Marxjour List
March, 1998 - Digest

From: Chris Croome ( )
Subject: (MARX) The March 98 issue of Labour Left Briefing
Date: Tue; 03 Mar 1998 21:41:46 GMT
Hi The March 98 issue of LLB is now on-line. Below is a list of the articles in this issue and their URL's: *** Don't bomb Iraq Will McMahon Hackney North and Stoke Newington CLP argues that key motives for the latest US attack on Iraq are to send a message to other world powers and test new technologies. *** Peace not bombs Parliament's unconditional backing for a war against Iraq was an astonishing piece of political history we may soon come to regret argues Alan Simpson MP. *** Benn on Gulf War Tony Benn's parliament speech against war in the Gulf. [This is reproduced in full - a edited version appeared in the paper issue] *** Mitchell's flexible principles Liam Mac Uaid West Ham CLP argues that there are a few weeks respite for a Time to Think Campaign. *** Sinn Fein: "shut up!" Brian Campbell editor of Sinn Fein's An Phoblacht/Republican News looks at SF's expulsion from the peace talks. *** The antics roadshow: the value of welfare reform Robert Deans North East Cambs CLP rejects notions that we cannot afford the welfare state. *** Action on pensions needed Terry Heath secretary of the South West TUC Pensioners Forum argues that Labour must link pensions to earnings. *** Benefit cuts make us sick Kate Adams Incapacity Action. *** Waiting lists up John Lister London Health Emergency looks at the crisis in the NHS. *** Brown fiddles while "tigers" burn Brian Burkitt Pudsey CLP and University of Bradford presents an alternative to Gordon Brown's neo-Thatcherite economic agenda. *** Defend municipal housing Tony Dale on Labour councils headlong rush to embrace local housing companies. *** New Deal for old money John Perry examines the reality of Labour's "New Deal". *** Free to speak out Ken Coates MEP replies to criticism in last month's LLB. *** When Blair's bubble bursts John Nicholson convenor of the Network of Socialist Alliances in England sees things altogether differently > from LLB *** New Labour into Power -- what price democracy? New Labour proclaims its desire to democratise and decentralise politics. Leonora Lloyd of the London Labour Party executive suggests that the opposite is happening in the London Labour Party. *** Why I'm standing for the NEC Councillor Liz Davies Islington North CLP calls for a united and effective campaign for the NEC. *** Return of the daleks Mark Seddon editor of Tribune calls for a "Real Labour" challenge for NEC places. *** The class struggle Tobie Glenny a teacher in Islington looks at Labour's school policies. *** Reproductive rights -- a year of change Leonora Lloyd reports. *** PLP Policy Forum elections *** Liverpool dockers: the music of the future Liz Knight London Support Group for the Liverpool Dockers reports. *** LLB's tribute to the dockers *** Union leaders on go-slow John McIlroy Withington CLP and author of Trade Unions in Britain Today gives his seasonal round up of the state of play in the unions. *** Britain -- UN law breaker John Hendy QC examines Britain's repressive anti-union laws and reports on new initiatives to campaign for changes. *** Membership control needed Steve Battlemuch CPSA BA Nottingham reports on how the courts have stopped a union merger that the left in both unions opposed. *** UNISON officials prepare for civil war? Jon Rogers branch secretary Lambeth UNISON reports on the attacks on left-wingers in UNISON. *** Hillingdon strikers scent settlement? Jon Rogers *** Leading with the left The Geoff Martin Column *** Guatemalan women tour Britain Two Guatemalan women union activists were in Britain last month to talk about their experiences of organising in maquila factories. *** Welfare: what's in a word? The Michael Hindley column *** Free the Campsfield 9 John Stewart treasurer of the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns reports on the case of the Campsfield 9 the latest case of immigration detainees punished for protesting their detention. *** Stop dividing gay families: Abdou must stay *** The shopfloor betrayed Mike Phipps reviews Inside Cowley an important new book by Alan Thornett who played a leading role in a key industrial struggle of our time. *** The battle for Angola Mike Phipps reviews Death of Dignity by Victoria Brittain. *** Stopping EMU is just the start James Smart reviews Sovereignty For What? Why stopping European Monetary Union is just the start by Will Podmore and Phil Katz. *** Correspondence *** :================================================== : Labour Left Briefing is an independent voice and : forum for socialist ideas in the Labour Party and : trade unions. Labour Left Briefing is on line : at: : : : LLB PO Box 2378 London E5 9QU : E-mail: : ==================================================

