The ANC and the South African White Right in Mozambique

The Mosagrius agreement signed in May 1997 between President Nelson Mandela and Mozambique's President Joaquin Chissano has opened the door for the white right to exploit Mozambican peasants.


The agreement allows hundreds of white South African farmers to settle in Mozambique's largest and poorest province- Niassa. The deal was promoted by the South African Chamber for Agricultural Development in Africa (Sacada). This is a capitalist group set up by the white right-wing Freedom Front party.

In terms of the agreement, the Mozambican government granted a 50-year renewable concession for 220 000 hectares (100 000 for agriculture, 100 000 for cattle-ranching and 20 000 for fruit and ecotourism) to the capitalist farmers. They also got tax exemptions to bring in supplies like farming equipment and medicines.

The entire agreement was worked out in secret and "rammed through", says reports. The head of rural extension services in Niassa province admitted locals were not consulted: "But the ministers who design national policy know local people's needs". So the government ignores the people, saying it knows better than they do what their needs are.


Sacada says that the farmers will boost food production and food security for local people. But malnutrition is not the key issue in Niassa. There is more than enough food, and it is produced through traditional methods- the problem is that there is no marketing system to allow the peasants to sell the crops. Mozambique's distribution network was destroyed in the 17 years civil war backed by the Apartheid regime.

The new farms will have several bad effects. Firstly, peasants fear that they will end up as landless labourers or tenant farmers that depend on the boss for food and housing.

Secondly, the new farms will hire men to grow the commercial crops. Women will work the small plots allocate to the labourer's families. This will introduce low-wage SA-style labour tenancy. Also, girl children may be unable to go to school because they will be replacing male labour. This is already happening in Majune district.

Under traditional agriculture, the peasants' farm an area, and then leave the land fallow to recover while they move elsewhere. But the new farming concessions are likely to use and damage this fallow ground.

Racism is also likely, given the political background of these "Freedom Front" farmers.


This is a recipe for land theft- for forcing peasants into wage-slavery.

So the people responded by forming, late last year, the watchdog Forum for Land Rights, an umbrella of 10 non-governmental and peasant associations. The Forum wants any concessions to be scattered between communal lands held through customary rights. The idea is that peasant families will not only depend on wage work.

COSATU and especially its organised farm workers must demonstrate against the spread of exploitative, right-wing-backed apartheid agriculture to Mozambique. The workers must force the ANC to stop the terrible exploitation that happened to rural workers in South Africa

coming down like a plague of locusts on our Mozambican brothers and sisters.




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