South African Union News



COSATU on the move

10,000 workers joined a Congress of South African Trade Unions rally in Johannesburg on March 25. COSATU demands included double payment for Sunday work, six months maternity leave, of which at least four months should be paid, and the introduction of a 40 hour work week. Speakers also called for regulations of shift work, affirmative action and training.

This march was part of COSATU's rolling campaign to defend and advance minimum labour standards. The ANC-led government has refused to include these demands in the Employment Standards Bill, while bosses' are calling for "labour market flexibility" (the erosion or removal of regulations covering work conditions).

If these demands are not met, the campaign will continue and culminate in a general strike on May 12.

We should all support these demands. We must make sure no backroom deals are made between union leaders and the bosses and rulers. Let us not be fooled by the ANC speakers who always come to these marches and give speeches claiming to support the workers demands- the only way forward is mass struggle, and workers unity.

Finally, it is important to fight the influence of anti-socialist ideas in COSATU. We must also resist the growing power of conservative paid full-time leaders like Shilowa in COSATU- make sure that workers run their own unions.

New union federation formed

On April 1, a new mass trade union federation will be launched: the Federation of Unions of South Africa. This is the result of a merger of Federation of South African Labour Unions (FEDSAL) and the Federation of Organisation's Representing Civil Employees. FEDUSA will have 515,000 members, making it the second largest federation in South Africa. This is almost twice as many members as NACTU (the National Council of Trade Unions). FEDUSA's base will probably be among White collar and civil service workers. If FEDSAL was anything to go by, most, of these workers will be White.

FEDUSA states that it is committed to democracy, non-racialism and independence from political parties. It aims to build upon the close co-operation that FEDSAL established with COSATU and NACTU in recent years.

The establishment of a new federation committing many White workers to progressive policies must be welcomed. It indicates that growing numbers of White workers are moving to an acceptance of class struggle and non-racial workers unity.

At the same time, we are obliged to state that any attempts by White workers to achieve gains at the expense of their Black counterparts, or to preserve past privileges, will be both futile and reactionary- they will certainly destroy the COSATU-NACTU-FEDSAL co-operation that has developed.

Instead, the way forward is to unite all unions into one super-federation based on one-union-one-industry that will be capable of destroying this rotten capitalist system for once and for all. The workers solution is a trade union-led revolution.


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