One time not too long after Hank and Sarah's wedding, Jeff was putting on storm widows and Sarah comes up to him and asks him if he thinks its a little soon for him to havea girlfriend...i'm thinking "Good Lord, Sarah! In case you forgot, you are already married! Sarah sure did look and act jealous!  But I'll never know for sure...

Then there was this one time when Jeff came home and  I heard the word "elope" boy did my ears perk up (well they would have if I had ears) as it turned out he family just thought Jeff and Ginger eloped but as it turned out she just thought she was pregnant(I found that out durig one of her and Jeff's phone conversations.  Nobody bothers not ot talk infront of a window so usually I know a lot of secrets....You nevre know what might come next!

WOW Hank had just got home from Europe (where is Europe anyway...) and he already has a job offer for manegement!  Even I know management is a good thing but I guess Linda didn't think so b/c her and Hank stood right infront of me and argued about manegement and unions! Little did  I know that very topic would be the cause of many fights in this house and even result in death of one of my friends.

Well, then there were happy memories like the one of the dance contest.  I was laughing soo hard when  Ginger an dJeff were practicing in the living room! And I few seconds later I was misty eyed when Ginger told Jeff about her bad luck as a child and that she was always told the most to be expected from her was she would become a good citizen! how could they be so cruel to my Ginny when she was  achild? But I was so happy when Jeff and Ginny won! they deserved it after all those hours of practice!

Now this union, mamagenent thing is out of hand.  They're using race as an issue, and it shouldn't be, who cares what you look like? It's whats inside that counts! If a window knows that than certainly a human being should! Honestly!

Jeff just came home from Hollywood and I was expecting to see Ginny after all this time but no she stayed there! adn it was Christmas too! She could have helped with the Christmas cards Anne was so concereened about! But then when the cards were almost done Anne threw them all out! I almost fell out of my frame! Well then Jeff came down the stairs announcing he was going back to Hollywood to bring Ginny home! You go Jeff! I want Ginny home! I miss her! I wondered if he'd succeed, I would have gone with him had it not been for all the drafts I was keeping out of the house this time of the year!

Memoirs of a Window Part Three:
by Christy Stafford
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