Marxjour List
August, 1998 - Digest

Date: Fri; 07 Aug 1998 20:13:52 +1000
From: DSP ( )
Subject: (MARX) New Resistance web site
August 8 1998 Dear friends Resistance the socialist youth organisation in political solidarity with the Democratic Socialist Party of Australia has a new web site. The site has sections on anti-racism women's liberation internationalism education and the environment. The new site is extremely timely since in the last five weeks Resistance has been at the centre of a very successful campaign of high school anti-racist actions. In the second round of actions on July 24 and 28 14 000 high school students around the country walked out of class and attended rallies and marches against the racist policies of Pauline Hanson's One Nation party and Prime Minister John Howard. The demonstrations Resistance and the DSP have received incredible publicity here in all the papers all the TV and radio stations. Resistance now seems like a household name. Resistance has joined up about 500 high school students in the last few weeks. Hits on our web pages have quadrupled. Some of this media coverage is already available on the Resistance web site and we will be adding on as much as we can. Another national walkout has been called for August 28. Please check out the site and let us know what you think of both the web site and the high school actions. The address is: Or it can be reached through the home page of the Democratic Socialist Party at: Thanks Sean Healy National coordinator Resistance

From: "Partido Obrero" ( )
Date: Fri; 7 Aug 1998 21:05:05 -0300
Subject: (MARX) Prensa Obrera 594
Hola Ya esta en linea el numero 594 de Prensa Obrera La situacion economica en Rusia la revolucion en Indonesia el ajusticiamente del zar Nicolas la crisis automotor en el Mercosur la situacion politica argentina etc. Cordialmente Raymond Po Administrador del Web del Partido Obrero

Date: Tue; 11 Aug 1998 23:21:07 -0400
From: Ric Brown ( )
Subject: (MARX) WWW Page address for CUNY Women and Development Conference
Greetings Please note that it is necessary to enter the address using the appropriate capital letters when typing in the web address for the conference. The correct url is: For Netscape and MSExplorer users you need only click on the address to link to the page. If you have any problems linking to the page please email Thanks for all your interest in the conference. ______________________________________________________ THE GRADUATE SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY CENTER OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Presents WHICH WAY FOR WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT? DEBATING CONCEPTS STRATEGIES AND DIRECTIONS IN THE 21st CENTURY To Be Held At The Borough of Manhattan Community College 199 Chambers Street October 15-17 1998 **** For Complete Information visit our WWW Page at ****

Date: Mon; 10 Aug 1998 12:55:11 -0400
From: Ric Brown ( )
October 15-17 Please Forward THE GRADUATE SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY CENTER OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Presents WHICH WAY FOR WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT? DEBATING CONCEPTS STRATEGIES AND DIRECTIONS IN THE 21st CENTURY To Be Held At The Borough of Manhattan Community College 199 Chambers Street October 15-17 1998 **** For Complete Information visit our WWW Page at **** Our conference will bring together scholars and practitioners from around the world and working in divergent disciplines including Women and Development experts ecofeminists postmodern and postcolonial feminist theorists and others to address some of the recent debates over the goals means and theoretical frameworks informing the field of Women and Development. We will open with an evening plenary and continue for two more days of three panels each. The panels will cut across orientations disciplines and professions to provide the basis for an unprecedented interchange among scholars practitioners and policy-makers to discuss some of the current challenges to the field -- intellectual political economic and ecological. Keynote Addresses by: ** Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Department of English Columbia University ** Irene Tinker Department of City and Regional Planning University of California Berkeley Panels Include: ** Re-Inventing Aid: International Agencies and the "Woman Question" in Development ** Locating Women/Locating Work: Emerging Capitalisms and the Gendered/Racial Division of Labor ** More Worldly Feminisms: Feminist Theories and the Politics of Location ** Stories from the Field: Theorizing Action/Acting on Theory ** Techno-Science Questions in Development: Intersections of Gender Science Media and Environment ** Can the Subaltern Desire? For the complete Conference Program please visit Participants Include: Lila Abu-Lughod Rogaia Mustafa Abu Sharaf Norma Alarcon Peggy Antrobus Tani Barlow Eudine Barriteau Linda Basch Lourdes Beneria Barbara Bowen Patricia Clough Jennifer Leigh Disney Hester Eisenstein Patience Elabor-Idemudia Cynthia Enloe Kimberly Flynn Irene Gendzier Noeleen Heyzer Mitu Hirshman Marnia Lazreg Yvonne Lasalle Marianne Marchand Carmen Medeiros Joan Mencher Caroline Moser Meera Nanda Achola O. Pala Jane Parpart Shirin Rai Kriemild Saunders Vandana Shiva Ella Shohat Sinith Sittirak Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Noel Sturgeon Irene Tinker Dessima Williams Ara Wilson and Brigitte Young. Sponsored By: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research; Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs CUNY; The Office of the President The Office of the Provost The Center for the Study of Women and Society and The Center for Cultural Studies the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York; Racolin Foundation; Diversity Initiative of the Program in Applied Sociology Queens College; Sawhney Travels; The Tribeca Performing Arts Center; The Film Studies Certificate Program and Ph.D. Programs in Anthropology English History Political Science and Sociology of the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York; The National Council for Research on Women; The International Women's Tribune Center.

