Marxjour List
December, 1998 - Digest

Date: Tue; 01 Dec 1998 12:28:29 +0100
Subject: (MARX) BIPR
The International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party's platform in Spanish language is on line at along with other Spanish files. Rev. greetings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Battaglia comunista Italian member of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party 1753 20101 Milano Italy web site: e-mail: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Date: Sun; 6 Dec 1998 03:35:58 -0500 (EST)
From: Gerald Levy ( )
I am very pleased to announce that the OPE-L (Outline on Political Economy) mailing list has decided to make our archives available to the public. OPE-L is a small closed list of Marxists which has been discussing controversial issues in political economy since September 1995. (A listing of current and former members appears at the end of this message). Our messages were *not intended for publication* -- they were intended to be read only by list members. We are therefore making our archives public subject to the following modest condition: *you may not indicate the authors of any quotes or messages that you cite*. This applies for *all* publications including Internet mailing lists and newsgroups. *You will be required to agree to the above condition before you will be granted access to the OPE-L archives*. Our WWW archives were created and are maintained by Iwao Kitamura. All archives are sorted by month. There is a search string that you can use and "monthly reviews" that you can access. The URL is: If you have any questions about the OPE-L archives policy or the list in general you should contact me at this address . You may forward this message to any interested lists or individuals. Enjoy! In solidarity Jerry Levy Coordinator OPE-L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *OPE-L Current and Former Subscribers* I. Current subscribers: Mariko Adachi (Japan) Michio Akama (Japan) Samir Amin (Senegal) Chris Arthur (UK) Alejandro Valle Baeza (Mexico) Riccardo Bellofiore (Italy) Jurriaan Bendien (Netherlands) Rakesh Bhandari (US) Antonio Callari (US) Reinaldo Carcanholo (Brazil) Francisco Paolo Cipolla (Brazil) Bill Cochrane (New Zealand) Paul Cockshott (UK) Allin Cottrell (US) Stephen Cullenberg (US) Massimo DeAngelis (UK) Suzanne de Brunhoff (France) Maria de Lourdes Mollo (Brazil) Hans Ehrbar (US) Anders Ekeland (Norway) John R. Ernst (US) Duncan Foley (US) Alan Freeman (UK) Claus Magno Germer (Brazil) Paolo Giussani (Italy) Ian Hunt (Australia) Makoto Itoh (Japan) Seongjin Jeong (S. Korea) Nam-Hoon Kang (S. Korea) Iwao Kitamura (Japan) Andrew Kliman (US) David Laibman (US) Costas Lapavitsas (UK) Michael A. Lebowitz (Canada) Chai-on Lee (S. Korea) Jerry Levy (US) Eduardo Maldonado-Filho (Brazil) Abelardo Flores Marina (Mexico) Patrick Mason (US) Stavros Mavroudeas (Greece) Terrence Mc Donough (Ireland) Ted McGlone (US) Ryu Dong-Min (S. Korea) Simon Mohun (UK) Fred Moseley (US) Leda Maria Paulani (Brazil) Michael Perelman (US) Nelson Pinto (Brazil) Alejandro Ramos (Belieze) Geert Reuten (Netherlands) Bruce Roberts (US) Alfredo Saad Filho (UK) Anwar Shaikh (US) Ajit Sinha (Australia) Gilbert Skillman (US) Murray Smith (Canada) Tony Smith (US) Andrew Trigg (UK) Persefoni Tsaliki (Greece) Lefteris Tsoulfidis (Greece) Brendan Tuohy (New Zealand) Philippe Van Parijs (Belgium) Julian Wells (UK) Michael Williams (UK) Paul Zarembka (US) II. Former subscribers: Carole Biewener (US) Paul Burkett (US) Guglielmo Carchedi (Netherlands) Jim Devine (US) Gerard Dumenil (France) Heiner Ganssmann (Germany) Steve Keen (Australia) Dominique Levy (France) Paul Mattick Jr. (US) Bill Mitchell (Australia) Michele Naples (US) Jim O'Connor (US)

