Marxjour List
June, 1997 - Digest

Subject: What's new at In Defence of Marxism
Date: Thu; 5 Jun 97 10:49:51 +0000
From: ( )
What's new at In Defence of Marxism ( ) - A Socialist Alternative to the European Union ( ) This long document by Alan Woods provides a comprehensive answer to many key questions for the European labour movement. What is Maastricht? Why are they introducing all these cuts? Would it be better without Maastricht? Will it succeed? and most important of all how do we fight it and what is our alternative. June 1997 - Russia in turmoil an eyetwitness report ( ) An analysis of the current situation in Russia based on Alan Woods' discussions with trade unionists left wingers Communist Party members and others during his recent trip to Russia. A first hand account of the debates in the Russian left and the beginning of the recovery of the labour movement. June 1 1997 (published in the June edition of Socialist Appeal) - Mobutu overthrown what next for the new Congo ( ) On May 17 the forces of the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire (ADFL) took Zaire's capital Kinshasa and changed the name of the country to Democratic Republic of Congo putting an end to 31 years of dictatorship by Mobutu Sese Seko. This article analyses the different forces behind the conflict and outlines a socialist perspective for the masses of the Central Africa region. June 1997 (published in the June edition of Socialist Appeal) - Vonk ( ) We have added a link to the Web site of Vonk the Marxist paper in the trade union and socialist movement in Belgium. The movement of the Renault workers of the Clabecq steel workers the White March etc. show us that Belgium is a country in turmoil to get a Marxist analysis of what is happening there check this site (in Flemish) Revolutionary greetings Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Date: Sat; 07 Jun 1997 18:54:03 +0100
From: New Worker Online ( )
Subject: Peace call as fighting rages in Freetown
New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 6th June 1997 1) Editorial - France and the Euro. 2) Lead story - We want real jobs and decent wages. 3) Feature article - Blunkett appoints Tory school inspector Woodhead. 4) International story - France cheers Left victory. 4a)Extra International story - Peace call as fighting rages in Freetown. 5) British news item - Trident reaches Downing Street. Hi everyone! The NWO email edition has an extra news item this week as there is so much going on around the world it was almost impossible to decide what to include. Our web site now includes a historical piece by Ernie Trory on the "Origins of the Cold War". Check it out! Hopefully this at sometime weekend we should finally get out "Political situation in Britain" report up to date with an new interview with our general-secretary Andy Brooks. Comradely Richard. New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A news service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Thu; 12 Jun 1997 00:59:25 +0200
Subject: Internationalist Communist
Dear All the issue #15 of Internationalist Communist (the central magazine of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party) is out and on line. All the articles are readable and importable from our site This is the content: Editorial South Korea: Class struggle under global capitalism Capital against labour: IBRP statement on unemploymnent Albania: financial swindle that reflects the capitalist crisis. The two-dimensional state: Globalisation of the economy and State Communist left and historical revisionism: The monster is capitalism Political roots of the ICC's organisational malaise-. On the same site in the Italian pages are readable and importable the thesis and other documents of the VI Congress of the Internationalist Communist Party of Italy which will constitute the content of PROMETEO 13 (the theoretical organ of the CP Int- Italy); and as ususal two main articles of the monthly paper Battaglia comunista: This month the first article is devoted to the British elections. Internationalist greetings for the IBRP and the PCINT mauro jr **************************************************************************** The Internationalists HomePages are at http// Write to **************************************************************************

Date: Mon; 16 Jun 97 09:37:35
From: lcmrci ( )
Subject: What next? 4
What Next? What Next? is a discussion journal aimed at those who are interested in actively responding to the bankruptcy of the world capitalist system by fighting to re-establish revolutionary Marxism as Lenin and Trotsky did for their time. The collapse of the regimes in the Soviet bloc signals a new historical period which demands Marxist analysis as a guide to action through open discussion uninhibited by sectarianism and phrasemongering. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for such discussion. In order to create the conditions for this our editorial policy is broad. Comments and contributions will be welcomed. Contents 1997 Number 4 Ireland and the Crisis of the British State. David Coen. Page 3. Socialists and the Scottish Question. Gordon Morgan. Page 11. The Spanish Communist Party and the United Left. John Sullivan. Page 17. Why Marxists should have defended Bosnia (And why they shouldn't) Nick Davies. Page 21. Revolutionary Regroupment. Gerry Downing. Page 24. Hegemony Revisited. Mab Seymour. Page 31. Is the Time Ripe for the Slogan: 'The United States of Europe'? (A Discussion Article) Introduction by Jack Bernard. Leon Trotsky Page 34 Reviews. Page 39. Letters. Page 43. Subscribe to What Next? To enable us to ensure that this heavily-subsidised discussion journal can continue to contribute to Marxist debate please take out a subscription. Issues are scheduled to be published quarterly. Send L310 for six issues to the above address. To order back issues send L32 per issue. Copy deadline for next issue: 15 July 1997 Send copy to: What Next? 92 Castlehaven Road London NW1 8PL

