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Abortion Debate Continues
by Jeffrey M. Palun

To the Editor:

This is in response to Amberdawn Collier's, the Staff Columnist, piece entitled "Pro-lifers can't have it both ways." I have wondered why most of the pro-choice people I know go to extremes when explaining why they feel that abortion should remain legal.

Then I realized that they must in order to rationalize to themselves and everyone else why it should be legal. Now, I promise not to go to extremes and to take a look at some of the comments made in her column.

First of all she starts off with anger and resentment calling pro-life people "hypocrites." Eventually, her major point is that abortion is legal. Prostituion is legal in Las Vegas isn't it? Just because it is legal doesn't make it morally right. So her first point has no real bearing on whether abortion should be legal; it just states that it is.

Her second point is that his is America (for those of us that don't know) and that it is the land of freedom. Freedom to do whatever we want right? Freedom to run amuck, steal, kill, etc. right? Wrong. Like the old saying goes, "My freedom to throw a punch ends at another person's nose."

Even in America we have limitations. All governments have limitations, they are called laws. As Amberdawn points out there are ludicrous laws in other countries.

What makes her think that our laws about abortion are any better? Amberdawn stated, "Freedom means freedom to choose to have a child or not." Bravo!

I applaud people who choose to have children and those that wish to remain childless. Ths is what sex is for. It is the deciding factor in whether we have children or not.

One of the main arguments for por-life is the responsibility of the partners having sex; they are responsible for any offspring.

Of course the usual defense on the part of the pro-choice people is the extreme, "What about women who are raped?" Well, the law covers everyone right now.

Would you agree to limiting abortions to only those that have been raped? It would drastically reduce the number of abortions.

First of all there are more abortions than there are rapes and second there are only a small percentage of rape survivors that become pregnant.

Amberdawm claims, "A good number of women who have abortions are very young and have little money." What about the "good" number who are neither poor nor young? Again, another example of going to extremes.

Should we limit the law again to only those that are poor or young? What has happened to the equality of this country? If a mother needs prenatal care she will receive it; as for who will pay? The Government already helps the impoverished with special programs, so the taxpayer. But as a taxpayer, given the choice of either paying for the woman's abortion of her child or the medical bills associated with the delivery of her child.... I say the day the government uses tax money on abortions is the day I stop paying taxes.

Again Amberdawn uses another extreme of child care to back her belief in abortion. "Will the child become one of the thousands of children who sits day after lonely day, in an orphanage?" Amberdawn, how many orphanages do you see dotting the landscape?

My family has been involved with foster care of at least 12 kids until they were either adopted or taken back by their mother. As far as adoption goes, there is waiting involved but it is for the parent's waiting list. And of course Amberdawn continues with her extremes by continuing that children that are forced to grow up in an orphanage will grow up to be a psychopathic maniac. No comment.

And of course if the mother decides to keep the child, obviously she will need food stamps... (again with the extremes Amberdawn).

And the final point she makes, "And those precious children who deseerved so rightly to come into the world, well, they will probably be malnourished and in poverty." Obviously no extreme statements in that sentence and no sarcasm in this one.

For my last point, "why should abortion be illegal?" More than half of the people involved in an abortion die (the unborn child dies everytime). Pro-choice people tend to emphasize the mother's right to choose. But choose what? I choose life for all, what do you choose?

Jeff Palun

This article was taken from the University of Cincinnati Student Newspaper, The News Record October 6, 1997.

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