Marxjour List
September, 1998 - Digest

From: "Partido Obrero" ( )
Date: Wed; 2 Sep 1998 09:51:47 -0300
Subject: (MARX) Prensa Obrera - Numeros 597 y 598
Estimados co-listeros Ya estan en linea los dos ultimos numeros del semanario Prensa Obrera con varios articulos sobre la crisis financiera internacional la crisis en Rusia etc. Cordialmente Raymond Po Administrador del Web del Partido Obrero

Date: Mon; 7 Sep 1998 00:11:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ray Goforth ( )
Subject: (MARX) Social Justice E-Zine #29 (GOOD VERSION)
WORK WILL MAKE YOU FREE. -New York City official defending the city's workfare program requiring welfare recipients to labor for their benefits (1998). WORK WILL MAKE YOU FREE. -Inscription on the front gate to the Auschwitz concentration camp (1944). SOCIAL JUSTICE #29 September 6 1998 Ray Goforth Kim Goforth **************************************************************** IN THIS ISSUE: 1) AFL-CIO LAUNCHES NEW GENDER PAY GAP WEBSITE 2) KOSOVO: EXCEPTIONAL SUFFERING IS TYPICAL SUFFERING 3) CHINESE POLITICAL PRISONER PROFILE: LI HAI 4) LIVING WAGE ORDINANCE PASSED IN CHICAGO 5) ABOLISHING DEBT SLAVERY IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY **************************************************************** **************************************************************** Welcome to the latest issue of SOCIAL JUSTICE E-ZINE. The name Social Justice encompasses the struggles of people everywhere who work for gender equality democratic government economic opportunity intellectual freedom environmental protection and human rights. Social Justice is an electronic magazine (e-zine) designed for free distribution through the internet. SJ now reaches approximately 10 000 e-mail recipients in sixty-one (61) countries. Stories from SJ are broadcast on radio stations in the United States and Australia. Feel free to make copies and share with friends (or enemies). Think of this as a regular magazine without the recycling. If there's nothing you want to read in this issue just hit delete. Those wishing to be added to the subscription list (or conversely those who want off the list) should write to us at: ***************************************************************** *****************************************************************

Subject: (MARX) Crisis in Russia - "free market" failure
Date: Fri; 11 Sep 98 19:24:36 +0100
From: ( )
What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site September 11 1998 - 2 - Crisis in Russia. Free market failure Russia stands at the parting of the ways. The strategists of capital are facing a completely different situation from that which they had expected when the old Stalinist regime collapsed. They thought there would be a smooth transition to capitalism. That is not what they are getting. Ted Grant and Alan Woods provide a socialist analysis of why and what is the way forward in this 11 000 article. This article is also available by email on request. Just let us know if you would like a copy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Subject: (MARX) Socialist and labour movement links site
Date: Sat; 12 Sep 1998 11:49:40 GMT
Hi Labour Left Briefing has a new Links site: It is modelled on Yahoo and is very easy to search. We aim to index all marxist sites on the web. If your site is not included please feel free to add it. Also the latest issue of LLB is up at: in solidarity Chris === chris croome homepage (inc pgp key) webarchitects ===

Subject: (MARX) What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism"
Date: Fri; 11 Sep 98 11:41:18 +0100
From: Jordi ( )
What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site September 11 1998 After a holiday break "In Defence of Marxism" is now back. We have taken advatadge of this break to complete the move of the site its new address ( We have also redesing the site bear with us if there are still some mistakes to be corrected and send us your comments wethre you like it or not. From now all new material will only be updated at this new address. Change your "favourites" or "bookmarks" files and if you have a link to our web site from yours or know of anyone who has make sure you change the address. We have just published some material which came out in August and from now on we will be uploading current material. We are working on a long statement on the Russian crisis and also a new update on the world's economic situation. -Indonesia: the Rise of a Young Working Class Belgian trade union activist Mark Slane visited Indonesia in July. These are his impressions on the development of the working class movement after the May events. August 1998 -Indonesia: Interview with PRD Activist In July we interviewed Muhammad Ma'ruf chief-editor of Pembebasan-Liberation paper of the Indonesian PRD: "We are in favour of an uninterrupted movement an uninterrupted revolution. The struggle for democracy means a freeway for socialism. A strategic demand for the actual situation is the building of people's councils at every level. The nationalisation of crony capitalism will have to develop to the nationalisation of the whole economy." August 1998 -Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Indonesia This article written by Alan Woods in October 1965 provides the reader with an historic background to the current events in Indonesia. At that time the wrong tactics of the Communist Party leadership led to the crushing of the revolutionary movement with anything between 1 and 1 5 million people being killed and the coming o power of Suharto. -Nigerian Rulers Attempt to Avert Growing Discontent The ruling class of Nigeria is facing a dilemma. The Indonesian revolution has brought home to them what could happen in Nigeria in the coming period. As in Indonesia one man at the top was attempting to hold onto power in spite of the growing undercurrents of discontent among the masses. The overwhelming majority of the Nigerian population wants an end to military rule. That is why people came onto the streets to celebrate the death of the hated dictator Sani Abacha in June. Fred Weston analyses. August 1998 - US Attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan The brutal air strikes on Sudan and Afghanistan constitute a further sample of the bullying tactics of US imperialism and will be condemned by activists in the labour movement everywhere. By such means Washington uses its powerful airforce in order to throw its weight around and intimidate and blackmail all the peoples of the third world. This latest escapade is clearly intended for US public opinion to show that something has been done in relation to the terrorist bombings in Kenya. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Date: Sat; 12 Sep 1998 15:58:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: National Office ( )
Subject: (MARX) Freedom Socialist Party site
Greetings- Please do link to us: Thanks Henry Noble Freedom Socialist Party