From: "Dave Riley" ( )
Date: Thu; 13 Aug 1998 19:42:16 +0000
Subject: (MARX) GLW UPDATE #328
Green Left Weekly Issue #328 August 12 1998 Green Left Weekly provides news information opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: Youth against racism Secondary students have taken up the fight against racism in a big way putting to shame many who are certainly older and like to think of themselves as wiser. Most annoyed are the media hacks who think they should have a monopoly of manipulating public opinion. COVER STORY Australia's conscience: youth against racism Resistance is hot news FEATURES An invitation The big business of prisons Stop the $15 billion corporate tax rip-off: No GST! NEWS ALP/One Nation attack anti-racists From Hiroshima to Jabiluka Doing time for Jabiluka mine Funding for Migrant Resource Centre halted Resistance calls second national walkout Against racism: August 28 secondary school walkout SA workers to support anti-racism rally Solidarity from Indonesia Resistance growing rapidly Regional area students Democrats no alternative Northcote rally against racism Hanson heavy gets rousing reception Electricity privatisation battle in SA Labor to `trade off' native title rights Victorian nurses take action Burmese rally for democracy Scabs attack Davids picket line ISSUES Fair go! Lies damned lies and Lucas Heights The real agenda behind a reactor Population policy: no answer to environmental problems Activists call on Carr to stop Timbarra mine Sydney water crisis due to corporatisation INTERNATIONAL NEWS New left unity in the Philippines Korean workers offer wage cuts to save jobs GM launches new assault on workers && Mass killing and rape in Aceh CULTURAL DISSENT `Angels of freedom soldiers of the good fight' Great show but where was the audience? Let the folk festivals begin New Jabiluka video Jabiluka Blockade Mordechai Vanunu's story on stage Private ownership of almost everything Revolution and rumba: Cuba in the `special period' Class-free analysis of rural China `Fight back and never surrender' Not as useful as a cat REGULAR FEATURES Editorial: Watch out: here comes another `reform' Loose cannons News briefs Action updates ... and ain't i a woman?: That word Looking out: Flushed with embarrassment Life of Riley: A time of reckoning On the box Write on: Letters to the editor Chris Kelly cartoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GREEN LEFT WEEKLY Australia's leading alternative newsweekly Break the media monopoly: read it buy it write for it sell it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