Date: Wed; 04 Mar 1998 11:44:43 -0700
From: Erick Heroux ( )
Subject: (MARX) UNDERCURRENT: call for submissions Call for Submissions U N D E R C U R R E N T UNDERCURRENT is a free journal available on the Internet at (See end of this message for how to subscribe for free updates by e-mail.) We are seeking article submissions or queries with abstracts providing an analysis of the present in terms of discourses, events, representations, classes, or cultures. We seek to publish analysis of the present from diverse intellectual perspectives--feminist, historical ,ethnological, sociological, literary, political, semiotic ,philosophical, cultural studies, and so forth. We seek applied analysis rather than theory. Any theoretical orientation ought instead to be apparent and immanent in your particular focus on the present. We especially encourage interdisciplinary work. Article length varies according to your needs, anywhere from short-takes" of 500-1000 words to "feature" of up to 7500 words.

As its audience is potentially much broader than that of academic journals held only in university libraries the style must account for an educated audience which is not necessarily familiar with either the jargon or the debates in a special field. UNDERCURRENT wishes to publish articles that address this broader audience while also conveying a vivid sense of how current academic scholarship can contribute to our understanding of the present. We are attempting to bridge the gulf between academia and the general reading public a gulf which has allowed various misperceptions about academia to become politically overcharged in the popular media. UNDERCURRENT is founded on four editorial principles which together make it unique among journals. It is interdisciplinary applied accessible and focussed on the present. What do we mean by these four principles? 1. "Interdisciplinary" means that it begins with academic disciplines and works through/with/against them in new combinations either within articles or between articles--in order to see what might be revealed by crossing or fusing disciplinary borders and/or creating new hybrids as tools of analysis. 2. "Applied" means that it publishes only articles which perform an actual analysis rather than explore theoretical issues. Theoretical discussions already have plenty of journals devoting space to them in every discipline. This is not the same as saying that theory is banished from UNDERCURRENT but rather that it is only theory in action that we wish to publish. 3. "Accessible" means that the articles are aware of an audience which is not privy to specialized terminology proper names and the recent history of your discipline. This is not the same as saying that the articles thereby lose rigor but rather that they prove to be capable of interest and comprehension by any intelligent educated reader. 4. "The present" means that our articles demonstrate an awareness of who we are now. (We includes any group of people alive.) An analysis of the present highlights a force trend limit idea custom event or structure which exerts some contemporary influence. The "present" can be either "residual;" "dominant;" or "emergent"--to use Raymond Williams' terms. All submissions will receive a reply however no copies can be returned. Any major citation format is acceptable although endnotes must be used rather than footnotes due to the contingencies of various platforms for viewing electronic text. Submissions and queries can be sent in any of the following ways in order of preference: e-mail to "" and note in the subject field that this is a submission to UNDERCURRENT Mail a floppy diskette with your text in ASCII or WordPerfect or RTF or any major word processor format(address below). Mail two copies of your essay by traditional post to: UNDERCURRENT Erick Heroux Dept. of English University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403 ABOUT FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS: You can subscribe yourself to UNDERCURRENT by sending a one-line e-mail message: SUBSCRIBE UNDERCURRENT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS Address it to: Problems or questions can be e-mailed to

Subject: (MARX) In Defence of Marxism site news
Date: Thu; 5 Mar 98 15:43:32 +0000
From: ( )
What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site March 5 1998 History of philosophy This text was originally written by Alan Woods as a part of the book Reason in Revolt: marxist philosophy and modern science ( ) but eventually the book became too long and this part had to left out. Therefore this history of philosophy from a Marxist point of view is published here for the first time. With chapters on: Do we Need Philosophy? The First Dialecticians Aristotle and the End of Classical Greek Philosophy The Renaissance Descartes Spinoza and Leibniz and Philosophy in the 20th Century. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

