Marxjour List
July, 1997 - Digest

Date: Tue; 01 Jul 1997 20:44:59 -0300
Subject: Call for papers - Che Guevara
C A L L P A P E R Informe N 1 La Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) y la Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP) ambas del Estado de Sao Paulo Brasil estan organizando el Coloquio Internacional "Ernesto Che Guevara: presencia y permanencia". El evento se realizara em la semana del 6-10 de octubre de 1997 em diversas unidades de aquellas Universidades. Aspectos biograficos teoricos politicos de su vida como su influencia em diferentes movimientos politicos sociales y culturales seran tratados por conferencistas mesas redondas debates y comunicaciones coordenadas. Contamos com su participacion y divulgacion. Informes: Prof. Dr. Hector Luis Saint-Pierre e. mai.: HECTORSP@TURING.UNICAMP.BR

Date: Wed; 02 Jul 1997 15:56:58 +0100
From: fr ( )
Subject: archive additions
Here is a list of recent additions and sample content inEnglish French Spanish and Italian of the archive available at the Internationalist Communist Union's web site: (e-mail: Publications in English ----------------------- Class Struggle (quarterly - The Spark - USA) -------------------------------------------- #16 - may/jun 1997 United States The Organizing Campaign of the AFL-CIO Capitalism Tears Holes in Its Safety Nets Albania - From Poverty to Revolt Turkey - The Army Poses as the Defender of Secularism and Democracy India - 50 years later #15 - feb/mar 1997 United States The Rosy Economic Recovery - Roses for a Few Thorns for the Rest Auto Contracts - The UAW Leads the Way Up...and Down Sweden - What is The Social Democratic Welfare State Doing ? Serbia - A reactionary opposition confronts a reactionary regime in the name of democracy. Class Struggle (quarterly - Workers' Fight - Britain) ----------------------------------------------------- #16 - jul/aug 1997 Britain After the Tories' collapse Labour's austerity drive Insidious attacks against the right of women to abortion Ireland - Five years of austerity policy and fake economic "success" France - After the general election China - Hong Kong re-united with China... through the world market #15 - apr/may 1997 Britain Revolutionaries and the May 1st general election The union bureaucracy and Labour's return to office France - The lethal threat of the National Front will have to be met wi= th a working class counter-offensive South Korea - Working class militancy and the myths of the "economic mi= racle" Algeria - What way out for the Algerian peoplen caught in the war betwe= en the army and the Fundamentalists? Internationalist Communist Forum Series (Worker's Fight - Britain) ----------------------------------------------------------------- #19 - dec 1994 Labour's new clothes tailored to suit the capitalists #26 - mar 1996 From left Labour to Socialist Labour: the limits of radical reformism. Other documents in English -------------------------- pamphlet published by the ICU (winter 1988) Fifty years after the foundation of the Fourth International - What perspectives for revolutionaries today? Publications in French ---------------------- Lutte de Classe (mensuel - Lutte Ouvriere) ------------------------------------------ #28 - Ete 97 France Apres les legislatives Les resultats de l'extreme gauche trotskiste Grande-Bretagne - Apres la chute des conservateurs le bilan du "moins d'Etat" Ile de la Reunion- La greve des fonctionnaires et la politique du Parti communiste reunionnais Russie - Un regime qui s'installe dans l'instabilite et le chaos Lutte Ouvriere dans les elections legislatives : documents Tribune - Le PS et le PC sont au gouvernement le Front National est en embuscade. #27 - Avril 97 France - Combattre le Front national ou parader devant lui? Albanie- de la pauvrete a la revolte Turquie - Quand l'armee pose au defenseur de la laicite et de la democratie Etats-Unis - La reprise economique: une "embellie" pour quelques-uns mais des nuages qui s'amoncellent pour la majorite de la population Tribune - Vilvorde et l'Europe #26 - Mars 1997 Algerie - Face a la guerre entre l'armee et les islamistes quelle issue pour le peuple algerien ? Coree du Sud - Du mythique "miracle economique" aux traditions de lutte de la classe ouvriere Mexique - La crise du Parti revolutionnaire institutionnel : de la revolution a l'institution vermoulue Tribune - Mondialisation : l'arene retrouvee du capital financier Publications in Spanish ----------------------- #09 - Junio julio agosto 1997 Espanna - Un nuevo ataque a los trabajadores: la nueva reforma laboral Francia Despues de las legislativas francesas: la derecha ha sido desaprobada pero... Documentos: Lutte Ouvriere en la campanna oficial (Declaraciones de Arlette Laguiller en las emisiones de radio y television) Luchar contra el Front national o desfilar ante el ? Albania- De la pobreza a la explosion social #08 - ENERO 1996 Mundializacion globalizacion de la economia : frases hechas que mas que imperialismo. Union europea euro y mercado mundial. La ex-Union Sovietica y su evolucion Cercle Leon Trotsky (Paris) --------------------------- Espanna 1931-1936 - La politica de Frente Popular en contra de la revolucion obrera Documents in Italian --------------------- da "Lutte de Classe" #24 dicembre 1996 Unione Europea Euro e mercato mondiale da "Lutte de Classe" #24 dicembre 1996 La situazione politica in Francia da "Lutte de Classe" #24 dicembre 1996 L'ex-Unione sovietica e la sua evolutioze da "Lutte de Classe" #24 dicembre 1996 Mondializzazione Globalizzazione dell'economia: espressioni create apposta per mascherare pi che per fare chiarezza sulla realta dell'imperialismo. da "Lutte de Classe #23 novembre 1996 Un'opposizione nel Partito della Rifondazione comunista impegnato nel sostegno al governo da "Lutte de Classe #20 maggio-giugno 1996 L'Ulivo al governo da "Lutte de Classe #17 gennaio-febbraio 1996 La crisi economica

Date: Fri; 04 Jul 1997 05:40:58 +0100
From: New Worker Online ( )
Subject: Hong Kong is free!
New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 4th July 1997 1) Editorial - Hong Kong is free! 2) Lead story - Budget cash won't stop winter crisis - hospitals set for cold weather chaos. 3) Feature article - Dobson plans NHS changes. 4) International story - China-Hong Kong enter new era. 5) British news item - Strike plans force BA to negotiate. After 156 years of colonial rule; the Hong Kong people celebrated their return to China with beautiful firework displays. Maybe one day we will see those celebrations closer to home -- in the north of Ireland. Comradely Richard. New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A news service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Subject: Labour Left Briefing
Date: Mon; 07 Jul 1997 14:39:38 GMT
Hi The July issue of Labour Left Briefing is on-line at: :================================================== : Labour Left Briefing is an independent voice and : forum for socialist ideas in the Labour Party and : trade unions. Labour Left Briefing is on line : at: : : : The LLB links page has links to labour movement : and socialist sites around the globe and is at: : : : : Annual subscriptions (10 issues): 14 ordinary : 20 supporting sub 30 outside UK : Cheques payable to *Labour Left Briefing* : If you would like to take copies to sell please : contact LLB at the address(s) below:- : LLB PO Box 2378 London E5 9QU : E-mail: : ==================================================

From: Chris Bertram ( )
Subject: Imprints vol. 2 no. 1
Date: Tue; 8 Jul 1997 10:22:34 +0100 (BST)
Vol. 2 no. 1 of IMPRINTS: a journal of analytical socialism is now out. I attach a contents list and subscription information. We are also keen to solicit contributions from sympathetic scholars. IMPRINTS: a journal of analytical socialism _________________________________________________________________ Imprints aims to promote a critical discussion of socialist ideas freed from theoretical dogma but committed to the viability of an egalitarian and democratic politics. We take for granted that most societies in the world are characterised by class oppression but that class division does not exhaust the unjust inequalities to which their peoples are subject. Contributions are invited on topics such as the theory of history the normative foundations of politics and the philosophical foundations of social inquiry; and on social inequality political practice and institutional change. The criteria for the acceptance of papers include analytical power and empirical rigour; no school of thought or intellectual tradition is excluded though we are committed to the view that the world remains a rationally intelligible place. _________________________________________________________________ Contents of vol. 2 no. 1 (June 1997) NOW OUT! * An interview with Thomas McCarthy * Alex Callinicos 'History Exploitation and Oppression' * John Baker 'Studying Equality' * Christopher