Subject: New book on Russia by Ted Grant
Date: Tue; 17 Jun 97 18:33:24 +0000
From: ( )
RUSSIA FROM REVOLUTION TO COUNTER-REVOLUTION By Ted Grant A major new work which seeks to describe and analyse from a Marxist perspective the critical events which have marked Russian history > from 1917 up to the present day. This book represents the culmination of over 50 years of study and arguement on this question by Ted Grant and draws upon all the key writings of the author produced over this period many of which are out of print or difficult to find. Extensively research using current data and English and forign language sources this book (of neraly 560 pages) also reexamines the ideas and writings of Lenin and Trotsky and seeks to confirm their validity. Subjects covered include: o Lenin Trotsky and the events after 1917 o The rise of Stalin. The struggle of the Left opposition. Socialism in one country? The Five Year plans. The purge trials. o Stalinism and the Cold War. The death of Stalin and the rise of Khrushchev. The progress of the planned economy. o Brezhnev and the crisis in the economy. Gorbachev's reforms. The 1991 Coup and the collapse of the USSR. o Russia under Yeltsin. The 1996 elections. Prospects for the future. o The National question in the USSR. The role of Soviet foreign policy. Ted Grant has played a leading role in the Trotskyist movement since the 1930s. His selected writings were published in 1989 as The Unbroken Thread. In 1995 Wellred published Reason In Revolt-Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science co-authored with Alan Woods. He is currently political editor of the journal Socialist Appeal. At a moment of greta confusion and disorientation among broad layers of the working class and the left in general the publication of the book Russia from Revolution to counterrevolution is highly opportune. This is an excellent example of the absolute validity of revolutionary Marxist thought... The present work makes ine realise the extraordinary richness and profundity of dialectical materialism which captures historical and socio-economic processes in transition, enabling us to get closer to their living dynamics, and not to be deceived by erratic and static images of reality. The author's deep knowledge of Marxist theory, and particularly the thoughts and works of Leon Trotsky leap from the written page (from the foreword by Vsievolov Volkov Trotsky's grandson). You can have a look at Vsievolod Volkov's foreword and the book's table of contents at the In Defence of Marxism web site ( ). We will be putting the book at the web site chapter by chapter but in the meantime: Order from: Wellred PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ phone: + 44 171 251 10 94 fax: + 44 171 251 10 95 email: Price: 11.95 pounds sterling (add 1.5 pounds for post and packaging in Britain and 3 pounds rest of the world). Cheques only accepted in pounds sterling. Outside Britain please send International Money Orders in pounds sterling. All payable to Wellred Publications.

Date: Fri; 20 Jun 1997 17:17:25 +0100
From: New Worker Online ( )
Subject: Unthinkable thoughts
New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 20th June 1997 1) Editorial - Unthinkable thoughts. 2) Lead story - Restore the link with Wages - Pensioners demand "a better deal". 3) Feature article - Outrage over health charge proposals. 4) International story - Euro summit - Giving monetary stability a human face. 5) British news item - Privatisation threat still hangs over tube. We have finally got round to making some use of the New Worker Online Shop on our site so check it out. We should be adding items more often in future. It is coming up to the twentieth anniversary of the NCPB so there will be a special edition NWO in the next few days featuring Eric Trevett the former general secretary and current president of the NCPB interviewed by Ann Rogers editor of the New Worker print edition. Comradely Richard. (Webmaster for the New Communist Party of Britain and New Worker Online) New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A news service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Subject: Albania
The Paris Commune and the February Revolution
Date: Fri; 27 Jun 97 13:16:57 +0000
From: ( )
Albania The Paris Commune and the February Revolution This article written by Alan Woods just before the June elections reviews the election campaign and the several incidents which happened during this an interview with the leader of the Vlora Committee Shyti and draws the lessons for the Albanian revolution from previous revolutionary movements which only went half way. 23rd of June 1997 The (13 000 words) article is also available of request by email. Please feel free to distribute and use this article as widely as possible but always quoting the source and the address of our web page ( ) ------------------- If you want to kept informed of new additions at the In Defence of Marxism web site send a message to with subscribe What's New as the body of the message. If you don't send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ------------------ PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Date: Fri; 27 Jun 1997 21:10:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Social Justice E-Zine #26
**************************************************************** As a matter of constitutional tradition, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, we presume that governmental regulation of the content of speech is more likely to interfere with the free exchange of ideas than to encourage it. The interest in encouraging freedom of expression in a democratic society outweighs any theoretical but unproven benefit of censorship. --Supreme Court of the United States of America (June 26 1997) striking down the Communications Decency Act as unconstitutional. SOCIAL JUSTICE #26 June 28 1997 Ray Goforth Kim Goforth **************************************************************** IN THIS ISSUE: 1) WORKFARE IN THE USA 2) MESSAGE BY PRESIDENT VACLAV HAVEL ON A CHINESE DISSIDENT 3) LEGAL CENTRE OF NAMIBIA WINS UNICEF'S HIGHEST HONOUR 4) AMERICAN AIRLINES COMBATS HOMOPHOBIA **************************************************************** Welcome to the latest issue of SOCIAL JUSTICE E-ZINE. The name Social Justice encompasses the struggles of people everywhere who work for gender equality democratic government economic opportunity intellectual freedom environmental protection and human rights. Social Justice is an electronic magazine (e-zine) designed for free distribution through the internet. SJ now reaches approximately 10 000 e-mail recipients in sixty-one (61) countries. Stories from SJ are broadcast on radio stations in the United States and Australia. Feel free to make copies and share with friends (or enemies). Think of this as a regular magazine without the recycling. If there's nothing you want to read in this issue just hit delete. Those wishing to be added to the subscription list (or conversely those who want off the list) should write to us at: Some of our other projects: Feminist Web Site: Human Rights in China: Pol-Econ: Progressive Web Site: SJ #26 Web: *****************************************************************

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