From: "Internationalist Communist Group" ( )
Subject: (MARX) Presentation of the ICG
Date: Sat; 07 Mar 1998 06:43:44 PST
The Internationalist Communist Group fights for the constitution of the international proletariat into class and therefore into World party for the destruction of capitalism that is to say this society subjected to the dictatorship of profit that famishes man and destroys the nature. It implies the destruction of wage labour merchandise social classes armies jails national frontiers in short all kind of State... Our objective is as for all the revolutionaries of the past the constitution of a worldwide human community without exploited neither exploiters. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// El Grupo Comunista Internacionalista lucha por la constitución del proletariado internacional en clase y por lo tanto en partido mundial para la destrucción del capitalismo es decir de esta sociedad sometida a la dictadura de la ganancia que hambrea al hombre y destruye la naturaleza. Ello implica la destrucción del trabajo asalariado de la mercancía de las clases sociales de los ejércitos de las cárceles de las fronteras nacionales en fin de todo tipo de Estado... Nuestro objetivo es como el de todos los revolucionarios del pasado la constitución de una comunidad humana mundial sin explotados ni explotadores. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Le Groupe Communiste Internationaliste lutte pour la constitution du prolétariat international en classe et donc en parti mondial pour la destruction du capitalisme c'est-à-dire de cette société soumise à la dictature du profit qui affame l'homme et détruit la nature. Cela implique la destruction du travail salarié de la marchandise des classes sociales des armées des prisons des frontières nationales bref de tout type d'État... Notre objectif est comme pour tous les révolutionnaires du passé la constitution d'une communauté humaine mondiale sans exploités ni exploiteurs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Die Internationalistische Kommunistische Gruppe kämpft für die Verfassung des internationalen Proletariats in Klasse und deshalb in Welt-Partei für die Zerstörung des Kapitalismus der ist diese Gesellschaft zu sagen die zur Gewaltherrschaft von Gewinn der Mann verhungert und die Natur zerstört unterworfen wird. Es deutet die Zerstörung der Lohnarbeit der Ware der gesellschaftlichen Klassen der Armeen der Gefängnissen der nationalen Grenzen in Kurzschluß alle Art von Staat an... Unser Ziel ist als für alle Revolutionäre der Vergangenheit die Verfassung einer weltweiten menschlichen Gemeinwesen ohne Ausgebeutetere weder Ausbeutere. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private Free Email at

From: "Maoist Documentation Project" ( )
Date: Sun; 8 Mar 1998 18:17:07 +0000
Subject: (MARX) Celebrate International Women's Day!
CELEBRATE INTERNATIONAL WORKING WOMEN'S DAY! On March 8 we celebrate International Working Women's Day to fervently salute the struggle of women everywhere. Proletarian women have always made great contributions to revolutionary struggle from the fearless fighters of the Paris Commune to the heroic combatants of the Communist Party of Peru and the Communist Party of Nepal who are taking up people's war as the highest form of struggle against all forms of oppression. In the words of Lenin: "The proletariat cannot achieve complete liberty until it has won complete liberty for women." To commemorate this day we have added a major new section to our archive: Proletarian Feminism. We have included the following works by Lenin: Two Letters to Inessa Armand The Tasks of the Working Women's Movement in the Soviet Republic Soviet Power and the Status of Women To the Working Women International Working Woman's Day (1920) International Working Woman's Day (1921) as well as Clara Zetkin's My Recollections of Lenin. >From Chairman Mao we have added: On Women From Quotations of Chairman Mao Tse-tung and an early article by Mao Tse-tung: On Miss Chao's Suicide (1919) which exposed the feudal character of marriage in pre-revolutionary China. >From the Communist Party of Peru we have included: Marxism Mariategui and the Feminist Movement >From India we have: The Material Basis for Women's Liberation: Against the Current Trend in the Women's Movement by Sulabha Brahme Rajani Desai Sharayu Mhatre-Purohit and The Heritage We Must Enrich: The Dialectical Materialist Approach to the Question of the Exploitation of Women by Rajani X. Desai. Finally we have included a major work on women's struggle in revolutionary China: Women's Liberation in China by Claudie Broyelle. Written in 1974 it bears witness to the great accomplishment of peasant and proletarian women in China during the Cultural Revolution and offers many penetrating insights in the nature of bourgeois gender relations. We have made several other changes to our archive. We have completed the "Reports" section of the Liberation Anthology of the CPI-ML and have made many corrections to our Chairman Mao archive especially in Volume 5. Finally we have added several selections to the "Marxism vs. Revisionism" section by completing the Nine Commentaries of the Communist Party of China in response to the Open Letter of the CPSU +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The Maoist Documentation Project An effort to archive and disseminate the revolutionary works of Lenin Stalin and Mao Tse-tung and other revolutionaries. Visit our web page at: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ***** Fin del mensaje reenviado ***** --- Alberto Daniel Teszkiewicz Marxjour List - Moderator ------------------------- Marxjour List e-mail address: _________________________

