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Satirical Cartoons

I hope you enjoy these satires of corporate icons. When you're finished, please don't forget to sign the guestbook and tell me what you think!

If you enjoyed these strips, then feel free to click on the archives link located at the bottom of each of the three pages in order to view strips from the past. If you want more information on the subject of my satire, then you can click on the links located at the bottom of each of the three pages.

If you have a satirical site that you would like me to add a link to, feel free to email me at

Have fun! 

NEWS!Happy Super Tuesday! Congratulations, all you foolish followers of Al "WTO" Gore and George "DeathRow" Bush! My condolenses, sorry supporters of John "NoFlagBurning" McCain and Bill "Arms for Nicaragua" Bradly! I apologize for the seriously long time that it has been since last I added any new strips to this page (NINE whole god-forsaken months I believe!)

Well, I actually have some new comic strips here!   There is one new Sickly Louse Strip, and one brand new President Slickton strip, that makes fun of John McCain rather than our own dear president, as I intend most of the strips to do.  That is becuase I was just inspired that moment to make fun of John McCain.  Cartooning is very impulsive.  The Slickton page doesn't have all of the fancy graphics and links that the other pages do, but within the next few weeks, that will be amended, and I will also have a new Burger King, McDogfish and Junk strip.

As I promised, these new strips are all hand drawn, rather than computer-drawn, as all of the old strips on this page are.  If you have an opinion on this, email me, or sign my guestbook!

Are you wondering why I finally decided to update this page?  I'd love to say "I just happened to remember Satirical Cartoons and all of the joy that it has spread", but actually, the real reason is because Satirical Cartoons has been awarded the "Quality Comedy Page of the Month" award for March 2000 (see bottom of page). So do you think that I would go through this month of fame with nine-month-old strips? Of course not! I've more pride than that!

Have a good and satirical day!

Sickly Louse

President Slickton

Booger King, McDogfish and Junk

This web page was designed by L. Pickett (email:
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March 2000

Quality Comedy Nominee