From: "Dave Riley" ( )
Date: Fri; 21 Aug 1998 09:12:37 +0000
Subject: (MARX) GLW UPDATE #329
>Green Left Weekly Issue #329 August 19 1998 Green Left Weekly provides news information opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: GST: Good for the rich bad for us The heart of the government's new tax package is the goods and services tax. The promised income tax cuts and various forms of compensation are nothing but bait designed to get us to swallow the GST. COVER STORY GST: good for the rich bad for us FEATURES Resistance against racism: walkout on August 28 .No Nukes! Youth in revolt: the '60s and today NEWS Northcote: left candidates surpass One Nation Anti-uranium campaigning on NSW North Coast Steelworker candidate: `Nationalise BHP' Greens announce Senate team Abortion speak-out Uranium mining method far from `benign' `Let them stay!' Pathfinder Bookshop attacked Telstra unions meet over enterprise agreement Socialists to field Senate tickets in all states New Hindmarsh Island defence fund Queensland parliament jigs to One Nation's tune ISSUES Environment and immigration && Blaming the wrong people Neo-Nazi thugs offer their services to Hanson Call centres: `the new workhouses' US urges Australia to increase military ties Tasmania G ber alles? Hanson: an echo of the past INTERNATIONAL NEWS NZ Alliance discusses coalition with Labour Student union referendums set Dita Sari: `Habibie is Suhartoism without Suharto' Indonesian women lead strikes Jiang's salvo against Chinese military businesses Skate Kabui at odds over Bougainville independence Colombia's dirty war on labour && Russian greens combat plans for new nukes Dangerous pesticide use in Nigeria Mad cow disease: has the danger passed? && US puts drug company profits before health && Pesticide companies use humans in lab studies && Habibie: Suharto's Siamese twin CULTURAL DISSENT Fair go! Freshness itself A song for Quito A web site -- not Poem: I can't abide (Tune: Abide with me) Poem: Ad-junked REGULAR FEATURES Editorial: Compromising with racism Loose cannons Action updates ... and ain't i a woman?: Blue stockings Looking out: Compassion Life of Riley: Put One Nation last? On the box Write on: Letters to the editor Chris Kelly cartoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GREEN LEFT WEEKLY Australia's leading alternative newsweekly Break the media monopoly: read it buy it write for it sell it. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SUBSCRIPTION: $10 FOR 10 ISSUES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

From: "Internationalist Communist Group" ( )
Date: Fri; 14 Aug 1998 03:37:29 PDT
The Internationalist Communist Group fights for the constitution of the international proletariat into class and therefore into World party for the destruction of capitalism that is to say this society subjected to the dictatorship of profit that famishes man and destroys the nature. It implies the destruction of wage labour merchandise social classes armies jails national frontiers in short all kind of State... Our objective is as for all the revolutionaries of the past the constitution of a worldwide human community without exploited neither exploiters. The last issue of our review in spanish: Comunismo #42 (Mayo 1998) is available at the (new) following address: * Our reviews can only fully succeed in their task of organising communis= t action if they have active participation of their readers and sympathisers. Any contribution you make - theoretical critical or practical - will help us to forge a real revolutionary tool. Use this material! It is no one's private property - it is part of the heritage of the accumulated experience of our class. The class that is living struggling and fighting to destroy wage-labour and therefore all classes all exploitation. Use these texts discuss them reproduce them ... If our positions interest you - if you want to discuss them or to work with us - contact us criticise us ... Hope we will read you very soon. Long live the social worldwide revolution! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////= ///////// [Spanish version] El Grupo Comunista Internacionalista lucha por la constitucion del proletariado internacional en clase y por lo tanto en partido mundial para la destruccion del capitalismo es decir de esta sociedad sometida a la dictadura de la ganancia que hambrea al hombre y destruye la naturaleza. Ello implica la destruccion del trabajo asalariado de la mercancia de las clases sociales de los ejercitos de las carceles de las fronteras nacionales en fin de todo tipo de Estado... Nuestro objetivo es como el de todos los revolucionarios del pasado la constitucion de una comunidad humana mundial sin explotados ni explotadores. Nuestro ultimo numero en espannol: Comunismo #42 (Mayo 1998) esta disponible en la (nueva) direccion: * Aqui el sumario del numero: El argumento del mal menor sirviente caballero del capitalismo Sea cual sea la politica o la ideologia es imposible asegurar la gestion del capital y del trabajo asalariado sin la inhumanidad la barbarie y el terrorismo inherentes a la Ley a la Propiedad al Ejercito y a la Policia es decir al Estado. La posicion revolucionaria comienza precisamente alli donde termina la ilusion de la coexistencia posible entre una sociedad organizada en torno al asalariado y una sociedad a caracter humano. Capitalismo y comunismo comunidad del dinero y comunidad humana son dos polos que se excluyen antagonicamente. El Vaticano: Institucion decisiva del fascismo y en la proteccion de los Fascistas! Hace mas de un anno un ex-procurador americano logro reunir toda una serie de documentos archivos testimonios (en base a la Ley Americana sobre el libre acceso a los documentos y archivos) que demuestran claramente el papel determinante que jugo el Vaticano en la consolidacion del poder fascista la participacion activa de su cuerpo eclesiastico en el gobierno fascista de Yugoslavia y su labor crucial en la proteccion de importantes dirigentes fascistas durante sus exilios. Memoria obrera: "La bestia de la Propriedad" (Johann Most) Diversos fueron los criterios que nos determinaron a publicar el texto que a continuacion les presentamos: actualidad del sujeto fuerza de los argumentos clarividencia; empero nuestro objetivo principal es el de contribuir a derribar un mito que hoy todavia persiste. Nos referimos al mito a la falsificacion de la historia que consiste en afirmar que ninguna organizacion revolucionaria pudo existir y mantenerse afuera y en contra de la Socialdemocracia antes de 1914. Los origenes y fundamentos de esta mentira se encuentran en la ciega obstinacion de aquellos que consideran a la Socialdemocracia (en la que se incluye a todos los partidos organizados en torno a la Segunda Internacional) como LA organizacion como EL partido de la revolucion. Segun estos individuos toda tentativa de organizarse afuera y en contra de la Socialdemocracia antes de esta fecha estaba condenada a la muerte o al sectarismo. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Una revista como esta solo podra cumplir las tareas teorico - organizativas que la hora exige con una participacion cada vez mas activa de sus lectores simpatizantes corresponsales. Toda contribucion sea para mejorar el contenido y la forma de la misma (enviando informaciones publicaciones de grupos obreros analisis de situaciones etc) sea para mejorar su difusion (haciendo circular cada numero en el mayor numero de lectores posibles consiguiendo nuevos abonados sugiriendo otras formas o lugares de distribucion etc.) constituye una accion en la construccion de una verdadera herramienta internacional de la lucha revolucionaria. Utilizad estos materiales! Nadie es proprietario de ellos son por el contrario parte integrante de la experiencia acumulada de una clase que vive que lucha para suprimir su propria condicion de asalariada y a si todas las clases sociales y toda explotacion. Reproducid estos textos discutidlos! Recibid con nuestro mas caluroso saludo comunista nuestro llamado al apoyo incondicional a todos los proletarios que luchan para afirmar los intereses autonomos de clase contra la bestia capitalista contra su Estado y contra los partidos y sindicatos pseudoobreros que perpetuan su supervivencia y nuestro grito que te impulsa a forjar juntos el Partido Comunista Mundial que nuestra clase necesita para triunfar para siempre. Esperando recibir noticias pronto las enviamos nuestra solidaridad militante. Viva la revolucion mundial social! Grupo Comunista Internacionalista (GCI)

