The H.R.H. Princess Margarita of Romania Fund is a humanitarian, non-political aid organization which was founded in 1990. Its aim is to set up pilot projects within the fields of health, education and culture. The idea was conceived by King Michael, but now the Princess is responsible for the daily running of the organization.. The secretariat is in Switzerland. The Fund has offices in USA, Belgium, France and England. After six years in operation, the Fund can show many very encouraging results. This is particularly the case within the health service, hospitals and care for children and elderly.

Perhaps some of the Norwegian Aid could be coordinated through the Fund?

"I would be very grateful if I could get in contact with Norwegians who are interested in this work" says Princess Margarita with great enthusiasm. One of her ideas is to set up an exhibition of her father, King Michael photographs and present them in several countries. For further information you can write or telephone to Turid Beth Hansen, reporter for Allers, P.O. Box 250, kern, 0510 Oslo, Norway, telephone : (home office) +33 39 34 91, fax +33 39 35 93.

You can also get into direct contact with the Fund’s Secretariat:

The Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation, Case Postale 545, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland,

Tel: +(22) 779 0371, fax: +(22) 755 2969

If you would like to send a direct contribution, this may be made out to bank account:

571 655. 290090 - 5 BCC Banc Central Cooperative, 6-8 Place Longemalle, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland .

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