Subject: (MARX) History of philosophy by Alan Woods
Date: Mon; 9 Mar 98 14:51:44 +0000
From: ( )
Dear all We had a problem with our web space and therefore we couln't publish the History of Philosophy book by Alan Woods as planned. Apologies to all those who tried to have a look and thanks for your interest. Now it is finally on-line. History of philosophy This text was originally written by Alan Woods as a part of the book Reason in Revolt: marxist philosophy and modern science ( ) but eventually the book became too long and this part had to left out. Therefore this history of philosophy from a Marxist point of view is published here for the first time. With chapters on: Do we Need Philosophy? The First Dialecticians Aristotle and the End of Classical Greek Philosophy The Renaissance Descartes Spinoza and Leibniz and Philosophy in the 20th Century. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Date: Thu; 12 Mar 1998 15:15:54 ARG
From: "Alberto-Teszkiewicz " ( )
Subject: (MARX) IV Encuentro de Revistas Marxistas Latinoamericanas
IV Encuentro de Revistas Marxistas Latinoamericanas Buenos Airs Argentina - 25 a 27 de septiembre de 1998 Primer llamado Buenos Aires 4 de marzo de 1998 A las Revistas Marxistas de Argentina y Latinoamerica Companneros: En continuidad con los tres encuentros de Revistas Marxistas Latinoamericanas un conjunto de revistas hemos asumido la organizacion del IV Encuentro a realizarse en Buenos Aires los dias 25 a 27 de septiembre de 1998. De esta manera damos cumplimiento tambien lo acordado en el ultimo Encuentro realizado el anno pasado en Santa Catalina Brasil en que se decidio convocar a la siguiente reunion en Argentina. La oportunidad de este nuevo evento se realza al cumplirse este anno un siglo y medio desde la publicacion de "El Manifiesto Comunista". En momentos en que -una vez mas!- los ideologos de la burguesia anuncian el triunfo definitivo del capitalismo es importante que levantemos un espacio de debate e intercambio de ideas enre las publicaciones marxistas. Estamos convencidos de que lejos de ser un dogma cerrado y esclerosado el marxismo constituye un amplio cuerpo teorico vivo y en desarrollo y la unica alternativa coherente frente al neoliberalismo adorador del libre mercado. En este respecto sigue siendo "el horizonte teorico" indispensable para dar respuesta a los desafios que plantea la ofensiva del capital a los explotados y oprimidos en este fin de siglo. Los encuentros anteriores fueron realizados en Rosario (Argentina) en octubre de 1995; en Montevideo (Uruguay) en 1996; y en Santa Catalina (Brasil) en mayo de 1997. Este nuevo Encuentro proponemos realizarlo bajo el lema de "El Manifiesto Comunista Hoy en America Latina". El programa que sugerimos es el siguiente: el primer dia la realizacion de un panel internacional de expositores con el eje tematico de "Una lectura del Manifiesto a la luz de la realidad latinoamericana". El segundo y tercer dia proponemos trabajar en talleres tematicos que versarian sobre las siguientes cuestiones: 1. EL CAPITAL. Transformaciones y perspectivas del capitalismo latinoamericano y mundial. 2. EL TRABAJO. Cambios en el proceso productivo perspectivas del movimiento obrero y sindical. 3. POLITICA ESTADO Y FORMAS DE DOMINACION. Aparato estatal formas de representacion partidos y movimientos sociopoliticos. 4. VIDA COTIDIANA Y FORMAS DE SOCIABILIDAD. Problemas de genero etnia minorias. 5. CULTURA E IDEOLOGIA. Respuestas al neoliberalismo y al posmodernismo en el debate ideologico latinoamericano. Los talleres se conformaran en base a la presentacion previ de ponencias que deberan estar encuadradas en alguno de los ejes tematicos. La fecha limite para la presentacion de las ponencias es el viernes 17 de julio de 1998. Como parte de este encuentro prevemos organizar un "Espacio de Reflexion e Intercambio enrre revistas argentinas marxistas y del pensamiento critico" en la perspectiva de que sea el primero de una serie de reuniones de periodicidad anual del mismo caracter. Las primeras publicaciones convocantes desde Argentina son: Cuadernos del Sur Cuadernos Marxistas Debate Marxista Doxa En Defensa del Marxismo Herramienta Luxemburg Periferias Razon y Revolucion. Ademas son parte integrante de esta convocatoria las revistas del Cono Sur que organizaron y/o participaron en los anteriores Encuentros: Brasil Revolucionario Praxis Teoria & Praxis y Critica Marxista de Brasil y Alfaguara de Uruguay. Los invitamos a sumarse a esta propuesta y a participar de la organizacion de esta actividad. --- Alberto-Teszkiewicz

