Marxjour List
August, 1997 - Digest

Date: Sat; 02 Aug 1997 17:37:53 +0100
From: New Worker Online ( )
Subject: New Worker Online Archive
Hi everyone! The New Worker Online is still on vacation but we have finally made our archives more searchable. If anyone wants to check it out .... you are welcome! Please let me know if there are any problems or give any suggestions for improvements. The address is :- Comradely Richard. (Webmaster for the New Communist Party of Britain and New Worker Online) New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A news service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Mon; 04 Aug 1997 16:19:57 +0200
From: Luciano Dondero ( )
Subject: New list for Trotskyist History Research
Spoons is pleased to announce the addition of the trotsky-project list into the Marxism Space. This list was created to provide a controlled and organized vehicle for a working group to discuss and coordinate the expansion of the FAQ that was originally created for the "alt.politics.socialism.trotsky" (apst) newsgroup. The FAQ includes materials of interest to students of the history of the international Trotskyist movement as well as activists (its URL is: ). The purpose is to expand in significant ways that FAQ both in terms of historical documentation and by providing as many links as possible to the reality of the class struggle worldwide and the involvement of Trotskyist groups in it. In concrete we need a medium for an interchange of views and materials pertaining to the history of the international Trotskyist movement and while this medium is obviously focused in Internet it needs to be in a constant interaction with the real world outside. Its ultimate aims are two-fold: to provide activists both young/new and older/more seasoned with a better understanding of what the Trotskyist movement real was/is; and to facilitate the work of those studying the history of the movement. Collaboration in an endeavour of such a scope must necessarily have a broad non-sectarian character and be as all-inclusive as possible (within reason). This activity is inspired and rests upon the shoulders of two journals - the French-language Cahiers Leon Trotsky and the English-language Revolutionary History ( ) - which are concrete examples of the serious and valuable kind of work that we would like to accomplish/complement. By using the Net we must make it possible for people in different parts of the world and speaking other languages to also access these materials. To this end we shall make an effort to provide references in languages other than English (and French). You don't have to be a Trotskyist to collaborate in this research. People may qualify for this work in a variety of ways: 1) by having personal recollections from the history of the movement (regardless of your current politics) 2) by possessing documentation that is not widely accessible - and obviously being willing to share it with others 3) by being an historically-minded person willing to engage in a serious work of study and research 4) and finally by having some time to spend doing a number of technical/practical things that can be of great value for the success of this activity: (a) locate repositories of materials both in the Net and in the real world (b) scan/typeset documents (c) translate materials (d) put up mirror pages of these materials in various parts of the world (e) Web research and set up (layout style HTML) Regarding the history of the international Trotskyist movement there are some important methodological issues. The sectarian infighting the hair-splitting disputes over little nothings that get often elevated to the level of world-historic events-all this cannot be erased from the experience of those who have been active members of the movement and thus inevitably affects any attempt to provide serious information about the history of the international Trotskyist movement. However the history of the movement is intertwined with the working class and the class struggle of the various countries in which Trotskyist organisations were and are active. The many scores of people killed at the hands of the fascists and the Stalinists this alone is a sign of the relevance of the movement -- our enemies feared us. That's why an icepick had to crush the head of Leon Trotsky to prevent the brilliant former leader of the Red Army to be around at the time of World War Two. The small size of most groupings connected to Leon Trotsky and his political heritage should not lead ourselves to forget this. The various accounts and reports that are to be included in the Trotsky FAQ will not be a futile exercise in the pursuit of an abstract "Truth" supposedly impartial and even-handed. They will necessarily reflect the personal experience and bias of the authors although we will try to keep this in check and bring in correctives (mostly by calling the reader's attention to the existence of different viewpoints). At the same time it seems really necessary to enlighten the readers regarding the whole history of the movement including its inner disputes. If this means that the FAQ moves in the direction of also becoming an outline for a history of the Fourth International well so much the better. Work around this project and participation in this mailing list does entail the collaboration of a number of people throughout the world both activists coming from many different tendencies as well as knowledgeable and/or hard-working individuals who have been in some ways connected to the international Trotskyist movement. People who can answer in the positive to the questions: 'Would you like to do actual work on historical research?' and 'Are you ready to cooperate with others in this project?' should join in. Those whose only purpose in life is 'denouncing revisionism and centrism' had better look elsewhere. List discussion is moderated. There is a closed subscription policy--people need approval to be subscribed. Only members of the list may post to the list. "Moderation" will be exercised by giving subscribers either a "free" or "filtered" posting status which is changeable and moderator controlled. Those with disruptive or abusive behavior will be unsubscribed without public discussion or warning. All posts are automatically archived but not publicly accessible. ------------------------------ The mailing address of the list is Use this address to post messages initiate or continue discussion etc. The administrative address is Use this address for all administrative functions. If you have any questions don't hesitate to write the moderators Luciano Dondero Sally Ryan David Stevens ------------------------------ administrative possibilities: To subscribe to trotsky-project: send the message: subscribe trotsky-project to: To unsubscribe send the message: unsubscribe trotsky-project to:

Date: Thu; 07 Aug 1997 19:01:34 +0900
Subject: Viento Sur
Estimados companneros Podriais por favor incluir entre vuestros links a Viento Sur? Mil Gracias