Bertram 'Theories of Public Reason' * Paul Dixon 'Public Opinion and the Northern Ireland Peace Process' _________________________________________________________________ Editor: Christopher Bertram Associate Editors: Alan Carling Jennifer Hornsby Graeme Kirkpatrick Published three times a year in March June and October _____________________________________________________________ * Subscriptions: Individual EU 15 UK pounds; Individual support 20 UK pounds; Rest of world outside EU 30 UK pounds or $40 US Institutions should double these rates. Students and unemployed in the EU may subscribe at a special rate of 10 UK pounds. * Correspondence: Editorial: 9 Woodland Road Bristol BS8 1TB England or email * Administrative/subscriptions: 58 Wilmer Drive Bradford BD9 4AS England _________________________________________________________________ -- Christopher Bertram Department of Philosophy University of Bristol UK. Editor of Imprints: ( ) email:

Subject: What's New at the In Defence of Marxism web site
Date: Thu; 10 Jul 97 14:49:46 +0000
From: ( )
Mexico Elections a blow by the workers against the government We have added this article written in Mexico by Marxist paper Militante which analyses the July 6 1997 elections in Mexico explains the importance of the PRD victory in Mexico City and the fact that the PRI lost control of the Congress. July 9 1997. The article is published both in English and Spanish. To contact Militante: Web page: email address: ------------------- If you want to kept informed of new additions at the In Defence of Marxism web site send a message to with subscribe What's New as the body of the message. If you don't send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ------------------ Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Date: Thu; 10 Jul 1997 23:42:20 +0100
From: New Worker Online ( )
Subject: Prolonging the agony.
New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 11th July 1997 1) Editorial - Prolonging the agony. 2) Lead story - Peace process in tatters. 3) Feature article - Young unemployed could face total benefit cut. 4) International story - Polish Communists say No to NATO. 5) British news item - Cabin crew strikers defy BA threats. The British government is behaving in true imperialist fashion in it's colony in the northern part of Ireland. Read about it in this week's issue. Comradely Richard. New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A news service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Tue; 15 Jul 1997 14:26:44 ARG
From: "Alberto Daniel Teszkiewicz " ( )
Subject: Encuentro Latinoamericano de Revistas Marxistas
[We need your help to translate this mail to english]. [Alguien podria ayudarnos para traducirlo al ingles?]. [Las direcciones electronicas fueron testeadas y algunas producen rechazos]. [La direccion de Internet mencionado todavia parece estar vacia]. ***** Comienzo del mensaje reenviado ***** ENCUENTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE REVISTAS MARXISTAS MAYO DE 1997 El reciente Encuentro Latinoamericano de Revistas Marxistas se realizo del 1 al 4 de mayo en Florianopolis Brasil. Dicho evento es continuacion de actividades de contacto y trabajo en comun comenzadas en mayo de 1995 en Santa Maria Brasil. Alli se inicio un Protocolo de Intercambio entre algunas revistas marxistas de la region. En octubre del 95 en Rosario Argentina se realizo un segundo encuentro de revistas con mas de veinte publicaciones de Argentina Brasil y Uruguay. En mayo del 96 se realizo en Montevideo un nuevo encuentro acompannado del Seminario 'Marxismo y Capitalismo Hoy Modernidad y Crisis' organizado por Alfaguara de Uruguay. Alli se convoco al encuentro de Florianopolis ahora realizado junto con el Seminario "80 annos de la Revolucion Bolchevique y actualidad de la lucha anti- capitalista". El encuentro fue organizado por las revistas brasilennas Praxis y Critica Marxista y el Centro de Filosofia y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina Brasil sus catedras de Sociologia y Politica Historia y Educacion y su Nucleo de Estudios de Transformaciones en el Mundo del Trabajo. Fue patrocinado por la CUT regional de Santa Catarina el PT/SC PC do B PCB y los sindicatos APUFSC SINERGIA y de Medicos de SC. El Encuentro rindio homenaje al educador brasilenno Paulo Freire fallecido en esos dias y emitio una declaracion de repudio al asesinato del periodista argentino Jose Luis Cabezas exigiendo el