Subject: (MARX) The Kosovo pogrom and the Balkan Powder-keg
Date: Thu; 12 Mar 98 16:27:28 +0000
From: ( )
What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site March 12 1998 The Kosovo pogrom and the Balkan Powder-keg No-one, it seems, has learned anything on the Balkans since 1991. (Financial Times editorial 9/3/98.) The scenes of massacre of men women and children in Kosovo have disturbed the conscience of civilised people everywhere. What is the meaning of this? What is the solution? And how should the labour movement react? Alan Woods analyses the situation and puts forward as the only solution the Socialist Federation of the Balkans with full autonomy for all people's. March 12 1998. Further recommended reading: - The Dayton Agreement: A solution for Bosnia? Socialist Appeal Editorial Board London 27 October 1995 - Serbia: democracy or counter-revolution Alan Woods London January 9 1997 - The Meaning of the Albanian revolution Alan Woods March 16 1997 - Web site "The Balkans" ( ) by Andrea Ferrario. In Italian and English (among other languages). A comprehensive coverage of the situation in the Balkans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

From: "
Subject: (MARX) Numero 37 de Viento Sur/Estado espanol
Date: Mon; 16 Mar 1998 09:54:32 +-900
El numero 37 de la revista Viento Sur que se publica en el estado espanol esta dedicado monograficamente a la Crisis de 1898 y el fin del Imperio espanol en Cuba Puerto Rico y Filipinas. Frente a las conmemoraciones oficiales que intentan hacer de la crisis imperial un punto de arranque de la modernizacion y europeizacion del estado espanol Viento Sur intenta recuperar la historia de solidaridad y lucha comun contra la Monarquia borbonica en ultramar y la peninsula iberica. Viento Sur 37 puede consultarse en internet en:

From: "Denis COLLIN" ( )
Subject: (MARX) Le Marxisme aujourd'hui
Date: Mon; 16 Mar 1998 23:26:13 +0100
Le Marxisme Aujourd'hui Revue Internationale Directeur : Pierre Broue BP 276 - 38407 Saint-Martin d'Heres - FRANCE Le numero 40 F - Abonnement 1 an (4 numeros) : 150 F Sommaire du N.1 Tribune : "C'est plus qu'une greve c'est une insurrection" par Pierre Broue Entrevues: - Perspectives polonaises par Karol Modzelewsky - Le Che trente ans apres par Ricardo Napuri Articles et Etudes: - La Serbie annee decisive par Rade Pavlovic - Sur la "Gauche Unie et la crise l'IU en Catalogne par Anibal Ramos lu par LMA - L'explosion de Brest par Michel Wattignies - On dirait le Sud par Alain Dugrand - Tony Blair brise le coeur de son parti par Nick Hope - Theresa de Calcultta La pauvrete est belle par Sarah Flounders Idees et debats - Il faut defendre Igor Maliarov par Boris Gagarlistky - Le "Monde Diplo" et les nouveaux continents de l'histoire par Sebastien Juy Lectures - Paul Edouard Maurice Jean Leon et la Revolution par Jacques Renaud - Des livres lire par Pierre Broue Notes editoriales - Le monde comme il va Comite de redaction : Pierre Broue (directeur) - Denis Collin - Alexis Corbiere - Alain Dugrand - Sebastien Juy - Rene Revol. Sur INTERNET contacter : Denis COLLIN

Date: Wed; 18 Mar 1998 13:52:50 -0600
From: Jack Hill ( )
Subject: (MARX) Chicago Worker's Voice Theoretical Journal
Issue number 14 of the _Chicago Workers' Voice Theoretical Journal_ is out. This journal is published by a group of us who were involved in the Chicago branch of the former Marxist-Leninist Party have been publishing this journal since the MLP folded in 1993. The articles in issue no. 14 include * "The Bolshevik Agrarian Program Part III;" by Barb. This is a long article which goes into a lot of detail on the history of the agrarian program of the Bolshevik Party. * "What was the MLP?" by Jake. This is a call for the former members and supporters of the MLP to participate in summing up its history. We also are soliciting comments and analysis by other activists who had friendly or unfriendly contact with our organization * "Mexico in the aftermath of the massacre at Acteal" by Anita Jones de Sandoval. This article comments on current political developments in Mexico and the politics of the Mexican journal "El Machete". * "Report on trip to Cuba" by Barb. She went to a conference in Cuba on women's issues and reports on what she saw. * "Some thoughts on the left and modern philosophy a review of Kuhn's book _The Structure of Scientific Revolutions_" by Sarah. She comments on this influential work on the philosophy of science and the possible implications of this viewpoint for the crisis in the left. * "The UPS strike WPAEN's intervention and issues for activists" by Jack Hill. How should this strike be evaluated by those trying to build a working class movement which is independent of the capitalists and their servants? Issues of the journal are available by mail. We offer one free sample copy to anyone who requests it. (After your freebie you have to decide if you want to subscribe.) I am also willing to email individual articles to those who request it. Just be patient in waiting for a response. My work and family responsibilities take a lot of time. In struggle Jack