Date: Tue; 12 Aug 1997 00:12:12 +0200
CHE GUEVARA - THE MUSICAL (CHE GUEVARA in a MUSICAL) Che Guevara: the legend. "Che" Guevara: the history. "Che" Guevara: the revolution. In the coherence in the capacity to make sacrifices in the sensitivity in the awareness of his mission Ernesto "Che" Guevara has founded the values of his development and of his life never forgetting to share them with the majority. After thirty years from his death this makes of him the most human of all the heroes symbol of a boundless freedom not only for the youth of all the world but also for all of them who believe in it. Mario Moretti and Massimiliano Pace (already authors of the text and the music of "Amerika" the musical taken from Kafka which is achieving success all over Italy from three years) with the direction of Claudio Boccaccini (also director of "Amerika) from the 20th of January 1998 at the "Sala Grande" of the "Teatro dell'Orologio" in Rome will present "Che Guevara: Fragments of a Myth" a musical about the life of the great South-American hero. The interpretation of "Che" will be assigned to Leandro Amato a young actor & singer already successful protagonist of the musical "West Side Story" given from the "Compagnia della Rancia". For the first time in Italy the legend of "Che" will revive on the stage to represent (with the light language of musicals) the eternity and the absoluteness of the greatest and the most inalienable among the values of man: FREEDOM. ----------------------- Visit and publicize our page ---------------------- Please send us your comments opinions suggestions and supportes at:

Date: Thu; 21 Aug 1997 19:43:54 +0100
From: New Worker Online ( )
Subject: New Worker back Online!
Hi there! We are back from our Summer break refreshed and ready for the fray. Check out this week's issue. New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 22nd August 1997. 1) Editorial - Blackmail & Promises promises. 2) Lead story - Labour's candyfloss project. 3) Feature article - Pensioners demand proper health service. 4) International story - Cambodian troops overrun Ranariddh camp. 5) British news item - Privatisation brings more misery for rail users. Comradely Richard. (Webmaster for the New Communist Party of Britain and New Worker Online) New Communist Party of Britain Homepage A news service for the Working Class! Workers of all countries Unite!

Date: Thu; 21 Aug 1997 19:55:01 -0800
Subject: New Victor Serge Book Available
[Please feel free to pass this on.] The Ideas of Victor Serge: A Life as a Work of Art Edited by Susan Weissman Critique Books Glasgow 1997 ISBN: 1-9012-4808-9 Victor Serge devoted his life and his brilliant pen to the revolution which for him knew no frontiers. An anarchist turned Bolshevik, he was unorthodox by nature, often a heretic but never a renegade. This important collective study of the still insufficiently known revolutionary figure is not only a restitution of our past. It is also a significant contribution to our urgent search for a radically different society. Daniel Singer European correspondent of The Nation author of The Road To Gdansk Victor Serge is one of the great political and moral heroes of the 20th century. He is akin to George Orwell in the way he combined a wide-ranging passion for justice with great literary skill and with an unrelenting refusal to adhere to any orthodoxy, great or small. But to imagine his life and work you must imagine an Orwell who spent seven years in prison, who saw most of his comrades shot, and who survived and recorded the terrible years in which the Russian Revolution turned in upon itself and transformed the Soviet Union into a killing ground. Serge has long been far too little known in the United States, but this admirable book goes a long way towards honoring this man with the thoughtful critical attention he deserves. It is a joy to find that his example has affected many other peoples' lives as much as it has affected my own. Adam Hochschild Co-founder and publisher Mother Jones author of The Unquiet Ghost: Russians Remember Stalin At a time when Stalinism has collapsed under its own barbarity and folly and when the free-market gospel aspires to assume a global ideological monopoly, it is more crucial than ever that a younger generation of radicals be offered hope and inspiration. In that context, this rediscovery of the thoughts and work of Victor Serge, as brought together in this package by Suzi Weissman, constitute a bracing tonic. In reading these pages we remind ourselves of the unshakable humanism and thirst for freedom that should motivate all revolutionary endeavors. Marc Cooper Contributing Editor The Nation author of Roll Over Che Guevara: Travels of a Radical Reporter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS I. Testimonials Jeannine Kibalchich: My Father Vlady Kibalchich: A Life as a Work of Art John Eden: The Search for Victor Serge Wilebaldo Solano: Our POUM Comrade II. Literary Criticism Richard Greeman: The Novel of the Revolution Neal Cornwell: The Russian Novels Ian Birchall: Proletarian Culture Alan Wald: Victor Serge and the New York Anti-Stalinist Left III. The Political Ideas and Praxis of Victor Serge Luc Nemeth: Victor Serge and the Anarchists Phil Spencer: On the Leninist Tradition Guy Desolre: On Leon Trotsky and the Fourth International Peter Sedgwick: On Socialism Susan Weissman: On Stalinism IV Serge's Writings John Manson: The Carnets Victor Serge: Thirty Years After the Russian Revolution To order: North and South America: Send check for $15 payable to: Critique c/o Suzi Weissman 4454 Van Noord Avenue Studio City CA 91604 U.S.A. UK Continent and elsewhere: Send cheque for 10 pounds to: Critique c/o Bob Arnot Dept. of Economics Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow G4 0BA SCOTLAND ******************************* * Alex Chis & Claudette Begin * * P.O. Box 2944 * * Fremont CA 94536 * * 510-489-8554 * * * *******************************

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