From: "Partido Obrero" ( )
Date: Sat; 12 Sep 1998 16:32:16 -0300
Subject: (MARX) Prensa Obrera 599
Hola Ya esta en linea el numero 599 de Prensa Obrera. Incluye nuestra propuesta politica en relacion a la crisis economica mundail los analisis de la situacion en Rusia y en EEUU etc. Cordialmente Raymond Po Administrador del Web del Partido Obrero

Date: Fri; 11 Sep 1998 16:54:12 -0400
From: Felix Kreisel ( fjk@PSFC.MIT.EDU )
Subject: (MARX) The media circus around Clinton
Dear readers for a good analysis at the media campaign on Clinton-Lewinsky you may want to read the article on the World Socialist Web Site: Felix Kreisel

Subject: (MARX) Marxism and the struggle against imperialism
Date: Mon; 21 Sep 98 16:11:55 +0100
From: ( )
What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site September 21 1998 Marxism and the struggle against imperialism Third World in crisis by Ted Grant and Alan Woods It is now seven years since George Bush the then president of the US made his famous "New World Order" speech. This was in 1991. In the build-up to the Gulf War the main imperialist power on earth promised a world without wars without dictatorships and of course a world firmly under the control of a single all-powerful world policeman--the US. After the fall of Stalinism US imperialism really thought that the world would be firmly under their command and they would be able to dictate the destiny of each and every country. All conflicts in the world were to be solved through dialogue in a kind of "Pax Americana." Now all these dreams have been reduced to rubble. The crushing domination of imperialism in the world arena which was strengthened after the fall of Stalinism has meant an increased exploitation of the Third World as a whole. The domination of the metropolitan countries is if anything still greater than in the past. The only difference is that the old direct military-bureaucratic control by individual colonial masters has been substituted by the collective domination of the colonial world by a handful of wealthy exploiter states through the mechanism of the world market. Under the banner of globalisation and "opening up of the markets" imperialism has forced through a policy of lowering the tariff barriers and privatisation of the utilities throughout the Third World. These policies are a result of the crisis of capitalism in the West which forces it to constantly look for new markets and fields of investment. But they spell bankruptcy for the local industries of the countries affected which cannot compete unaided against the big multinationals. This situation has produced the most ruinous consequences and has produced results not foreseen by President Bush. The collapse of the USSR has transformed the relations between the powers establishing the USA as the only world superpower. Never in human history has a single country enjoyed such a crushing economic and military domination. Yet in one crisis after another it has become manifest that US imperialism is a colossus with feet of clay. Despite its military victory in the Gulf War it was unable to remove Saddam Hussein. The attempt at a military intervention against the barefoot militias in Somalia ended in a humiliating defeat. Now the crisis in Asia and especially the events in Indonesia have placed revolution firmly on the agenda. To the South the USA faces a general crisis in Central and Latin America with social and political upheavals in Mexico an implacable guerrilla war in Colombia and an explosive situation in Argentina and Brazil. Wherever it looks US imperialism can see not one single stable bourgeois regime. The whole world has entered the most convulsive period for a hundred years. In this 31 000 word document written in June 1998 Ted Grant and Alan Woods make an in-depth analysis at the history of imperialist domination and the way forward for the Third World people's. With sections dealing with: The debt burden The role of the working class The permanent revolution Role of the Communist Parties The 1949 Chinese revolution Proletarian bonapartism Are new regimes of proletarian bonapartism possible? The Cuban Revolution Guerrilla war Interimperialist contradictions Imperialism forced to retreat India Pakistan Democracy or dictatorship? Mexico Nigeria after Abacha South Africa The Middle East The SE Asian "miracle" Marx on colonialism China also facing revolution Indonesia and the permanent revolution Which way forward for Indonesia? ---------------------------------------------------- Copies of this document are also available to be sent via email on request (please note this is a long 31 000 word document) just let us know if you are interested. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Subject: (MARX) October issue of Labour Left Briefing
Date: Sat; 26 Sep 1998 19:40:36 GMT