Subject: (MARX) Labour Left Briefing - December 98 Index
Date: Sat; 05 Dec 1998 18:50:39 GMT
Hi The December issue of Labour Left Briefing is now on-line: Editorial Blair strategy ups the anti Tony Blair has made clear his intention to exclude Ken Livingstone > from Labour's one member one vote ballot for London Mayor. Punishing the Iraqi people The US-British policy of punishing the people of Iraq for the crimes and provocations of Saddam Hussein is illogical and inhumane. News and views Right down to the wire Ken Livingstone MP pledges to fight by (almost) any means necessary to become Labour's candidate for London's Mayor. London Labour "Board" bumps Ken London Region officers are just as determined as the national Labour leadership to stop Ken Livingstone becoming London's Mayor. Christine Shawcroft a member of the London Regional Board reports. Support Party members' right to decide their candidates With the suspicion that the Party leadership is trying to keep London Party members from adopting Ken Livingstone MP as Labour's candidate for Mayor of London LLB urges its readers to move the following motion supporting the policy agreed by GLLP conference. Gay days here for New Labour Peter Purton a national officer of the Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights sees recent events as further evidence that the Government can and should bring in an anti-discrimination law. The murder of Matthew Shepard and fighting the politics of hate Jaime R. Balboa Event Co-ordinator International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) draws an "unforgettable lesson" from the latest homophobic atrocity. Obituary: Kwame Ture freedom fighter Mike Marqusee writes. Trim those hedge fund speculators Sean Fitzpatrick continues our debate on alternative economic policy by looking at a taxing question being considered by some of Labour's sister parties. Lesson is: schools are not for sale Glyn Rowlands Haringey UNISON and Tottenham CLP reports on the battle against privatisation in the London Borough of Haringey. Surrey moves to privatise school Council plans: all mod cons? Christine Shawcroft examines the effects of the new White Paper Modernising Local Government. Some Brief words of wisdom The LLB AGM was the start of a serious discussion among activists on the challenges facing the Labour left. Here are highlights of two of the speeches. New network debates Euro-seats A new network of socialists may take advantage of the regional list system (if it goes ahead) in next year's Euro-elections with success in some areas a distinct possibility. Mike Phipps reports. Leeds comrades say 'enough is enough' Celia Foote tells LLB of the origins of the Leeds Independent Labour Network. Off message NEC member Liz Davies provides a viewpoint from the grass roots. Labour Party Wales is mugged by Millbank Our Cardiff correspondent reports on the angry reaction to attempts to foist Alun Michael on Wales. Canavan takes UDI road? Members and activists in Falkirk West were considering their position in the Labour Party this week following the decision of Dennis Canavan MP to stand as an Independent at next year's Scottish Parliament elections. Our Scottish correspondent reports. Playing the percentages game More than 50 000 Party members voted for Christine Shawcroft in the recent NEC elections. Here she looks at the future of the Grassroots Alliance. Leeds North East left fight back Councillor Garth Frankland reports. Labour's socialists meeting opportunity of Alliance Dorothy Macedo previews the Network of Socialist Campaign Groups' AGM. You ask a silly question... If you didn't (or did) laugh you'd write a resolution. Coalition politics out of the closet The Alan Simpson column Trade unions National Minimum Wage demo MSF witch-hunt First union conference: don't let it be a servant of the right Mike Loates Lord Chancellor's Department (PRFD) branch secretary and delegate to the PCS national conference reports. Going Underground Islington cuts Leading with the left The Geoff Martin column International No hiding place for Chilean dicator Sergio Reque=F1a-Rueda fought against the Pinochet military junta and was arrested and tortured in 1976. Recently he travelled to Madrid to make a statement before the judges seeking to extradite Pinochet concerning two Spanish "disappeared" whom he saw at the notorious Villa Grimaldi. Here he looks at the implications of Pinochet's arrest for Chilean democracy. More than just tea with Thatcher Sue Lukes reports. The French lessons on the third way Andrew Coates Ipswich CLP writes about opposition in France to neo-liberalism as preached by Tony Blair. Palestine: understanding Wye Bob Deed member of the Executive of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign 1995-98 (personal capacity) explains that the new agreement means more of the same. South Africa: part of the truth is out there but where is the justice? Andy George writing from Cape Town calls for not just words but action after some of crimes of apartheid are exposed. An armed wing of unionism Brian Campbell editor of Sinn Fein's An Phoblacht/Republican News reports from Patten's Policing Commission meeting in South Armagh. Fighting a duel with the free marketeers Caroline Dumonteil reports on the actions in Paris against the MAI and warns that global deregulators will now seek to push through their agenda on the sly. US Labor Party draws up first constitution David Walters delegate from San Francisco Golden Gate Chapter reports on the First Constitutional Convention of the US Labor Party. Iran Aid victimised Nicaragua relief effort hampered Hurricane Mitch killed nearly 4 000 people in Nicaragua and caused $1 billion in damage. Now the Government is playing political games with the relief effort. Mike Phipps reports. Indonesia ignites Max Lane and Don Rocinante report. Left MPs are being played for suckers The Michael Hindley column Fighting racism No justice no peace Calling for a new civil rights movement Suresh Grover co-ordinator of the Stephen Lawrence Campaign urges Labour Party activists to see their struggles in a wider context. Labour halts funds to anti- racist Monitoring Group The Monitoring Group the leading anti-racist community-based organisation in West London has now been stripped of funding by Labour councils in Ealing Hillingdon and Hounslow. Reviews This is the modern world! Mike Phipps reviews The Moderniser's Dilemma edited by Anne Coddington and Mark Perryman. Blood sweat and cheers Mike Phipps reviews Crossing Borders by Rigoberta Menchu Women and Social Movements in Latin America by Lynn Stephen and Red Hot by Hall Greenland. Labour's first black MP Eddie Tucker reviews Comrade Sak by Marc Wadsworth. Red South West Eddie Tucker reviews the new magazine available from among others Exeter Left Group.. Show racism the red card Eddie Tucker examines a working class report against racism in football. Burchill cashes in Paul Wellings Romford CLP reviews Julie Burchill's Diana. Periscope AOB Correspondence : Labour Left Briefing is an independent voice and : forum for socialist ideas in the Labour Party and : trade unions. Labour Left Briefing is on line : at: : : : LLB PO Box 2378 London E5 9QU : E-mail: Chris chris croome homepage (inc pgp key) webarchitects

