
THIS issue is dedicated to the spirit and ideals of May Day, the day when we come together as workers and poor people to reaffirm our struggle for dignity, freedom and basic rights. The day that began as a commemoration of Anarcho-syndicalist workers executed by the bosses over 100 years ago. We live in a society fundamentally divided by class- divided between rich and poor, exploiter and exploited, oppressor and oppressed.

This society, organised around capitalism, the State, and oppression, is the cause of the hunger, misery and oppression of the working and poor people.

But we have the power in hands to resist the bosses and rulers. Through our mass action, we can fight back! Through our mass organisations - the unions and working class civics- we have the power to build a new, better world. A world without hunger, racism and masters- a world where we have a real say over our own lives, and in which all have their basic needs met- a stateless socialist society based on grassroots democracy (anarcho-syndicalism). Not the farce of so-called "Communist" Russia!

As the great anarcho-syndicalist revolutionary Nestor Makhno put it:We will not conquer in order to repeat the errors of past years, the error of putting our fate into the hands of new masters; we will conquer in order to take our destinies into our own hands , to conduct our lives in accordance with our own will and our own conception of the truth.

This is our programme as the Anarcho-syndicalists of the WSF. Join us!


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