Date: Mon; 23 Mar 1998 18:42:33 +0100
From: Luciano Dondero ( )
Subject: (MARX) Encyclopedia of Trotskyism Ed Board
Dear comrades The updated version of the FAQ for the Encyclopedia of Trotskyism Online (ETOL) is available at: An Italian translation is also available at: An important change is the addition of the composition of the Editorial Board and the Advisory Committee. Their memberships are as follows: The members of the Editorial Board of the ETOL are: Amaury Verron (fr) Bob Evans (us) Bruce Burleson (ca) Bruce Robinson (uk) Chris Chrome (uk) Chris Faatz (us) Dave Berger (us) David Stevens (us) David Walters (us) Emil Sinclair (lu) Emile Fabrol (fr) Fabio Cerulli (it) Franco Ferrari (it) Geert Cool (be) Gerry Downing (uk) Heiko Khoo (uk China specialist) Hugh Rodwell (se) Ilario Salucci (it) J.J. Plant (uk) Jean Christophe Helary (fr) Jean-Michel Vaysse (fr) Jeffrey Booth (us) Jim Monaghan (uk) Jim Paris (us) John Gowland (au) Jorn Andersen (dk) Jose Villa (uk) Keith Sinclair (uk) Luciano Dondero (it) Luigi Candreva (it) M. Razi (ir) Neil Fettes (ca) Ninel-Thuan (fr) Per I. Mathisen (no) Peter van Heusden (za) Philip Bolton (uk) Raymond Po (ar) Rob Jones (ru) Ron Painter (ca) Sally Ryan (us) Shigeochan (jp) Tom Condit (us). There is also another body called Advisory Committee which is meant to keep an eye on the entire ETOL project and provide some kind of guarantee that this is a serious undertaking. Currently its members are: Al Richardson (uk) Alan Wald (us) Bryan Palmer (ca) Carlos Rebello (br) Charles Wesley Ervin (us) Doug Henwood (us) Ernest Haberkern (us) Franco Grisolia (it) Jose Castilho Marques Neto (br) Marco Ferrando (it) Paola Vottero (it) Ralph Dumain (us) Ralph Schoenman (us) Rick Kuhn (au) Scott McLemee (us) Shane Mage (us) Steve Bloom (us) Ted Crawford (uk). We look forward to the participation of more people especially veterans of the movement students of the history of Trotskyism and representatives of the different Trotskyist organizations. Fraternally (for the ETOL EB) Luciano Dondero

Date: Wed; 25 Mar 1998 20:18:10 -0500 (EST)
From: Tom Patterson ( )
Subject: (MARX) Green Left Issue #311 (fwd)
------------------------------ Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu; 26 Mar 1998 10:33:24 +0000
From: Dave Riley ( )
Subject: Green Left Issue #311
Green Left Weekly Issue #311 March 25 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------- Green Left Weekly provides news information opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: Howard's plan to trash environmental laws Under the guise of "simplifying" environmental protection laws the federal government is preparing to abandon or hand over to the states many powers to regulate development. The only sure loser in this process is the environment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COVER STORY Howard's plan to trash environmental laws FEATURES Support Indonesian democrats! Solidarity with arrested activists Elections: fact and fiction NEWS Power workers may sue Abortion rights group formed in ACT Abortion campaigning in Hobart Support for Jabiluka action widens Labor `left' grumbles over Brumby Showdown looms over MUA strike Revolt over council amalgamation Carnell re-elected chief minister NTEU forces management backdown Sea of Hands Thousands join anti-airport rally Seminar discusses feminism and socialism Land council hopes to purchase Australian Hall Real unemployment rate more than double Criminal justice activists conference ISSUES Human and environmental dimensions of native title Adelaide women debate way forward Crime hysteria threatens youth civil liberties Labor's newest star Telstra privatisation: a giant give-away Things unsaid&& Unionists concerned citizens launch MUA support petition Howard unveils `zero tolerance' drug strategy A movement that can stop Jabiluka uranium mine WA Parliament debates abortion laws Feminist forum attracts large turnout INTERNATIONAL NEWS The battle against Suharto -- report from the field Solidarity activist deported from Jakarta Indonesia solidarity dinner Indian elections produce unstable parliament Cuba after 40 years of revolution South African unions criticise budget Demonstrations follow shooting near Hebron Kosovans step up demand for independence IWD in Guatemala Letter from the US: Dock workers under attack && Beijing plans mass sackings in wake of Asian crash The left and NGOs in Palestine CULTURAL DISSENT Hidden in the wind Judith Wright's biography launched Brunswick Music Festival does it again Miners' music Green thumbs up Queer Film and Video Festival Music business and righteous bards Documents for peace Giving slime the soft sell The joke's on us Ska: the pulse that doesn't die Cuba culture and compassion REGULAR FEATURES Loose cannons News briefs .. and ain't i a woman?: Cover-up Looking out: Revenge on a coconut Life of Riley: St Patrick and the shamrock Editorial: What conflict of interest? Write on: letters to the editor MEETINGS _ PARTIES _ ANYTHING _ All articles appearing in Green Left Weekly and reprinted here are copyright by their authors. However most regular contributors have granted permission for their work to be republished by non-profit green left human rights or generally progressive publications. Where such permission has NOT been granted articles are marked with the symbol && in the index below. Before reprinting such an article or if uncertain whether your publication is allowed to reprint please inquire by e-mail at We like to know what audiences we are reaching and would therefore appreciate being informed of any republication (in print or electronically). To subscribe or for more information go to

