The Millennium Project
A Chronology of Christian Theology

| Liturgy of the Hours | Laud | Vespers | Compline | Daily Mass | Calendar |

So far we have identified over 100 documents and links for edification and theological research. Theology is simply the study of how God has revealed himself to man. Throughout the centuries He has spoken through the Fathers of our Faith. Our site is shared by a global community of believers to engage the simple truths that originated 2000 years ago. Our research is classified into eight categories: 1st millennium works, 2nd millennium works, Works of Thomas Merton, Research Tools, Concepts for friendly discussion, Best of the Web,recommended Reading and a new youth project called Wired Catholic Youth. Click on the key word to check out a category and enjoy browsing our pages.If you have sites for consideration let us know. Click here for more about the Project.


2nd Millennium



Best of Web

Research Tools

Recommended Reading

Wired Catholic Youth

Never be entirely idle but either be reading, or writing, or praying, or meditating, or endeavoring something for the public good.
Imitatio Christi ch.19
Thomas a Kempis