Hi the October issue of LLB is now on-line: Labour Left Briefing - Oct '98 Index Editorial There is an alternative As job losses sweep the country and income inequality widens by the day Labour Party members have been disheartened to hear the Government's repeated cry There is no alternative . This assertion is as fraudulent today as it was when Thatcher uttered it. New Labour and the fat cats Rupert Murdoch's proposed take-over of Manchester United is not only bad news for football. It's bad news for democracy. Sticks and stones It is one of the ironies of recent Labour Party history that many contributors to this journal now find themselves in closer agreement with Roy Hattersley than with Neil Kinnock. NEC elections The story so far Tim Frost reviews the Grassroots Alliance campaign for the constituency section of Labour's NEC. Results of the ballot will be announced on 30th September. We are from the Labour Party Jacqui Brown Brent East CLP reports on an interesting phone call. Hello will you work for the Government or wreck it? Andy Walker Secretary of Ilford South CLP writes. Desperate or what? Reflections on the campaign trail Liz Davies reviews her experiences as a candidate for Labour's NEC. Mark Seddon Mark Seddon Grassroots Alliance candidate for the NEC. Andy Howell Andy Howell Grassroots Alliance candidate for the NEC. Christine Shawcroft Christine Shawcroft Grassroots Alliance candidate for the NEC. Cathy Jamieson Cathy Jamieson Grassroots Alliance candidate for the NEC. Alan Simpson MP Alan Simpson MP on the Grassroots Alliance campaign. News and views Exclusive: US lies on Sudan bombing exposed Mike Marqusee reports on scientific research exposing US-British claims about chemical weapons manufacture in Sudan. Public sector pay: anger rises Dave Statham Brent East CLP analyses how public sector pay has fallen behind the private sector and inflation. Will New Labour keep the lid on it? The losses in manufacturing - there is an alternative Former General Secretary of the Labour Party Jim Mortimer argues that workers don't have to be thrown on the scrap heap. Letters from America Three US socialists assess the impact of Clinton's crisis on the cause of labour. New Terror Bill -- legislate in haste repent at leisure Paul May of the Britain and Ireland Human Rights Centre looks at some recent history to show that the new legislation will lead to less justice. Remember the Guildford Four Jeremy Corbyn MP. Bad law enacted in haste Liz Davies barrister and NEC candidate casts a critical eye over the enigmatic provisions of the Government's new "anti-terror" legislation. Kurdish refugees - persecuted in London Sheri Laizer from Haringey's Kurdish Community Centre fears that the new anti-terrorist legislation will encourage repressive regimes to increase their harassment of refugees here. Will anyone stand up to Murdoch? Jeremy Corbyn MP for Islington North and Arsenal fan fears that Mandelson will play ball with Rupert Murdoch. New Labour Going back to Keynes won't help - we need a radically new economic approach argues Robert Deans North East Cambridgeshire CLP. The threat of welfare reform Mark Donoghue North East Hertfordshire CLP fears that New Labour attacks on the welfare state have not ended. Labour Party Blackpool - our priorities Pete Willsman veteran campaigner for Party democracy and NEC candidate spells out the key issues facing Conference Progress - two steps backwards Eddie Tucker takes a look at selfish parasites and sneering sectarians who infest the labour movement (based around Progress magazine). Ethical foreign policy or business as usual? Steve Hogan Is the honeymoon over? The Alan Simpson Column Trade unions Tameside's uncaring plc Tony Dale Manchester Central CLP Supernurses - supercon Helen Wetherley UNISON staff side secretary at Kingston Hospital and a nurse reports. Leading with the left The Geoff Martin Column International What is behind the Russian crisis? Hillel Ticktin Reader in Russian and East European Studies University of Glasgow explains why the transition to capitalism in Russia seems to have failed. South Africa: the struggle against privatisation Charlie van Gelderen writes. South African abortion rights under threat Seizing the day Sinn Fein's Alex Maskey calls on Tony Blair not to shore up the union. TOM delegation to Belfast Mark Donoghue reports. New drive for the MAI After the successful campaign earlier this year to delay the signing of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment western governments promised more consultation with concerned pressure groups. Instead they have stepped up secret negotiations. Caroline Dumonteil reports. Where now for Brazil's Workers Party? Mary Hutchison a Brazil specialist academic and human rights activist who researched the PT for five years fears the worst for the Workers' Party (PT) in the forthcoming presidential elections. Blair PLC -- shareholders' report The Michael Hindley column. Fighting racism Justice for Ricky Reel John Stewart reports. Dennis and Romain must stay Pauline must stay Reviews Dissembling discourses Mike Phipps reviews The Silent War by Frank Furedi and After Diana edited by Mandy Merck. Periscope AOB Correspondence LLB is an independent voice and forum for socialist ideas in the Labour Party and trade unions. It is managed by an editorial board elected at its AGM. Both EBs and the AGM are open to all supporters. We are happy to offer a right of reply to all members of the labour movement and we welcome criticisms and contributions. All the articles in LLB reflect solely the opinions of the authors writing in a personal capacity unless otherwise stated. To survive and thrive we need the support of our readers. Why not take copies of LLB to sell at your Labour Party trade union or campaign meetings? Contact LLB at: PO Box 2378 London E5 9QU UK Telephone: +44 (0) 181 985 6597 Fax: +44 (0) 181 985 6785 Email: LLB home page LLB back issues LLB links Chris === chris croome homepage (inc pgp key) webarchitects ===

