ECR Constitution

Article I - The Chairman

Section 1

The chairman of the College Republicans shall be chosen for a term of one year by general election of the eligible voting members of the College Republicans.  The chairman may run for reelection, providing that all qualifications for the office are met.

Section 2

No person shall attain the office of Chairman who does not maintain a 2.3 g.p.a. or better and who is not an eligible voting member of the College Republicans.

Section 3

The chairman shall preside over meetings of the College Republicans when they shall meet in General Session, and shall be a non-voting member of all committees.

Section 4

The Chairman may appoint members of the chapter to committees and positions of authority within the committees.

Section 5

The chairman shall be certain that the resolutions of the College Republicans be faithfully executed.

Section 6

The chairman shall not vote in chapter meetings except in the event of a tie, or during an election for officers or an impeachment proceeding.

Section 7

All committees shall report to the chairman from time to time with a summary of progress.

Section 8

The chairman may veto any resolution passed by the chapter, except an election or impeachment of an officer.  The veto may be overridden, however, by a three fourths majority vote of the chapter members present who are qualified to vote in a chapter meeting.

Article II - The Vice Chairman

Section 1

The vice chairman of the College Republicans shall be chosen for a term of one year, and may be reelected if all qualifications for vice chairman are met.

Section 2

No person shall attain the office of vice chairman who is not an eligible voting member of the College Republicans, and who does not maintain a 2.3 g.p.a. or better.

Section 3

The vice chairman shall preside over meetings in the absence of the chairman, and shall carry out duties assigned by the chairman.

Article III - The Secretary/Treasurer

Section 1

The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected to a term of one year and may be reelected if the qualifications for Secretary/Treasurer are met.

Section 2

No person shall be elected to the office of Secretary/Treasurer who is not an eligible voting member of the College Republicans and who does not maintain a 2.3 g.p.a. or better.

Section 3

The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a record of all proceedings and distribute copies to all members.

Section 4

The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for publicizing meeting times, location, and proceedings.

Section 5

The Secretary/Treasurer shall handle all correspondence that is sent in the name of the Eureka College Republicans.

Section 6

The Secretary/Treasurer shall faithfully administer all College Republican funds and shall regularly submit a written report of the financial status of the organization.

Article IV - The Parliamentarian

Section 1

The parliamentarian shall be elected to a term of one year and may be reelected if the qualifications for parliamentarian are met.

Section 2

No person shall be elected to the office of parliamentarian who is not an eligible voting member of the College Republicans and who does not have a 2.3 g.p.a. or better.

Section 3

The parliamentarian shall be sure that all proceedings operate under the guidelines of Robert's Rules of Order.

Section 4

The parliamentarian shall answer questions arising in regard to the order of the proceedings.

Section 5

The parliamentarian shall judge all elections and impeachment votes, declaring them valid or void, except in elections regarding the office of parliamentarian, in which case, the vice chairman shall judge the vote.

Article V - The Central Committee

Section 1

The Central Committee of the College Republicans shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, and the Parliamentarian.  The Central Committee shall have the authority to make decisions on issues when it is not feasible to have the chapter immediately decide the issue.

Section 2

Any vote which shall result in a tie by the Central Committee shall be decided by the advisor.

Section 3

A resolution by the Central Committee may be overridden by a two thirds majority vote of the chapter.

Section 4

The Central Committee shall have the authority to set policy which shall be necessary to insure the smooth operation of the chapter.

Section 5

Meetings may be called by any member of the Central Committee, and any meeting of the chapter or of a committee may be dismissed or adjourned by the Chairman, failing a consensus of the members present.

Article VI - Chapter Meetings and Responsibilities

Section 1

Meetings of the College Republicans will be open to the public, but in extraordinary circumstances, the meetings may be closed to all but voting members when a majority of the voting members resolve to do so.

Section 2

The chapter shall set policy regarding membership qualifications and procedures.

Section 3

The chapter shall set policy deciding who has the right to vote in chapter meetings.

Article VII - Impeachment

Section 1

Any officer may be impeached and removed from office for failure to perform his prescribed duties properly and in good faith, and for conduct unbecoming an officer of the College Republicans.

Section 2

Charges of malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance may be levied by any present voting member of the chapter, and must receive support of at least one officer.

Section 3

Charges against the officer shall be presented to him, in writing, and he shall have the opportunity to question his accusers and to speak in his own behalf.

Section 4

No officer shall be removed from office unless charges have been levied against him by at least one voting member and one officer and without the vote of three fourths of the present voting members.

Section 5

In no case shall judgment in impeachment extend beyond removal from office.

Article VIII - Terms and Elections

Section 1

the term of office for each officer in the College Republicans shall end at 12:01 AM on May 5th, unless the chapter, by resolution, selects another date.

Section 2

Written notification of elections must be given to all members at least one week prior to elections.

Article IX - Ratification

This constitution shall become the governing document of the chapter, replacing all other by-laws and resolutions of the Eureka College Republicans, except for the last selection of officers prior to ratification of this document, upon approval by a majority of the voting members of the chapter.

Article X - Amendments

This constitution may be amended when necessary by a majority vote of the members of the College Republicans.