Mass revolt in Zimbabwe

Mass action has shaken the ruling class headed by Robert Mugabe. The dust has just settled on the general strike of 9 December 1997, called by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU). The strike paralysed the country and was the most successful since Independence in 1980. The workers were protesting against a special 5% levy on wages and against massive rises in fuel prices and sales tax.

Police attacked the big workers rally in Harare, firing teargas grenades from moving vehicles at the protestors. Demonstrators tried to hold back the riot police with barricades of rubbish bins, wood, and road signs ripped from pavements.

Two days later, seven "unidentified men" beat Morgan Tsvangirai, general secretary of the ZCTU, unconscious in his office. He was rushed to hospital. Nonetheless, the Mugabe regime has now decided to abandon the special levy and tax and fuel increases.


The background to the strike lies in July and August protests by veterans of the Liberation War. The government stopped paying pensions to veterans in March, when it was found that senior politicians and officials looted the War Compensation Fund of nearly R1 billion.

Hundreds of former guerrillas camped outside Mugabe's official residence, shouted him down at a Heroes Day commemoration speech, and stormed the ZANU-PF (ruling party) headquarters (where they urinated on the walls to show disrespect). The fighters disrupted the bosses' African/African-American (investment) Summit.

While the Black bosses blathered on about "Black empowerment", their riot police dispersed ex-combatants, and their government banned strikes and protests that disrupted services and "public safety" for two weeks.

The aim of the special levy on workers wages, and the increased prices, was to get the workers to replace the Fund money stolen by the indigenous looters. The disgusting exercise was defeated by the masses!


Meanwhile in July, a strike wave engulfed security companies, hotels, restaurants, construction, banks, cement and lime. Railway and textile workers also struck, whilst postal workers embarked on a go-slow. In many cases, workers were demanding wage increases of 40 percent.

At the end of September farm workers held their first organised national strike against the country's 4,000 White and Black commercial farmers.

"We have been downtrodden too long," shouted one striker: "We can stand up for our rights".

Thousands of singing workers blocked highways and invaded farms. In mid-October they won a 40% wage increases and more leave days.


What about the workers?

Faced with mass revolt, a desperate Mugabe has been forced to make concrete plans for broad land reform for the first time in 17 years. He has promised to redistribute 1772 White-owned commercial farms.

Several questions remain. Mugabe has stated that he will pay for the farms. It is unclear how he will raise the money. This raises doubts as to whether land reform will go ahead.

It seems unlikely that the poor will actually benefit from any land reforms. Almost all land "redistributed" over the last 17 years has gone to politicians, top bureaucrats, army and police officials and their relatives. There is little reason to expect this to change. Top officials have been quite open that the land will be used for commercial farming i.e. for capitalist farms.

Land reform should target both White and Black capitalist fat cats. Mugabe's exclusive focus on White-owned farms is partly an attempt to hide the sins of the country's indigenous looters by blaming only one set of bosses.

The regime's ridiculous claim that White bosses opposed to land reform were behind the recent strikes is a blatant attempt to divide workers and peasants, and hide the fact that most bosses are, as ZCTU notes, Black.

The only way for the masses to make sure that the ruling clique does not hijack their land demands is to INCREASE THE PRESSURE through mass struggle for land to the poor! Mass action must unite workers, peasants and veterans in a struggle for LAND AND FREEDOM!


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