From: "Internationalist Communist Group" ( )
Date: Thu; 10 Dec 1998 05:18:38 PST
Depuis aujourd'hui notre revue centrale "Communisme" No.40 est disponible sur internet; voici le sommaire: COMMUNISME No.40 - CONTRE L'ETAT - (Mai 1994): ============================================== * Contre l'Etat * Brouillons et manuscrits: . Présentation de la rubrique . Présentation de "Notes sur l'Etat" . Notes sur l'Etat (GCI 1979) * Gloses critiques marginales à l'article "Le roi de Prusse et la réforme sociale par un prussien" (Karl Marx - 1843): . Présentation . Texte . Déclarations finales à propos de la traduction * L'Etat la politique la démocratie... Tel que le défend la social-démocratie * Contre la politique: notes de lecture et extraits de "El Productor" (La Havane 1887-1890) . "Réalité et utopie" (mars-avril 1888) . "Ouvriers avant tout" (1 novembre 1888) . "Une autre république" (17 janvier 1889) Lisez "Communisme" organe central en français du Groupe Communiste Internationaliste (GCI): Groupe Communiste Internationaliste (GCI): Vive la révolution sociale mondiale! Vive le communisme!

From: "Dave Riley" ( )
Date: Sat; 12 Dec 1998 02:54:43 +0000
Subject: (MARX) GLW UPDATE #344
Green Left Weekly Issue #344 December 9 1998 Green Left Weekly provides news information opinion and debate from an environmental and left perspective. Featured this week: WHO OWNS AUSTRALIA? The myth is that Australia is an egalitarian ``lucky country''. The truth is that the gap between the super-rich and the rest of us is huge and growing. And if you want to be a multimillionaire the best way is to choose very wealthy parents. See you next year: GLW will be back on January 20 1999 COVER STORY Who owns Australia? Billions for BHP Where does the money come from? RESISTANCE What are they going to do with your life? Choose a career? Choose unemployment? Choose an education? Choose to fight back NUS: the bureaucracy strikes back Why we hate Christmas Youth suicide and homophobia Cartoon: Rebel Sheep More restrictions on youth sex Advertiser scapegoats Aboriginal youth Resistance briefs FEATURES GLW library needs books Jabiluka: how can we win? NEWS Action updates Save Tasmania's forests! Centrelink workers to continue strikes Ramos Horta: `A common struggle' NTEU wins increase in permanent employment Feminist to contest Wollongong seat Defamation ruling against Green Left article ISSUES Which Bank Tasmanian Labor's pupulist veneer Lucas Heights EIS a sham UN decision a win for anti-Jabiluka campaign INTERNATIONAL NEWS A crucial time for East Timor New left coalition in France Philippine socialists unite in new party Hong Kong democracy activists charged South Korean church ejects workers Indonesia: `The struggle must be completed' Framed Russian eco-journalist to stay in jail CULTURAL DISSENT Country Joe: No cobwebs on this radical The politics of the early Christians Who wants to live in South Park? Solidarity from the other side of the world Sport race and colonialism No refuge from capitalism REGULAR FEATURES Chris Kelly's cartoon This week in history Loose cannons and ain't I a woman?: Principled opportunism? Looking out: A more loving world Life of Riley: Splash ... gurgle <193gurgle On the box Editorial: No reconciliation with racism! Write on: Letters to the editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GREEN LEFT WEEKLY Australia's leading alternative newsweekly Break the media monopoly: read it buy it write for it sell it. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SUBSCRIPTION: $10 FOR 10 ISSUES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Subject: (MARX) Bombing of Iraq. What are the real reasons?
Date: Fri; 18 Dec 98 11:35:06 +0100
