Sidiq tirade draws heated response
by Jeffrey M. Palun

In response to Farida Sidiq's "A chat with an anti-abortionist." Let me get this straight; you feel that abortion is the only thing in the entire "UNIVERSE" that governments can not legislate? Abortion is not a meaningless decision such as deciding what to wear in the morning. Abortion is giving the mother the decision of whether to kill her child or not. Stealing, rape, murder, drugs… all of these things we can "force our morality" on the masses of people in the form of laws, but not abortion. Why don't we just let the nice robber decide whether he feels it's right to rob a store or a murderer whether it is right to kill? Why not, because we feel [we know] that it is wrong. So we make a law against it.

Why are you so full of hate and rage? It shows clearly through the editing job The News Record did to your article. You insult people at every turn making you sound like a little spoiled brat. You can't even sacrifice seven minutes of your time, for what you believe in, to watch a video that presents the other side of the story. Yet, you still insist that you are open-minded. It makes me wonder whether you have ever heard the other side of it at all.

"Why don't you go tell the grieving family members who are survivors of abortion-clinic bombings exactly how their loved ones were murderers." Ok, are you ready for a lot of sarcasm? Here it comes: It really wasn't that insane group that claimed responsibility for the "clinic" bombing. You know the same group that does not belong to any pro-life group because we will not accept them based on their lack of respect for life. (ie. You may consider them to be anti-abortion, but we do NOT consider them to be pro-life.) The same group that persecutes homosexuals as well as people of other faiths. No, it wasn't them. Emily and I planned it all! You are soooo open-minded. Ok, enough sarcasm, back to beating my fists against reality.

What is wrong with not having sex until marriage (or at least until you are ready for kids)? I believe that would be the more responsible course of action (and you say that Emily should grow up). We do not look forward to rape and incest. If you don't learn anything else from this article, learn this: we are totally opposed to rape and incest. We are also however opposed to abortion. Which includes the approx. 90% of abortions that are done as a means for birth control and the 1% of abortions that are done because the mother was raped or it was incest. Pro-abortionists abuse rape and incest as an excuse for abortion. To have something so horrible happen to a woman that it would necessitate an abortion immediately, or at least that is what they would lead you to believe. Pro-abortionists would like you to believe (maybe they even believe it themselves) that all of these victims are screaming for an abortion. However, as it turns out that not more than half of them actually do get an abortion. A recent study done by Dr. Reardon also states that it was healthier, both mentally and physically, for the woman to carry the baby to term. They recovered quicker from the mental anguish that plagues rape victims; in fact, a woman who received an abortion summed up the general response of rape victims whom have had abortions when she said, "I found that I could forgive the rapist for what he did to me. He took a couple minutes out of my life. But I could never forgive myself for what I had done. I took my child's entire life." Maybe if people actually took the time and the energy to ask raped women what they truly want instead of insisting that abortion is the only option and if they were given the love and support that they truly disserve than the number would be much lower.

Believe us when we say that we are concerned with the welfare of women. We, however, see the big picture. It includes very young women indeed, women who are hurting, and women who are in need. You talk about Emily's attitude, but I think you are the one that needs to adjust her attitude. A little less hate and a little more love.

Jeffrey M. Palun
Mechanical Engineering
Executive Member of the UCSFL (Univ. of Cincinnati Students for Life)

This article was taken from the Feb. 11, 1998 issue of The News Record, the University of Cincinnati's student newspaper.

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