esclarecimiento del mismo. Se decidio la realizacion de un nuevo encuentro y seminario tematico para 1998 y se recomendo a las revistas argentinas estudiar su realizacion en Buenos Aires y confirmarlo en los proximos dos meses. Tema sugerido: "150 annos del Manifiesto Comunista". Se proyecta ademas la publicacion de una edicion bilingue de dicha obra con todos los prefacios de las primeras ediciones editadas en los paises de la region. Participaron o hicieron llegar su adhesion y datos para intercambio y comunicacion las siguientes revistas de Argentina Brasil y Uruguay: * Trabajo y Capital Uruguay direccion en Brasil Guillermo Foladori tel(041)26322913 * Periferias Argentina Av.Rivadavia 2358 5 'B' izq. (1034) Buenos Aires tel/fax (541)9543671/72 * Principios Brasil R.Adomiran Barbosa 53 Bela Vista Sao Pablo CEP 01318-020 * Critica Marxista Brasil A/C Prof. Caio Navarro de Toledo IFCH Dto. de C.Politicas Unicamp 13081 Campinas Sao Paulo Brasil * Revistas marxistas cubanas en Brasil Ileana Hodge Limonta (Cuba) Rego Freitas 501 ap 32 V. Buarque Sao Pablo CEP 0122-010 Brasil * Alfaguara Uruguay Casilla de Correos 1616 CP 11000 Montevideo Uruguay Telefono (5892)959141/558431 Fax (5892)964256 * Raizes Brasil Univ.Fed.Paraiba CH Mestrado en Sociologia Av.Aprigio Veloso 882 58.109.970 Campina Gde. PB (083)3101051 * Doxa Argentina Maria A.Gutierrez Cordoba 559 2 Piso (1414) Buenos Aires tel/fax (541)7725463 * (nombre sin confirmar) El Cerebro de los Vivos Argentina Rivadavia 2358 5 izq.(1034) Buenos Aires tel (541)9543673/7715463/9513416(Fax) * Praxis Brasil Av.Alfonso Pena 748 sala 1613 Centro Belo Horizonte MG (5531) 2222493 (lunes a viernes de tarde) y * Rev. del Centro de Estudios Cubanos Florestan Fernandez (en preparacion) Jesuino Pascoal 51 Vila Buarque Sao Pablo CEP 01224050 (011)2229680 o A/C Geraldo Pereira Barbosa Rego Freitas 501 ap 52 Vila Buarque Sao Pablo (011)6056378 El Encuentro recomienda a las revistas que aun no despongan de direccion E-Mail a que se la provean y comuniquen a los participantes de la red. La revista PRAXIS pone a disposicion de la red de revistas su pagina Internet: Los acuerdos del encuentro incluyen la divulgacion por internet de los sumarios de cada uno de los numeros de las revistas a medida que se publican. A su vez varias revistas adhirieron al Encuentro pero se vieron imposibilitadas de concurrir. Detallamos sus direcciones completas o incompletas segun los casos y solicitamos a las mismas o a quienes tengan contacto con ellas se comuniquen a la brevedad para retomar el contacto con la red de revistas y completar la informacion sobre el evento realizado y los proximos. * Critica de Nuesto Tiempo Argentina Casilla de Correo 3509 Correo Central (1000) Buenos Aires * La Marea Argentina * Apuntes del Mannana Argentina Piedras 989/95 (1070) Cap.Federal tel/fax 3311480 * Cuadernos de Debate Brasil * El Rodaballo Argentina Dean Funes 446 (1214) Buenos Aires tel 93225533 * Praga Brasil * Cuadernos del Sur Argentina Casilla de Correos 167 6b (1406) Buenos Aires Hacemos extensivo el llamado a las que participaron en eventos anteriores o que tienen un contacto regular nuestra red * Salud Problema y Debate Argentina Terrada 237 1406 C.Federal tel/fax (541)7474074/8231372 * Teoria & Praxis Brasil Rua C 126 Qd 235 Nro 8 Jardim America Cep 74225 tel 287344/22946799 Goiana * Brasil Revolucionario Brasil * Espacios Ecuador Casilla Postal 17107169 Quito tel 506175 * Actuel Marx Francia CNRS 19 Boulevard du Midi 92000 Nanterre tel (1)47245219 fax(1)469950351 * Le Marxisme Aujourd'hui Belgica BP 276 F 38407 St.Martin-d'Heres Cedex * Vientos del Sur Apartado Postal 70176 Mexico 04510 DF fax 6716873 * Against the Current USA 7012 Michigan Avenue Detroit MI 48210 (313)84110180 fax (313) 8418884 Home page * Papeles de la Fim c/Alameda 5 2da izq 28014 Madrid tel 4201388 fax 42002004 * Alternatives Sud Belgica Av.Snt.Gertrude 5 B-1348 Louvaine-La-Neuve Por Correcion de posibles errores en esta lista complementaciones y actualizaciones solicitamos dirigirse a cualquiera de las revistas de la red y la secretaria rotativa de la misma hoy a cargo de revista Alfagura Uruguay o pagina web de revista Praxis Brasil. --- ***** Fin del mensaje reenviado ***** --- Alberto Daniel Teszkiewicz

From: "Geudens" ( )
Subject: Ernest MandelFondation
Date: Wed; 16 Jul 1997 00:40:16 +0200

Date: Wed; 16 Jul 1997 14:23:42 ARG
From: "Alberto Daniel Teszkiewicz " ( )
Subject: Latin American Conference of marxist magazines.