From: "Mike" ( )
Date: Sun; 23 Aug 1998 22:50:30
Subject: (MARX) War in Havana
***************** CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS World War Correspondents Encounter November 24-27 1998 Havana Cuba The Jose Marti International Institute of Journalism (IIPJM) Cuban Journalists Union (UPEC) and other national and international co-sponsors invite you to this unique opportunity to meet each other and exchange experiences. Guillermo Cabrera Alvarez Encounter Coordinator (spanish) e-mail: english e-mail: ********************************

Date: Fri; 21 Aug 1998 13:21:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steve O ( )
Subject: (MARX) Information Request
________________________________________________ A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E ________________________________________________ Fellow Workers Freinds and Comrades: I am currently compiling a comprehensive database of newspapers and periodicals with the hope of making a complete and comprehensive list to share with other activists particularly labor and environmental activists. This will be used to send press releases and letters on behalf of labor organizing and defense campaigns such as the Neptune Jade Defense Committee. This will be available to others upon request. I would greatly welcome any contact information for any periodicals you may have knowledge of especially if you've compiled some sort of database yourself. Contact information should include: Name of the publication; It's affiliations (what union organization network neighborhood association or company is the publication representing); Address; Phone Number; Fax Number; Alternate Phone NUmbers; E-mail; Web-Addresses; How Frequently Published; Political Tendencies; Whether or not it's an official publication of its affiliate organization; and any additional notes you deem important. I am particularly interested in the following categories: I. Labor -- North America (includes union locals and internationals; federation publications; labor councils; rank and file and special caucuses and any other labor oriented press). II. Labor -- International. III. Environmental -- International (includes US & Canada; please include publications from organizations and locals). IV. Local Media -- (does not necessarily mean just *your* local. Includes alternative local weeklies such as the SF Bay Gaurdian; also includes university & college campus publications and neighborhood newspapers). V. Radical & Progressive Publications -- (includes left socialist communist anarchist syndicalist individualist newspapers and magazines. Examples: Z Magazine; The Nation; Socialist Organizer; Freedom; The Match!) VI. Political Issues -- (includes prison activism anti-racist indigenous issues black liberation bicycle activism transportation activism tenant activism feminist issues etc). VII. Specialty Publications -- (include only those with letters to the editor sections) VIII. Mainstream Media & Wire Services -- The New York Times The Washington Post The San Francisco Chronicle The Wall Street Journal the (London) Financial Times Time Magazine Associated Press UPI Rueters etc. Mainly (1) Where to send a press release (not that they'd publish it but there's always hope) and (2) Where to send guest editorials and/or letters to the editor. This will be an ongoing project. I know that this may already exist in databse form (like CD ROM) and if you can e-mail me that info in text format (i.e. ASCII) that would be fine. Take your time but keep this in mind. If you want to send me a floppy disk with the info (PC Compatable only) let me know and I'll e-mail you an address. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANYONE'S HOME ADDRESS UNLESS THEY GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO DO SO. Thanks for your help. Steve O East Bay IWW / Branch Secretary East Bay IWW Phone (510) 845-0540 Timber Workers IU 120 ******** The A-Infos News Service ******** COMMANDS: REPLIES: HELP: WWW: INFO:

Date: Sun; 30 Aug 1998 15:58:36 -0300
From: Paulo Francisco Slomp ( )
Subject: (MARX) Le Monde Diplomatique
Amigo Verifique no jornal Le Monde Diplomatique uma das repercussoes internacionais da experiencia do Orcamento Participativo em Porto Alegre. Clique: Ou abra o arquivo anexo a essa mensagem. A traducao para o portugues esta' em: Saudacoes!

From: "Dave Riley" ( )
Date: Thu; 27 Aug 1998 21:15:57 +0000
Subject: (MARX) GLW UPDATE [GLW#330]
>Green Left Weekly Issue #330 August 26 1998 Green Left Weekly provides news information opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: RACISM NO! On August 28 secondary students and other young people are holding a second national action against racism. This protest focuses not just on Pauline Hanson and One Nation but also on the racist policies of the Howard government. COVER STORY Resistance: `Why we are socialists' FEATURES Gympie students to walk out Government adopts One Nation's policies Unions support August 28 anti-racism walkout Melbourne to rock against racism Western Sydney anti-racism campaign Fact and fantasy NEWS Socialists and the Northcote by-election NOWSA excludes transgender women Aboriginal activists pursue charges of genocide Election forum Student left set for election campaign Women meet the candidates UWA student elections Young socialist to contest federal seat of Canberra Telstra unions strike over enterprise agreement Liberals clutching at straws Building workers `seasonally employed'? Nurses strike at Prince Alfred Hospital Greenhouse pollution Protesters demand democracy in Burma Lucas Heights EIS released More budget cuts for schools Beattie's racist bill Davids workers need solidarity Police want open access to schools Widespread criticism of tax package CPSU campaign in Centrelink ISSUES Racism: the record of the Coalition and ALP Wollongong floods: an act of God? Australia's anti-nuclear movement: a short history Dishonest opportunism in anti-racism campaign INTERNATIONAL NEWS Palestinian minister: `Why I resigned' Insincere apologies from Indonesian government Court un-bans PRD but harassment continues The disappeared Old Indonesian communists still imprisoned US shows its `reach is long' -- again Labour Party formed in Sindh A pre-crisis look at Japan's production backyard Russian government turns to repression of miners Blair Ahern make the most of Omagh bomb Tamils urge UN to probe alleged mass graves `Forever protest the annexation of Hawai'i' Xanana denies BHP meeting Letter from the US: Democracy in Cuba && CULTURAL DISSENT Fair go! Vanunu's story John Howard's safety security and stability Forrest Gump goes to war && Twists and turns in the interview room REGULAR FEATURES Editorial: A terrorist state Left On-Line: The left side of the web Loose cannons Action updates ... and ain't i a woman?: A shove into enslavement Looking out: Sisters and brothers Life of Riley: It was I On the box Write on: Letters to the editor Chris Kelly cartoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GREEN LEFT WEEKLY Australia's leading alternative newsweekly Break the media monopoly: read it buy it write for it sell it. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SUBSCRIPTION: $10 FOR 10 ISSUES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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