From: ( )
What's New at Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site December 17th 1998 As the US and Britain have started the bombing of Iraq we recommend our readers to read again the statement we issued last February in relation to this crisis. The reasons for the bombing the hipocrisy and double standards of imperialism are still the same: Imperialist bullying and the crisis in the Middle East An edited version in Arabic is also available at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to with "subscribe What's new" as the message body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same address with "unsuscribe" as the body of the message. ---------------------------------------------------- Yours in solidarity Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site PO Box 2626 London N1 7SQ Britain

Subject: (MARX) Militante 79 (diciembre de 1998 - enero de 1999)
Date: Mon; 21 Dec 98 17:04:01 +0100
Estimados amigos: Ya pueden consultar el periodico correspondiente a los meses de diciembre de 1998 y enero de 1999. Militante 79 (diciembre de 1998 - enero de 1999) ------------------------------------------------- Comite de Redaccion: Ruben Rivera Jose Luis Ruiz * Editorial 1999 sera un anno explosivo * El PRI y el PAN a favor de los banqueros Solo mediante la movilizacion el Fobaproa no pasara * El presupuesto para 1999 A donde va Mexico? * La "transicion democratica" Hacia una democracia de los trabajadores * El llamado a la consulta zapatista debe ser Por la movilizacion nacional contra la politica economica y por los derechos indigenas * Los recortes al presupuesto educativo Nuevos ataques a la Educacion Publica * Las elecciones de 1998 No basta con votar hay que luchar * Elecciones en Pijijiapan Chiapas Comites de accion anti-fraude * Foros "Que hable Chiapas" Necesitamos un programa de clase * Los candidatos presidenciales hacia el 2000 Ademas se puede consultar nuevamente el Programa de la Juventud (seccion de documentos) Esperamos tus comentarios Correo electronico: Saludos Comite de Redaccion

Date: Mon; 28 Dec 1998 02:19:40 -0800
From: Ray Goforth ( )
Subject: (MARX) Social Justice E-Zine #30
Those of us who struggle for social justice must deal with two general categories of people critical of our efforts; those who are afraid to try themselves and those who are afraid that we will succeed. SOCIAL JUSTICE #30 December 28 1998 Kim Goforth Ray Goforth **************************************************************** IN THIS ISSUE: 1) THE NEW UNION BUSTERS 2) WORKING AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN SOUTH AFRICA 3) TRUTHS EMERGE ABOUT U.S. CHURCHWOMEN MURDERS IN EL SALVADOR 4) GREENPEACE USES SATELLITE IMAGES TO PHASE OUT ANCIENT FOREST USE **************************************************************** Welcome to the latest issue of SOCIAL JUSTICE E-ZINE. The name Social Justice encompasses the struggles of people everywhere who work for gender equality democratic government economic opportunity intellectual freedom environmental protection and human rights. Social Justice is an electronic magazine (e-zine) designed for free distribution through the internet. SJ now reaches approximately 10 000 e-mail recipients in sixty-one (61) countries. Stories from SJ are broadcast on radio stations in the United States and Australia. Feel free to make copies and share with friends (or enemies). Think of this as a regular magazine without the recycling. If there's nothing you want to read in this issue just hit delete. Those wishing to be added to the subscription list (or conversely those who want off the list) should write to us at:

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