LATIN AMERICAN CONFERENCE OF MARXIST MAGAZINES MAY 1997 The recent Latin American Conference of Marxist Magazines took place on May 1-4 in Florianopolis Brazil. The meeting was a continuation of interchange and joint work begun in May 1995 in Santa Maria Brazil where an Interchange Protocol was begun among several marxist magazines from the region. The second meeting took place in October 1995 in Rosario Argentina and was attended by more than twenty publications from Argentina Brazil and Uruguay. A third conference was held n May 1996 along with a workshop on "Marxism and Capitalism Today: Modernity and Crisis;" organized by Alfaguara from Uruguay. At that time a call was issued for the Florianopolis meeting together with a workshop titled "80 Years after the Bolshevik Revolution: The Current State of the Anti-Capitalist Struggle. The meeting was organized by the Brazilian groups Praxis and Critica Marxista and the Centro de Filosofia y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina Brazil its Sociology Politics and History departments and its Center for the Study of Changes in the World Of Work (Nucleo de Estudios de Transformaciones en el Mundo del Trabajo). The meeting was sponsored by the Santa Catarina regional CUT the PT/SC the PC do B PCB and the unions APUFSC SINERGIA and the Doctors' Union of Santa Catarina. The meeting paid homage to the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire who died at that time and issued a statement denouncing the murder of Argentinian journalist Jose Luis Cabezas and demanding a thorough investigation of the crime. A theme was chosen for the 1998 meeting 150 Years After the Communist Manifesto. Argentinian magazines will investigate the possiblility of holding the meeting in Buenos Aires and will report back within two months. A bi-lingual publication of the conference papers was also planned together with the prefaces from the earlier editions published in the region. The following magazines from Argentina Brazil and Uruguay participated in the conference or joined the list for interchange and communication: * Trabajo y Capital Uruguay address in Brazil Guillermo Foladori tel(041)26322913 * Periferias Argentina Av.Rivadavia 2358 5 'B' izq. (1034) Buenos Aires tel/fax (541)9543671/72 * Principios Brasil R.Adomiran Barbosa 53 Bela Vista Sao Pablo CEP 01318-020 * Critica Marxista Brasil A/C Prof. Caio Navarro de Toledo IFCH Dto. de C.Politicas Unicamp 13081 Campinas Sao Paulo Brasil * Revistas marxistas cubanas en Brasil Ileana Hodge Limonta (Cuba) Rego Freitas 501 ap 32 V. Buarque Sao Pablo CEP 0122-010 Brasil * Alfaguara Uruguay Casilla de Correos 1616 CP 11000 Montevideo Uruguay Telefono (5892)959141/558431 Fax (5892)964256 * Raizes Brasil Univ.Fed.Paraiba CH Mestrado en Sociologia Av.Aprigio Veloso 882 58.109.970 Campina Gde. PB (083)3101051 * Doxa Argentina Maria A.Gutierrez Cordoba 559 2 Piso (1414) Buenos Aires tel/fax (541)7725463 * (nombre sin confirmar) El Cerebro de los Vivos Argentina Rivadavia 2358 5 izq.(1034) Buenos Aires tel (541)9543673/7715463/9513416(Fax) * Praxis Brasil Av.Alfonso Pena 748 sala 1613 Centro Belo Horizonte MG (5531) 2222493 (lunes a viernes de tarde) y * Rev. del Centro de Estudios Cubanos Florestan Fernandez (en preparacion) Jesuino Pascoal 51 Vila Buarque Sao Pablo CEP 01224050 (011)2229680 o A/C Geraldo Pereira Barbosa Rego Freitas 501 ap 52 Vila Buarque Sao Pablo (011)6056378 The Conference recommends that magazines that do not have e-mail addresses get them and communicate with other groups in the network. The magazine PRAXIS