From: "Partido Obrero" ( )
Date: Sat; 28 Mar 1998 23:41:54 +0000
Subject: (MARX) En Defensa del Marxismo nro. 19 - marzo 98
Hola Ya esta en linea el numero 19 de la revista "En defensa del Marxismo" El siguiente es el sumario %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Entre la renuncia anticipada y la re-reeleccion Jorge Altamira El peronismo es un cadaver insepulto Emilio Martin Lopez Rega por Fermin Chavez Emilio Martin IX Congreso del Partido Obrero: Argentina: El caracter de la nueva etapa Julio Magri-Nestor Pitrola-Marcelo Peralta- Luis Oviedo Aspectos de la actual crisis economica internacional Jorge Altamira 150 annos del Manifiesto Comunista Osvaldo Coggiola A 90 annos del Manifiesto Comunista Leon Trotsky Un balance en serio de la derrota de Fiat Christian Rath La ilusion del realismo y el realismo de la utopia Savas Michael-Matsas La clase obrera y el gobierno de la Unidad Popular - Chile (1970/73) Marcelo Novello America Latina en el pensamiento politico de Bartolome de las Casas Hector H. Bruit Un gran paso adelante en la lucha por una Internacional obrera Jorge Altamira Por la refundacion de la IV Internacional El llamamiento de la LIT Los 21 puntos de la LIT Intervencion de Savas Michael-Matsas ante la delegacion de la LIT Respuesta a Lutte Ouvriere Por la refundacion de la IV Internacional Resolucion del VII congreso del Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores de Grecia (EEK-Trotskistas) La crisis del trotskismo frances Franco Grisolia y Osvaldo Coggiola Que pasa en Eslovaquia En que terreno se coloca la AIT lambertista Daniel Tepper Sobre la cuestion de las etapas en la degeneracion de la Internacional Comunista y el SU de la IV Internacional Chris Edwards %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Saludos Raymond Po Administrador del Web del Partido Obrero

