By Claire Wolfe

For weeks, I've struggled to find the right words.

On May 14, when Judge Edward Lodge decreed open season upon Americans, I said, "That's it. We can't stand for this and still call ourselves human. It's time to act." And I hastily promised to write about ideas for intelligent action.

In the intervening weeks, we've learned of the FBI's bloodless coup - -- an illegal national registration system for all firearms buyers. We've seen draft federal regulations ending medical privacy forever (a land mine buried in a "moderate" 1996 bill, now about to explode under our feet). The U.S. Department of Transportation has issued its proposed rule, making our drivers licenses our internal passport - one more 1996 congressional land-mine, now exploding. In his most recent Executive Diktat, called "Federalism," Clinton has proclaimed his government to have arbitrary power over and within the states.

With each new shock we reel -- and do nothing. Because, after all, what can we do?

With each new shock I remember I promised to come up with helpful thoughts for stopping injustice. And I don't do it. Because, after all, what can I write? The dirty little truth is that anyone who dared advocate effective actions now could be arrested merely for speaking the words. I can't do that. I won't. But someone has to.

Let me discard any attempt at eloquence, brilliance or clever word-dancing and state one obvious fact:

When somebody hurts you and gets away with it, he'll hurt you some more. Not only that, he'll up the frequency of his attacks and the level of his brutality. If you want him to stop, you have to make it clear that someone will hurt him every, single time he hurts you. Government supremacists are hurting us and our freedom. Nobody is stopping them. Somebody has to.

Even bureaucrats have enough brains to grasp that, if no one's going to punish them, they can do anything they want. The FBI knows neither it nor its agents will be punished for building an illegal database of gun buyers. Even if the Supreme Court ordered the data destroyed, the FBI wouldn't so much as consider destroying it. Why should they? There's no pain, no consequence in continuing to disregard the law.

Same with Judge Lodge, Lon Horiuchi, and oathbreaking congresspeople. Why should they change their ways -- as long as they're getting away with it? As long as they're getting away with it, in fact, why not do more of the same?

Bullies and other unprincipled cowards respond to simple stimuli: A figurative cattle prod in the figurative buttocks. The courts were intended to deliver this warning prod, but they won't -- not when the bully is a fellow member of the federal club. Neither will any citizen oversight board, congressional subcommittee or internal agency review system.

The simple fact is we must stop the injustices being committed against us or suffer worse than we already have. However, we are in the position of the mice who decided that the best way to stop feline attacks was to tie a warning bell around the cat's neck. Great idea.


I don't know what should be done or who should do it. But I can guess many things that will be done in the next few years, for good or ill. Some might be relatively peaceable:

That latter tactic could be dangerous. Drug agencies and the like have been known to go after newspapers or Web sites that published photos of their undercover agents.

Worse, I fear that some sincere-but-desperate freedom lovers might be driven by frustration to even harsher tactics. Thus, I'm afraid we'll also see things like these in the next few years:

Such things would be regrettable. No decent person could possibly endorse violence and destructiveness, except in the gravest extremity. Never, until all other avenues to justice had been barricaded by thugs in black jackboots, backed by thugs in black robes.

Yet these are desperate times. How desperate, only you can judge.

After the Horiuchi/Lodge decision, I heard several people declare, in effect, "I won't kill Horiuchi myself because I have a wife and kids to worry about. But I wouldn't waste any tears if I heard somebody had done it." The only comment I can make on that is to add Lodge's name beside Horiuchi's.

There's a very sharply defined line between wishing tyrants dead and being prepared to kill them. Thank heaven we have not crossed it, and pray we never have to. But our toes are right up against that line now. And with each new blow to freedom -- coming so fast! -- we are pushed and pushed and pushed. Our happiest course is simply to try to live free in spite of the government. We must continue to try to do just that. But government must also stop placing barriers in the path to freedom, and must stop trying to push us toward tyranny.

And this it is not going to do. Unless we find ways to force it.

When Unintended Consequences was published several years ago, I considered it a male romance novel, without substance. But I'm coming closer to believing that the Unintended scenario -- fed up Americans delivering ad hoc justice to federal freedom violators -- may be inevitable, however much we wish to avoid it.

Whether such desperate actions will do us any good -- individually or as a movement for freedom -- is another question. They certainly wouldn't lead to any pat, happy endings. But, one way or another, we have reached a point where we must take care of our own justice.

If we can't make it painful for tyrants, they'll inevitably make it more painful for us. Fact. It's time to stop talking and be free.

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(c) 1998 Claire Wolfe. This article may be reprinted for non-commercial purposes, as long as it is reprinted in full with no content changes whatsoever, and is accompanied by this credit line. The article may not be re-titled, edited or excerpted (beyond the limits of the fair use doctrine) without the written permission of the author. For-profit publications will be expected to pay a nominal reprint fee. Unprincipled people have tampered with articles. If you have any doubts about the integrity of the copy you have received, please check the original at http://www.oocities.org/CapitolHill/1797/essay.html before posting the article to a Web site or reprinting it.