Go to the nearest bus stop, hop aboard and turn the corner, guys.
This is a list of cool webpages which host Yu Yu Hakusho fanfictions of all sorts.

If you're looking for fanfics, then this is the first page wherein you must go!
This is the one and only webring for Yu Yu Hakusho fanfics.

Who can miss this out? This site is WHOA. 200+ YYH fanfics!

This site has got one of the largest collection of YYH fanfics I've ever seen.

Heheh, the site I slave over! Botan no Miko and I maintain this site.
It's got a humongous fanfic archive -- more than 70 Yusuke-Keiko fanfictions!!!

Aww, there aren't much fanfics here, but at least I made a site for them, ne?

YES! This is the first archive of Koenma-Botan fics.

Following In a Nutshell is this larger Koenma-Botan site!

Kurama-Botan fan? This site has a HUGE fanfic archive.

YuChan and her friends' fics are archived in this cool site.

Botan no Miko's Hideout
My best cyberpal Botan-chan's HP! And she writes great fics too.

Varon's Demented Dimensions
Val-neechan is one great fanfic writer. Need I say more? (Yeah. Guys, where are your banners?!)

Ryquest's Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfic Lair
Ryquest writes great fics! I believe all of them is about Kurama.

Ren'ai-chan writes great, great stories!

Home of one of the greatest otakus on the 'Net!

M.E. is a very talented writer! She also makes fanarts and fanics with her own original characters.

Siew Lee's Fanfic Nebula
Another great fic writer! Siew Lee also writes RK and FY fics.

Home of the Three Worlds Fanfiction
Arcina's fanfic site! Arcina also runs the YYH fanfic webring.

Osmalic's Many Fics
Yeah, there are MANY of them, and all are just great!

Silvaren's Lair of Lost Tales
Most of Silvaren-san's fics are multichapters, and they're wonderful!

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