has made its web page available to other network members: The magazines at the Congress agreed to use the internet to distribute summaries of each issue as soon as they are published. Several member magazines were unable to attend. We have listed their addresses incomplete in some cases and we ask them or people who are in touch with them to contact us for the purpose of reestablishing communication and receiving information about the recent and planned meetings. * Critica de Nuesto Tiempo Argentina Casilla de Correo 3509 Correo Central (1000) Buenos Aires * La Marea Argentina * Apuntes del Mannana Argentina Piedras 989/95 (1070) Cap.Federal tel/fax 3311480 * Cuadernos de Debate Brasil * El Rodaballo Argentina Dean Funes 446 (1214) Buenos Aires tel 93225533 * Praga Brasil * Cuadernos del Sur Argentina Casilla de Correos 167 6b (1406) Buenos Aires We extend this invitation to groups that participated in earlier conferences or are in regular contact with this network. * Salud Problema y Debate Argentina Terrada 237 1406 C.Federal tel/fax (541)7474074/8231372 * Teoria & Praxis Brasil Rua C 126 Qd 235 Nro 8 Jardim America Cep 74225 tel 287344/22946799 Goiana * Brasil Revolucionario Brasil * Espacios Ecuador Casilla Postal 17107169 Quito tel 506175 * Actuel Marx Francia CNRS 19 Boulevard du Midi 92000 Nanterre tel (1)47245219 fax(1)469950351 * Le Marxisme Aujourd'hui Belgica BP 276 F 38407 St.Martin-d'Heres Cedex * Vientos del Sur Apartado Postal 70176 Mexico 04510 DF fax 6716873 * Against the Current USA 7012 Michigan Avenue Detroit MI 48210 (313)84110180 fax (313) 8418884 Home page * Papeles de la Fim c/Alameda 5 2da izq 28014 Madrid tel 4201388 fax 42002004 * Alternatives Sud Belgica Av.Snt.Gertrude 5 B-1348 Louvaine-La-Neuve Please send corrections updates and additions to any of the magazines in the network and also to the rotating secretary of the network currently the magazine Alfagura in Uruguay or to the PRAXIS web page.

Date: Thu; 24 Jul 1997 18:15:07 +0100
From: Socialist Future Group ( )
Subject: Socialist Future Group Web Site
The Socialist Future Group Web site is now completely updated and has a great deal of new material. Paul Feldman Editor Socialist Future

From: Agustin Maraver ( )
Subject: Web Viento Sur/ Estado espanol y sumario no 33
Date: Sun; 27 Jul 1997 18:04:38 +-900
La revista Viento Sur del Estado espanol acaba de inagurar su pagina web donde se pueden consultar los articulos del numero 32 y los sumarios de los anteriores. Tambien se puede encontrar informacion sobre los Encuentros de Verano de 1997 organizados por la Fundacion que edita la revista. La direccion electronica es: < > SUMARIO VIENTO SUR No 33 JULIO 1997 ANO VI DESORDEN INTERNACIONAL China . "Hong Kong vuelve a China. Ganadores y perdedores". Eva Cheng Francia . El cambio. Francois Ollivier Gran Bretana . Esta victoria es nuestra. Labour Left Briefing Israel . Del tunel al pantano. Michel Warshawski Nicaragua . El giro a la derecha de los sandinistas. Cesar Ayala PLURAL Socialismo y Dignidad Humana . La tragedia de la historia. Jeffrey Vogel . La esperanza socialista al borde del abismo. Norman Geras Marxismos . 20 anos de marxismo analitico. Daniel Raventos SUBRAYADOS . "Los parados de Marienthal" de Paul Lazarsfeld Marie Hohada y Hans Zcisel por Inaki Uribarri . "El mito de la vida privadad. De la entrega al tiempo propio" de Soledad Murillo por Pura Ramos Colectivo de mujeres urbanistas de AEDENAT. NOTAS Y DOCUMENTOS . La crisis de IU: ?Retorno al partido de viejo tipo? Jaime Pastor

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