to receive the New Worker Online by email let us know otherwise check all the goodies on the website! New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Wed; 21 Feb 1997 05:24:12 +0000
Subject: One law for them.......
New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 21st February 1997 1) Editorial - One law for them....... 2) Lead story - Fortunes for rail bosses while passengers wait. 3) Feature article - Threat to council housing grows. 4) International story - Striking oil workers arrested in Iran. 5) British news item - Campaign for east London hospitals. The death of Deng Xiaoping was announced as the New Worker went to press and was reported on the front page. A full obituary will be printed next week. The Central Committee of the New Communist Party of Britain sends its' condolences to the Communist Party of China. New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Fri; 28 Feb 1997 00:29:43 +0000
From: New Worker Online ( )
Subject: The great train robbery
New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 28th February 1997 1) Editorial - The great train robbery. 2) Lead story - "Fortunes for the few.Misery for the many" Tory tube sell-off 3) Feature article - Hospital waiting lists now over a million. 4) International story - Czech government moves to ban "political" strikes. 5) British news item - Government passes the buck on Gulf War Syndrome. Please check out our new Special feature on the NCPB website -- "Peace and Socialism - the indivisible Struggle" by Eric Trevitt President of the New Communist Party of Britain. Comradely Richard. (Webmaster for the NCPB and NW Online) New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A new service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Fri; 28 Feb 1997 02:05:58 +0100
From: Mauro Stefanini ( )
Subject: Internationalist site
The Internationalist communists of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party have their own pages at the URL Thanks

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