Heart Matters Chapter Two:

Hi!" Ginger smiled, upon seeing Jeff arrive at their spot punctually.

"Hi." He sat down on the park bench.

"How have you been?" She sat down next to him.

"Fine… It’s good to see you."

"You just saw me yesterday." She pointed out.

"No." He shook his head… "That wasn’t you… some mirror image or something… but it wasn’t you."

"So, have you had a lot of girlfriends?" She changed the subject. When he didn’t answer she smiled, "Oh, what’s this… ‘I swear, Ginger, I’ll never love anyone else…’"

"No. It’s not THAT… it’s just that I haven’t seen you in years and the first thing out of your mouth is about my personal life…"

"We’ve never been anything but personal." She reminded him.

"Wow." He uttered, "I still can’t believe you’re here. That it’s really you. But I think I should be going."

"Look, calm down. I’m just seeing how far I can go… how you respond to me… because you… you get to me."

"Ginger…" Jeff stepped away from her, "We had a baby." He reminded her.

"I wasn’t talking about that." She turned.

"I have to go. Bye." As he walked away Ginger called to him.

"I had your baby!"

He turned to look at her.

"He weighed seven pounds, six ounces. He had dark hair and dark green eyes. I saw him… and then I lost him." Tears formed in her eyes. "Not a day of my life goes by that I don’t wonder where he is… or if he’s happy. I pray that he is."

Jeff walked to her and enveloped her in his arms.