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Would you abort your friends?
by Jeffrey M. Palun, guest columnist for The News Record

Forty-four hundred live human beings killed each day. What statistic is this? The number of people who died in WWI, WWII, Vietnam, or the Holocaust? No. It is the number of humans that die each day in this country due to surgical abortions. Sometimes people forget that we are not talking about a political issue, we are talking about the lives of human beings. Killing a human is never right no matter what the circumstances. "Thou shall not kill" has no follow-up that says, "Oh, except in these cases..." Don't you realize that it is a human being? Is it so hard to comprehend that the child inside the mother lives? Once you come to this conclusion, what else needs to be said? No one would dream of killing a live human outside the womb. Why should a live human in the womb suffer?

The pro-death people talk about the mother's right to choose. Choose what? To have a baby or not? Excuse me, but that choice is made before having sex. Sex is the determining factor in whether we want children or not. If you don't want to be pregnant don't have sex. Yes, the pro-death pepole might object to this and claim, "What about those women who were raped?" I shall get to that, but in due time; we are still examining the "choice" that people are talking about. Let's see, the mother is pregnant already, that means that there is a living human inside her. The pro-choice people say that abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. Funny, I always thought that the phrase, "To carry a baby to term" meant that you had a live baby at the end; now it seems that may not be the case. So what happens when they terminate that pregnancy? What are the only two things that can happen? One, the pregnancy is terminated and a live child is born. Two, the pregnancy is terminated and a dead child is born. The only thing that is different is the child. SO the choice for the mother cannot be to terminate her pregnancy; all pregnancies are terminated when the child is born! So the real choice that the abortion supporters want to give the mother is... (drum roll please)... whether to deliver a dead child or a live child. Sounds like killing a human to me. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I was always taught that killing humans is wrong.

Please I just ask that you look beyond the words that abortionists use to confuse or muddle what is really happening. Take a clear look and there can be no denying that abortionists kill people.

Now for those of you who wonder were I stand on abortion in the cases of rape and incest: Look around you. Do you know how everyone you see was conceived? If you did would that matter? If you found out that your best friend was the offspring of a rapist would that make it alright to kill him? Or even discriminate against him? We treat these people no different outside the womb, why should we treat them any different inside the womb? They are human beings and deserve to be treated like it!

This article taken from the University of Cincinnati Student Newspaper, The News Record November 24, 1997.

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