Subject: (MARX) Germany: Landslide defeat for Kohl - victory for the Left
Date: Tue; 29 Sep 98 15:05:59 +0100
From: ( )
What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site September 29 1998 - Elections in Germany ( Landslide defeat for Kohl - victory for the Left A historic defeat for chancellor Kohl and a clear victory for the left are the most outstanding features of the German election on September 27. After exactly 16 years of Kohl in office German workers and youth said: enough is enough. German is now likely to be governed by a coalition of Social Democrats and Greens. Hans Gerd Ofinger analyses the implications > from Germany. September 28 1998. Visit also the new web site of the German Marxist magazine Funke ( - Historical Materialism ( by Mick Brooks An introduction to Historical Materialism covering the following topics: What is historical materialism? Primitive communism The Asiatic mode of production Ancient Greece: slavery and democracy Roman slavery Decline of the Roman empire The transition to feudalism Medieval towns Class struggle under feudalism Capitalism The Capitalist World Market Imperialism Revolutionary role of the Working Class and Capitalist Crisis. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

From: "Ben Seattle" ( )
Subject: (MARX) Media Abstract Discussion is now online
Date: Wed; 30 Sep 1998 20:58:55 -0700
Hi everyone For a long time I have felt there is a need for a common searchable and public database of articles in revolutionary newspapers and journals. Having found none that were suitable--I have created one from scratch. You can now update it in real time over the web. This is your chance to upload information (ie: titles links index info and summaries in your own words) for each and every article in your revolutionary or progressive journal. Check out Media Abstract Discussion at: This software project will evolve over time and not all features have been completed. But the most important parts of it are functional. It does actually *work*. It will accept information about your articles and allow anyone to see it. Caveat: ======= This project is "software". The world of software is ruled by a capricious and all-powerful god named "Murphy" who has decreed that whatever can go wrong--will go wrong . Accordingly--everyone who uses this will be an honorary "Beta tester" and should report all bugs to: This software was created by a marginally competent programmer (myself). Only actual use by real people over many months will make certain that all the bugs are worked out and that we have a rock solid and stable platform. Until then--there is always a possibility of lost data or similar serious fuck-ups. In addition the "user interface" is not yet as simple or as easy to use as would be best. Future versions will have to be improved in this respect. But what exists now *does work* and I do need political activists to use this tool and by doing so to help me develop it into a powerful weapon to bring revolutionary and progressive ideas in a systematic way to ever larger numbers of people. I encourage everyone who is associated with a progressive journal (or anyone who reads one or more such journals and wants to share information about an article with the rest of the world via a common web-based database) to check it out "Media Abstract Discussion". I have worked my tail off on this project and am very much interested in everyone's opinion concerning how close this has come to demonstrating in a practical way the potential of software to be a weapon of revolutionary politics. Sincerely Ben Seattle ----//-//

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