Union Terms and Definitions

Through my years in various union locals, I have found one thing in common among the members and that was confusion in some of the terms used by the union. Also, for those who don't belong to unions don't understand some of the terms used that they may see in the various media reports.

If you need clarification on some of these terms, please feel free to email me. Also, if you feel that I've defined something wrong let me know, LOL...like all people I do make mistakes. Of course, there are terms out there that I may not know either, so if you have something please let me know. Let me know from which country that you are from as somethings change from country to country as well as union to union.


Union:    An organization formed to unite workers into one strong united labour force. The Union employs the Staff Representatives who help and work with the Locals, develope advertising and media reports regarding social issues, job actions etc. The Union generally provides and developes training programs for it's members and officers.
eg. The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) unites all of the Postal Workers in Canada. They come together throughout the company through 1 union.

Local:    A local area of the Union. This may encompass a large regional area, the same type of work or the same employer.
EG. CUPE Local 500 - is the Canadian Union of Public Employees...Local 500 is the CUPE Local that the City of Winnipeg employees belong to. They are all CUPE members but they have their own by-laws, Executive Committee and concentrate on issues that affect them within their members jobs.

Constitution:    The rules and guidelines on which the Union operates. The Constitution supercedes any by-laws that a Local may have.

By-Laws:    The rules and guidelines on which a Local operates. The by-laws are usually for the Local only and still have to conform to the guidelines within the constitution.

Collective Agreement:    A contract between the Employer and the Union. It stipulates various things such as wages, including hourly rate, evening/night and weekend premiums, statutory holiday pay, vacation pay and the rate and way that overtime will be paid. It includes the amount of hours in a shift, and the amount of hours that equal full time. There are many things not mentioned here that are included in the Collective agreement.

Bargaining Unit:    All employees covered by the Collective Agreement are part of the Bargaining Unit. Not all employees in the Bargaining Unit are member of the Union, but they must be equally represented by the Union in areas of grievances and ensuring fair treatment under the Collective Agreement. All members of the Bargaining Unit pay union dues but if they are not members then they can't vote in matters pertaining to the Union.

Members:    All employees at a workplace who have signed membership cards. Each Union does this differently. But with the majority of Unions an "Application for Membership" must be signed in order to become a voting member. Members of the Union vote on all matters of the Union, especially financial matters. In some work places, it has been negotiated into the Collective Agreement that Union Membership is a "condition of employment"e.

Executive Committee:    A special committee made up of Union Members. This committee includes such Officers as the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Each Union has it's own guidelines as to what other postions are part of the Executive Committee. This committee runts the Union or the Local on behalf of the Membership. They enforce the Constitution and By-laws of the Union and Local as well as draw up financial budgets and keep orderly records of all events within the Union. In most, if not all unions, the Officers of the Union are voted in by their peers, the other members. The Local's By-laws will have the rules regarding election as well as a job description of all of the offices within the Local.

Shop Steward:    A member of the Union who acts as a representative of the Union at the job site. Shop Stewards usually have a very good knowledge of the Collective Agreement and are available and easily accessable to members of the bargaining unit. Shop Stewards usually are the Union members that accompany co-workers to disciplinary meetings with the employer and they also start the first step of a grievance proceedure.

Union Dues:    Monies paid to the Union by the members of the bargaining unit. Most Unions negotiate with the Employer as part of the Collective Agreement that the Employer deducts these dues from the employee's pay. This is much easier for the Union rather than having them bill the Union Members and await payment.
All Unions go about setting up the dues structure in different ways. For some Unions, the dues go to the National Union and a portion is left with the Local. Some Unions charge a flat rate (eg. $10.00/pay) and others charge a percentage of pay (eg. 2.5% of pay) for dues. Some Unions have you pay dues for when you don't have any hours and therefore no pay but most of the unions don't charge you dues if you haven't worked to receive a paycheque.
Dues are used for the upkeep and running of the Union. The Dues pay for wages of all employees of the Union, including Staff Representatives and elected officers, particularily those who's office is a full time job. The dues also cover the costs of educating the members, sending members to conventions, conferences and seminars. Strike pay also comes from the Dues as well as paying the cost of grievance arbitrations and negotiating collective agreements.

Staff Representatives:    Employees of the Union. The staf reps do not work for the employer of the members but for the union itself. A staff rep organizes and does membership drives in non-union workplaces. The staff rep also instructs and trains officers of the Executive Committee, sits in on grievances and negotiations and generally helps and informs the Local on policies and practices of the Union and labour laws. Most staff reps oversee more than one local or workplace.

For more terms, check out this site CUPE Union Terms

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