Date: Sun; 29 Mar 1998 14:59:02 -0300
From: Paulo Francisco Slomp ( )
Subject: (MARX) Criticas aos pos-modernos?
Amigos A mensagem abaixo foi recebida atraves de uma lista de discussao. Saludos! _______________________________________________________ SOKAL E BRICMONT PARTICIPAM DE SIMPÓSIO Visões da Ciência - Encontros com Sokal e Bricmont é o simpósio que acontece na USP nos dias 27 e 28 de abril com a presença dos físicos Alan Sokal da Universidade de Nova York EUA e Jean Bricmont da Universidade Católica de Louvain Bélgica. Os dois lançaram recentemente na França o livro "Impostures Intelectuelles" no qual criticam o uso incorreto de conceitos científicos nas obras de diversos pensadores e filósofos pós-modernos como Lacan Derrida Baudrillard Deleuze. O simpósio terá quatro blocos com debates sobre o livro relativismo nas ciências humanas metodologia e relação ciência/educação/poder. Além de Sokal e Bricmont, participarão, entre outros, Bento Prado Jr., Simon Schwartzman, Francisco Dória, Paula Montero, Paulo Arantes ,Renato Lessa, Otávio Velho e Mauro Barbosa. O evento é organizado pela Área de Lógica e Teoria das Ciências do IEA e pela FFLCH/USP. LOCAL: Auditório do Departamento de História, Cidade Universitária ,São Paulo DATAS: 27 e 28 de abril de 1998 HORÁRIO: 9h telefone do IEA: (011) 8183919 e 8184442 email do IEA: ******************************************************************************** Date: Wed; 25 Mar 1998 20:33:52 -0500 (EST) From: Tom Patterson Subject: (MARX) Contents of Grenzeloos (Holland) no. 43 (fwd) ---------------------------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon; 23 Mar 1998 10:10:05 -0500 From: International Viewpoint <> To: .Press English"
Subject: Contents of Grenzeloos (Holland) no. 43
Contents of Grenzeloos (newspaper of the Dutch Socialist Workers Party) no.43 Mar./Apr. 1998 All articles are in Dutch; those marked with an asterisk (*) were written for Grenzeloos. Page Author Title 1 4/3/98: Election defeat for far right - the cabinet next! 2 Editorial Who will save Kosovo? * 3 Barend de Voogd 1998 local elections: leftwards shift * 3 Herman Pieterson Good start for A Different Amsterdam * 4 Angela Klein German unemployed in action: a good beginning (from SoZ) 4 Soren Sondergaard Center-left government survives Danish elections [interview] * 5 C. Levy/C. Aguiton French unemployed: the voice of the street (from Le Monde Dip.) 5 French & German unemployed groups Joint statement (from email) 6 John Cozijn SP: beyond 'Vote against' * 6-7 Robbert v/d Vos Green Left: how left? * 7 Robert Went Economic policy: a slice or the whole cake * 7 Wineke 't Hart 1998 elections (and immigrants) * 8 Erik Wesselius MAI: a velvet coup * 9 Joop Akkerman Contract at last for make-work jobs: but a bad one * 9 Frans v/d Vlugt Oxygen for education * 10 Eric Toussaint Concerns about the Congo (from Inprecor) 11 Alain Mathieu Rwanda: Three years after the genocide (from Inprecor) 12 Harrie Otten Down with Suharto! * Special elections section: A For a social alternative to Purple (the ruling social-democratic/liberal coalition) B-C For a different left (where the SAP stands) C Vote left against Purple (for the Green Left or SP) D Legalise illegals (campaign by youth group Rebel)

Date: Wed; 25 Mar 1998 20:36:21 -0500 (EST)
From: Tom Patterson ( )
Subject: (MARX) Contents IVP#299 April 1998 (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue; 24 Mar 1998 14:07:47 -0500
From: International Viewpoint ( )
To: ".Press English"
Subject: Contents IVP#299 April 1998
__________________________________________________ International Viewpoint Free electronic subscription=20 __________________________________________________ C O N T E N T S April 1998 -- issue #299 europe 2 France's new political map *Christian Picquet 4 Europe's Kurdish problem *Albert Rochal 6 Dutch voters move left *Barend de Voogd and Herman Pieterson 8 Denmark: Spying on the far left *Bodil Rasmussen and Age Skovrind 9 Denmark: election results *Thomas Eisler 10 15th International Socialist Youth Camp *Ditte Lojborg 11 The other Europe *Liverpool dockers *fascists in Vukovar *EuroMarch news *trade union left co-ordination africa 4 Algeria: PST Congress cover feature 12 The fourth world war has started *Sub-commandante Marcos 17 Neoliberalism's broken mirror *Daniel Bensaid americas 16 The other Americas *FZLN Congress * foreigners expelled from Chiapas * Quebec food redistribution demo. * Martinique asia 20 "To all struggling Indonesian patriots *PRD statement 22 India: Hindu right takes power: the resistable rise of the BJP *Raghu Krishnan and B. Skanthakumar 25 South Korea: Sooner or later *Terry Lawless 28 Malaysia: Squatters? Urban pioneers! *Syed Husin Ali 29 China: Not so Green Times *Zhiang Kai regular features 32 conference reports and listing 33 books 36 Radical press review 36 NetWorking: Internet action __________________________________________________ You've read the article: now buy the magazine! International Viewpoint or Inprecor (in French) Special low rates (for new subscribers only!) USA $35: cheques to International Viewpoint PO Box 1824 New York NY 10009 Canada $40: cheques to Socialist Challenge PO Box 4955 Main PO Vancouver V6B 4A6 Britain 20 GBP: cheques to Outlook International PO Box 1109 London N4 2UU Australia $35: Cheques payable to Solidarity Publications PO Box A105 Sydney South NSW 2000. New Zealand $35 South Africa R80 Sweden 330 SEK Denmark 300 DKK Hong Kong $120 These and other agent addresses available on request Address: PECI BP85 75522 Paris cedex 11 France. Fax +33-01 43 79 29 61 E-mail URL (1): URL (2): __________________________________________________

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